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Nicole POV

I'd never been so excited to get home. We were all going to have a game night at Dan and I's place. The second day in Paris was pure relaxation and well mentally overcoming what happened. Thankfully though my body was so use to drugs and withdrawals I hadn't any issues yet. Janna parked the car and I nearly sprinted inside after grabbing my bag.

" Dan!" I opened the door and my stomach twisted. There she was, holding my child. I nearly grabbed her neck right then and there. "What the fuck are you doing here?" Kyle walked into the room as did you. You quickly engulfed me in a hug yet I pushed you away. "What the fuck is she doing here?"

"Londy needed a place to stay for a week... I didn't think you would mind." I grabbed Clara from her, my heart racing in my chest. Janna bumped into me and gasped.

"What the fuck- woah.... Hello....?" The whole conversation was interrupted by the boy. Camden sprinting towards Dan with such excitement. It actually scared me how much he looked like Dan.

"Hi... Dan said you wouldn't mind.... My son and I have no where to go."

"Hell... Sounds like a perfect place."


"Don't fucking Niks me!" I looked at you before looking back at here. " Its fine... I'm going upstairs. Enjoy your night." I stormed upstairs, and to my surprise Janna was right behind me, closing the bedroom door.

" How the fuck does she know where you live." I shook my head, rocking Clara in my arms.

"I don't know... Janna I can't tell him... He won't believe me. I already made a scene."

" And for good bloody reason!" She huffed before continuing to pace. I sat Clara in her crib before taking a deep breath. Janna followed after me as I wandered downstairs. How ironic they were playing a drinking game. Londy pouring alcohol down your throat. Janna followed me to the kitchen unnoticed and I poured a glass of whiskey and ice before walking out back into the cold. "What are you thinking?"

"I'm going to kill her... I'm going to fucking strangle her in her sleep." I smirked and Janna just laughed before I downed the glass. That warm fuzzy feeling heating my cold skin.

"I'll be right back. I'm getting us more alcohol." She huffed pulling her jacket against her more. I sat down and looked at the empty glass before glancing to the door as it clicked open.

"You just couldn't die could you?"

"I suggest you get the fuck out of my house Londy..."

"That's not going to happen..." She chuckled and sat down, taking out a pack of cigarettes. She sat the pack on the table beside me before lighting one and flicking it at me. It seemed so childish in the moment, yet I picked it up and held it between my fingers.

" What is your problem?!"

"I don't smoke like you?!"

" Nicole?" My jaw tighter as I heard your voice behind me. O she's good. She's fucking good. "I thought you quit...?" I closed the distance between me and her, inches from her face

"I'm going to fucking have your head..." I shoved the lit cigarette against her neck and she screamed before you pulled me away.

"What's your issue?!"

"She's my issue!"

"You're drunk aren't you...?" I pulled away from you and narrowed my hues at you.

"Really? You're going to go there Dan? I had one fuckin' drink and those cigarettes were hers-" You rubbed your face and I could see the frustration. Yet it was towards me.

"You know what... I think I'll sleep in the guest room tonight." I looked behind you, Janna was in shock just as much as I. The icing on the cake was her fake tears as she hugged you while I walked inside.

" What the hell just happened....?" Janna whispered as I grabbed the bottle of whiskey from her hand and we walked towards the stairs together.

" She flicked a lit cigarette at me... And I played into her game... Dan walked into view and thought I was smoking." We once again locked ourselves in the bedroom yet sat on the floor. I opened the bottle and took a swig.

" What? Nicole Dan isn't safe fuck none of us are if she's that fucking sneaky."

"Dan's gonna kick me out of I start any more shit tonight so no thanks... He's already decided to sleep in the guest room." I rolled my eyes. Janna took the bottle and took a swig.

"You want me to talk to him?"

"No then she'll just start shit between you and Kyle." I huffed before laying down and closing my eyes. "She's got access to drugs... I need to stay away from her Janna. If she frames me with drugs and Dan finds me... He'll take Clara."

"Hush Dan would never do that..." I sighed and rubbed my face.

"I don't know about that... I've been clean for so long and well... If she did that to me Dan knows it would put Clara in a toxic environment." I whispered back before we sat in silence. Soon enough though Janna got up and joined Kyle in one of the guest rooms. I changed and got into bed, watching Clara's calm breathing as I laid down. My back was facing the door when I heard it open. You're weight moved the bed and your arm snaked around me. The smell of alcohol lingering on your breath as it tickled the back of my neck. It wasn't long before you started to softly snore. However here I was wide awake. She wasn't going to win against me. I wouldn't let her harm you or Clara. Then again even if I did something to her there was still the issue of her son. She was prepared for a battle. I was prepared for the whole fucking war. Maybe becoming a Smith gave me so much courage. Then again on paper I was still a Clark for now.

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