Lying to Her Face

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Kyle POV

She walked out and I was left laying in my guilt. We couldn't do it ever again. Even if it felt good to give into our sin. I showered before straightening up the guest room, putting every thing back into place as if it had never been touched. She was righting though, you and Dan couldn't know this happened. That could end the band, a marriage, and relationships. I didn't sleep, fucking hell I couldn't sleep.

"Kyle?!" I heard Woody holler in the foyer. I grabbed my duffle bag before wandering down the stairs. "Hey mate, ready to go?"

" Yeah. Every thing good with Chrissy?"

" Yeah we finished up the adoption papers in time yesterday. We'll see how it goes." We walked to my car and climbed in before heading off. " How was your evening? You look hung over."

"I went to the bar for a bit. Nothing exciting."

"You talk to Nicole at all?"

"Yeah she's dying to go back on the road. I think being a mother is overwhelming for her sometimes." Woody gave me curious look but dropped the topic. The rest of the trip was nearly silent. It wasn't till I saw Janna did my heart drop. My guilt finally sunk in yet I knew I couldn't say a word. You grinned at me and the moment I got out of the car you wrapped your arms around me.

"Hey! How was your trip?"

"Boring... I missed you." I whispered and closed my eyes kissing your neck. "I missed you so much." You laughed slightly and squeezed me tighter.

"I missed you too Kyle." I took a deep breath then kissed your lips.

"Hey mate!" Dan grinned at me before returning to his phone conversation. " Yeah Kyle and Woody just made it love... How's Clara? Really? When will you be here? Ah that's wicked." He chuckled with a boyish grin on his face. "I love you too... See you soon... Good news Clara is better so Nicole is gonna come on the rest of the press tour with us."

"That's great! I need her help with picking a dress." You sighed happily before glancing at me. "You okay Kyle?"

" Yeah I'm fine I just didn't sleep well without you around." I was lying to your face. It made me sick to my stomach. It only got worse when Nicole showed up. I knew she was wearing make up to cover up the marks I had left on her neck. I prayed Dan would find them. Then again a part of me wishes he would and I wouldn't have to feel like this constantly. She glanced at me for a moment before returning to chat with Dan. This felt so wrong. " Janna?"

" Yeah?" You graced me with a smile and I wanted to cry looking at your joy.

"I um... I did something... That I can't take back." I took your hand and tugged you into the empty dressing room.

" Kyle what's wrong...."

"Janna I...." Your eyes filled with tears, it was almost like you knew. I couldn't even last a day hiding it from you. "I got someone really drunk... And... I made a mis-" you smacked me across the face before taking a deep breath. "She already told me Kyle... She called me last night...." I looked up in shock yet your face seemed to show nothing but pain. " She told me you two slept together... I just wanted to see how long you could live with it... Yet hearing it from you hurts ten times more than hearing it from her."

"Does Dan know?"

"No... That's why she's here..."

" Janna... I'm sorry."

"I know but forgiving you is gonna take a long time Kyle... You slept with my best friend! She slept with you! Either way... How long have you two been seeing each other?"

"Just last night... I asked her to a bar-"

"Great so you got her drinking again." You rolled your eyes before standing and brushing away the tears. "I really hope Dan forgives you both... Because he's so sensitive and you know that.... You know she walks all over him and he still praises the ground she walks on Kyle." All I could do was nod. I wanted to drink this pain away. Maybe this was why Nicole and I attracted each other. We both wanted to be numb. To stop feeling pain. Yet we only seemed to cause more pain with our actions. " Listen... Like I said... It's gonna take time to forgive you... And her. Hell Dan and her have a lot more to lose... They got Clara and I'll be damned if that poor baby ends up like her." You walked out and I didn't follow till a few moments after. Dan was finishing up the interview and I saw Nicole watching Clara with close attention till I walked into view. She saw my face and nodded. Already we'd both broken. She got up and walked over to me, she looked worse off than I.

"I had to tell her..."

"I'm glad you did... Do you know how you're gonna tell Dan?" She shook her head before digging in her pocket. Popping whatever was in her pocket into her mouth, more than likely it was a pill.

"If he doesn't forgive me I want to make sure you at least earn his friendship back... Make sure Clara doesn't get neglected.. You know sad Dan."

"You're just gonna leave if he doesn't forgive you?"

" Kyle... I'm his wife... I was suppose to be the person he could trust." She looked at me her eyes such a pale blue. " I fucked his best friend... I'm worse than a whore. I didn't fucking sleep last night... I fucking went and drank more... I swear I bet this is how Steve felt before he died."

"Maybe I should tell him... After all I was the one who found you..."

"It doesn't matter Kyle... Like I said... Either way we both fucked up. Janna probably saw it coming but Dan... You know Dan...."

"Yeah... I know Dan." I mumbled. I was gonna tell him first whether she wanted me to or not.

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