American Dreams

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I groaned softly from the jolt of the bus. I didn't know this would be the best and worst day of my life. That you'd look like an angel in the madness.

"Mmm morning" you mumbled before planting lazy kisses on my bare chest. "You sleep okay?"

"As good as I could on this bus." I chuckled softly and pulled your body even closer to mine for warmth. You reached on the shelf and handed me the familiar bottle of pills. It was the first part of my morning and it was every morning. The doctor's called them antipsychotics, but I didn't feel crazy before hand. I popped the lid and took the two required with the bottle of water that lingered on the shelf before sighing and turning on my side. My forehead pressed against yours as I closed my eyes, your hand stroking my cheek.

"I know you don't like them... But they calm you down...."

"I know. I guess that's a good thing considering my anxiety is always through the roof." You laughed weakly and I opened my eyes scanning your features. "What's on the agenda today?"

"Mmm white water rafting... Are you excited?" A smirk appeared on your lips before you giggled. "Cause you look absolutely scared."

"I am not!" I laughed before rolling my eyes. "It sounds absolutely wicked. Almost as good as skyzone trampolining."

"If we go trampolining one more time I might be sick. I don't know how you guys jump around for hours upon hours." I shrugged slightly before pulling back the curtain of our bunk.

"Because it's the best thing in the world!" Kyle chimed in, putting on a t-shirt in the hall. "What's white water rafting?"

"Well we get in a raft and paddle through the rapids. I hear it's a lot of fun. My brother's band said we should check it out so I signed us all up." You shrugged before grabbing my backpack and packing a change of clothes for the both of us. "We'll need to grab the van and take it there instead of the bus since the roads get a bit narrow." I stood in the hallway and stretched out, grabbing my sunglasses and slipping on my vans after putting on some jeans over my boxers. Kyle was already fizzling with excitement as everyone packed up a day bag. I took the back back before pulling you against my chest.

"Did I tell you... That you are absolutely beautiful today?"

"Mmmm no..." You smirked before I pecked your lips. Those perfect pink lips would soon be gasping for air in the insanity. A view sure to haunt me like no other. "Go say good bye to Clara. Dick is taking her to that movie she's been dying to see with those minions." I smiled before nodding, wandering to the back of the bus. She was still fast asleep, Dick was watching the telly and flashed a slight smile.

"Getting ready to head out?"

" Yeah, thanks for watching her. I know it isn't part of your job."

"I love the little bugger. She is at least the only one who doesn't call me any obscene names. She's like a niece, but my back is too bad to do any of that nonsense." I chuckled before leaning down and kissing Clara's forehead.

"Bye my little angel... Thanks again mate." That girl would possibly be an orphan by the end of the night. That's just the way this wild world works. You never know what's going to happen next. Kind of like a story book with twists and turns. I jogged off the bus and climbed into the van, Kyle was filming away as always to make another video for the fans. You were busy on your phone typing up email after email in the short span of time it took to drive towards the activity for the day. Once there we were instructed on what to do, got changed into wetsuits, which were extremely uncomfortable on the nether region. However you looked pretty amazing in something so bland.

"Alright let's start with Kyle and Dan at the front. The rest filter on in the raft." The guide hollered at us. Some of the crew got in our raft while others went in the other raft with Will and Woody. I never felt my heart race with this type of excitement. It was like riding a rollercoaster yet you controlled the steering. Granted when we fell off it wasn't into oblivion, but merely the wild water rocking us back and forth. You filmed a bit with the camera as we journeyed down the river. Yelps of excitement filling the air and mixing with the crashing of the water.

" What did you think?!" Kyle hollered once we returned to the base. I took a few deep breaths before chuckling.

"We'll have to do that again. For sure! It was fucking wicked!"

"I can't wait to get out of this bloody suit." Woody huffed sucking in his gut before laughing. You rung out your hair before pinning it to your head with a clip.

" Alright guys! We gotta hurry up! Sound check and a show awaits!" We rushed to get change. Once again Kyle filmed and as usual I made a full of myself showing just how excited I was with full on story telling arm gestures. I sighed happily and slicked my hair back once we got into the van. "You're exhausted?"

"Nah... It was just amazing... Thank you love. You tend to know just what keeps us busy." Everyone hollered a thank you and you laughed while blushing.

"You're welcome boys..." This show would be like nothing else. Nothing else in the fact that something was going to happen that I don't think we ever assumed would especially to a band like us. It still brings shivers to my mind seeing you like that again. It reminded me of when people first learned of our glory. Then again we were always being put to the test.

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