Oblivion's Calling

417 16 4

Nicole POV

I spilled my secrets like blood from a wound. Yet for some reason I trusted you and your family to guard them. In our industry secrets were every thing. Worth millions. Your father couldn't stop talking about Steve and how I looked like him. He was in a band called Def Leppard, you've probably never heard of them, but that's okay. I learned of him through my father. There are photos of us together yet I can't remember his touch or the smell of his cologne and cigarettes. His home carries the smell of alcohol and mint, but that's all I know of his smell. His voice I've only ever heard over tapes and videos. In the end his demon won, mine didn't.

"Can you play?"

" Yeah, my father taught me like he taught Steve, sometimes I filled in for him a couple years ago even though they got a new guitarist." Your father stood and motioned for us to follow, your hand let go of mine, I felt cold without it protecting me in its grasp. Your mother was busy finishing up the preparations for dinner. He unlocked his study and there was his collection. Guitars and albums lined the walls. He walked up to a white Gibson and handed it to me, already a smile formed on my lips and yours. A photo hung beside the guitar, my brother playing the exact one in my hands.

" That was one of his correct?"

" Yeah... I have the other three. There are two out in this world... The other is in a museum." I slipped the strap over my head, it hung to my hips, your father giving a slightly chuckle as I played something crazy I heard Steve play before on the radio.

"You play just like him... No one else ever wore their guitar that low in history."

" No one else was a Clark." I laughed before taking it off and handing it back. " This was used during the Hysteria tour in the eighties. Steve had a trigger near his mic so when he would start to sing it would cut off the mic. He hated singing.... So my father said."

"Wow, we'll have to sit down another time and chat for sure." Your father was memorized as he hung the guitar again.

"I didn't know you could play!" You smirked slightly as we left the room and headed to the dinner table. " What other things will you surprise me with?"

"You're getting to know me it seems. You never know what surprises I hold Dan." Dinner was set out, lasagna, which took mere minutes to devour and two bottles of wine demolished. A yawn escaped me as did your mother before she and I began cleaning up and you and your father went to the livingroom.

"You know he's never brought a girl home except one." I glanced to her before shrugging slightly. I wouldn't admit I was fond of you yet. After all I was still your boss in the end.

"I heard about umm Carly... He is really too good of a guy to be treated poorly Linda."

"But what I mean is... I haven't seen him smile like that ever... Except when he looks at you. I would love for you to consider going to Durban with us for New Years. You don't have any family so don't tell me your busy." A laugh escaped me as I handed her a clean plate.

"I would love to, but I'll talk to Daniel first. I don't want him to feel I'm getting too... Close. I know he's still healing." She nodded before sighing softly and washing off her hands.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome." I wandered into the living room and hiccuped slightly before grabbing my jacket as did you. Yet what stood outside of the door was something your car couldn't venture through. Snow. At least a foot maybe even more.

"O well umm... You don't mind staying the night?" You glanced at me before we laughed and your mother joined in on the goofy scene.

"Alright well Dan show her the guest room. You two can share, but no funny business in my house."

"Mum..." You turned red, yet so did I and you caught my color. Slowly I followed you up stairs and sighed tossing my boots and jacket onto the chair near the bed. You wandered across the hall and came back with a black t-shirt with a goofy skull on it and offered it to me. "It was a bit small on me so hopefully it fits you. I'll be back in a few."

"Alright." I flashed a smile before you left the room. Quickly I changed, taking off my clothes and leaving on the purple lingerie before covering myself in your shirt. The sheets were like silk and the comforter puffy with feathers. You wandered in wearing red pj bottoms and a plain black shirt, your bottle glasses framing your face before you climbed into the bed. I had my back to you.



"Why didn't you tell anyone all of this before?"

"I learned never to trust people." A sigh escaped me as I turned over and found your face in front of mine, glasses now off.

"Do you trust me?" I looked into your blue hues and found myself stroking your cheek before I moved slightly and placed my head on your shoulder. You smelled of something like fire. Warm and inviting as you rubbed my back. Then your voice filled the room.

"When you fall asleep
With your head
Upon my shoulder
When you're in my arms
But you've gone somewhere deeper
Are you going to age with grace?
Are you going to age without mistakes
Are you going to age with grace?
Or only to wake and hide your face
Well, oh, oblivion
Is calling out your name
You always take it further
Than I ever can..."

" When did you write that?"

"Just now." I lifted my head and once again I was locked into your graze before looking at your lips. You lifted your head and gave me a feather light kiss. I wanted more so badly, but you were like a wine only to be sipped in small doses. "Nicole?"


"Maybe it is the wine giving me this courage, but I like you." A smile crept on my lips as I put my head on your chest, my leg draped over your hip.

"I like you too... It isn't the wine because I've already spilled my secrets to you. Maybe it's that voice you have that has trapped me and coaxed me." A deep chuckle was heard from your torso before you kissed the top of my head. "We can't... Be anything though... Not at work at least."

"I know. This will be our secret. Does that mean you're going to Durban with us?"

"Like your mother said to me in the kitchen. She knows I have nothing better to do."

" Brilliant." You whispered, before long your breathing evened out and your hand stopped rubbing my back. Oblivion took us both into sleep.

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