Step from Glory

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Nicole POV

I hadn't heard from you since last week, you were busy with interviews and shows. I couldn't blame you at all. Just like any day I left work, yet this time I stopped at the bar near my brother's grave. I was still persistent to not use the crutches. Yes my leg hurt, but it was bearable. I sat down and glanced around, thankfully no one knew me, I wanted to disappear. Don't blame yourself Dan.

"I'll get four shots of bourbon... I don't really care which..." The bartender nodded slowly and began to pour shots as the guy beside me cleared his throat.

"Rough day?"

" Yes... Hence why I'm drinking... Cheers." I downed two of the four, my throat burned, but it was soothing in a way. It took away the feeling of my pain. Maybe loneliness.

"My name is Ian... Yours?" His eyes were bright blue like yours, hair black as well except it was tamed. Skin pale and wearing black jeans with a leather jacket.

" Nicole." I downed my third shot before taking a deep breath as he chuckled.

"Here this will help." He slid his drink to me, I took sip and it tasted like water. It wasn't water and I should have known that from the start of this conversation. I slid his drink back, unaware of my body's depleting state. My head grew heavy as I looked at that fourth shot. I had drank more before without feeling a thing, why did I feel so funny? I dug into my purse and sat fifty pounds down, obviously enough to cover the shots and began walking towards the door. The cool breeze of October tickled my face as I looked around, my ears began to ring. I felt arms embrace me, my vision was drifting in and out. Then darkness. Silence. No sensation. Not till the next morning when I felt the sun hit my face and the overwhelming nausea. My phone was buzzing with texts to which I reached for and narrowed my hues at for a moment. Missed called from you, Janna, Will, Kyle, and even Woody.

Dan: I love you
Dan: where are you?
Dan: Love I can't get a hold of you?! Are you okay?
Dan: Nikki love come home, please?
Dan: Call me please love. I don't know what I did for you to leave.
Dan: I've got to get back to the bus soon, please let me know you're okay 😥

I sat up and that's when it sunk in like a bullet into my chest. The man from the bar, laying beside me, naked like myself. My heart raced in my chest, I wanted to scream. My head pounded. He drugged me, yet no one would believe that and I sure as hell couldn't face you. This was the fall from our glory. I had done the one thing that made me just like Carly. Fucked someone else. Stepped on your heart and shattered it like glass. I quietly got up and grabbed my clothes, I was crying as I got dressed. My body ached like never before. What was this sensation? A broken heart? I grabbed my bag and ran out of the townhouse, smack in the middle of London.

"Ma'am are you okay?" An older lady stared at me before I ran down the street. I didn't know where to go. I couldn't go to you. I couldn't tell you this. The first place I saw was a hotel, I sat my card down on the front desk and took a deep breath.

"I need a room."

"Of course... Here... Room 211..." The lady slid me my card back and a key. Only once I was sitting on the bathroom floor did I look at my messages again. My hands were shaking as I typed to you.

Nicole: I'm okay. I'm sorry, but I can't be with you anymore. That's why I left. Please don't make a scene at work next time I see you. I can't handle that stress... Please just accept that I don't love you... I can't. Keep my place for now. I'm staying with a friend for a few months...

I turned my phone off before sobs ripped through my body. I tugged off the clothes from my body and nearly crawled into the shower, just sitting there as the water washed away my sins. I felt like I had just killed you. I knew it wasn't my fault, but I shouldn't have drank. Not even a drop. I knew better. Never again would I allow myself the sensation of your lips let alone your touch. Nausea crept up until finally I released whatever was in my stomach. Just alcohol came up and soon was washed down the drain. I must have sat there for nearly a half an hour before forcing myself to stand and wrap a towel around my shaking body before sinking to the floor. I dared to turn my phone on.

Janna: what the fuck is going on Nicole?!
Kyle: I'm going to fucking kill you for this.
Janna: you realize what you're doing to him?!
Will: what's going through your mind?
Janna: I promised them all you wouldn't break his heart Nicole!

I sat the phone down and looked for my escape. The bottles of liquor in the living room. I was no better than Steve. I swore I heard his voice telling me to stop. I didn't. I couldn't stop till the bottle of Whiskey was gone. I felt sick, sitting on the floor in my towel still soaked. My mind went numb, this was my release. My reason for you to go on without me. You didn't want an alcoholic and so that is what I would become. I laid down, the room spinning. I swore I saw Steve sitting in the chair watching me. Yet it wasn't my time to go. This was my life faking that I didn't believe in our glory. Surviving the stares and glances you would surely give me. I was no better than Steve I said to myself again. I had you in my corner without me even knowing it right? Or did you believe my story of giving up on our love. When really you were the good in my life I had betrayed.

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