Piano Problems

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Nicole POV

Every since I came back you were like a child in the sense that you couldn't seem to stop smiling. You'd been writing and singing daily and Clara would sit contently watching. Today was no different however Kyle and you were persistent on moving the piano. Janna and I sat there watching with curiosity as to how two weaker guys planned to lift such a thing.

" Dan and Kyle please let me call Will or someone with a bit more... Erm... Strength?" Janna bit her lips together watching you and Kyle persistently try to lift the giant grand piano.

"Love we've got this. I just want it a bit more to the window." I sighed softly and leaned my head back, closing my eyes for a moment.

"FUCKING BLOODY HELL MY ARM!" Kyle yelled and the sound the the piano dropping slightly filled the room and following after was your yell of pain. I sat up and looked at the scene before me. Your hand was stuck under a piano wheel, Kyle was gripping his dislocated limb.

"Dan!" I yelled and ran over to the piano, thankfully I had quick enough thinking. "Janna come help me!" She rushed over and sat on the floor with me. I laid with my back against the floor and put my feet against the piano pushing up with my legs as did she on the same side. "Move your hand!"

"Bloody hell." You groaned loudly and we let the piano drop slowly before I rushed for the keys.

"Come on! We're going to the hospital you two!" I snatched up Clara who was now crying and grabbed her bag. "Shhh honey it's okay." I mumbled while strapping her in her seat. You and Kyle climbed into the back seat and I drove with Janna in the passenger seat. I glanced back at you every few moments, your face showed nothing but pain.

I didn't even park the car in a spot and pulled it up front before Janna rushed you both inside the building. I grabbed Clara before rushing inside just as they took you two back.

"I'm going to kill them both." I huffed breathlessly looking at Janna. "Kyle's arm... Dan's hand. If getting this bloody album done wasn't hard enough."

"You're right... Fuck." She mumbled.

"Fook." I glared at Janna after Clara had managed to quickly pick up the glorious word of fuck.

"Now I'm going to kill you too." I huffed before laughing slightly. It felt like hours before the doctor wandered into the waiting room. Obviously I had parked the car at some point to distract myself.

"Mrs. Smith... Mrs...Simmons I assume?" Janna smirked, she loved being called by his last name.


"Follow me. Both of them are alright. Mr.Simmons has a arm brace and we've put him on pain medication." He opened the door. "Mr.Smiths hand is shattered so he's on a bit heavier pain medication. Both I'm recommending six months of recuperation time. I'll grab their discharge papers."

"Thank you..." I sighed softly and walked into the room. You had this God awful grin on your face before laughing slightly. " What?"

" Your beautiful."

" Your high." I widened my eyes slightly before huffing a slight laugh. Kyle was playing with his brace.

"Kyle leave it alone." Janna grumbled.

" No... Make me." He pouted. I glanced to Janna and shook my head.

"I might kill one of them..." I shrugged and sat down, you huffed and leaned over, placing your head against my chest and Janna snapping a photo.

@BastilleDan @KyleSimmons these two twats tried to move a piano. Broken arm and broken hand equals pain killer. I don't think I've ever seen Dan this content with @NicoleClark's boobs 😂😂😂 #ShameThemBoth #Dyle

 I don't think I've ever seen Dan this content with @NicoleClark's boobs 😂😂😂 #ShameThemBoth #Dyle

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It was a long journey home especially with two drugged up guys sitting in the back seat with Clara. She was fully entertained and passed out for a nap once we got home. Janna and Kyle left as I put Clara down meanwhile you were looking at the piano.

" Niks?"

" Yes love?"

" It still isn't where I want it."

"Do not make me smack you." I crossed my arms looking at the piano as well. "Don't think I won't."

"That would just turn me on because I can't feel a thing." You smirked glancing at me as I laughed. In a swift movement you backed me against the piano, pressing your lips to mine. "I love you."


" Yes love..." You mumbled before sighing softly. "Mmm can you help me up the stairs?" I nodded slowly and you drape your arm over my shoulder and my arm around your torso.

"You tired?"

" Yeah it is really sudden..."

" Yeah it is like that sometimes." I sighed softly as we walked up the stairs.

"Is this you felt? All the time? Before we met I mean..." You sat on the bed and I took off your shoes before taking off your shirt.

"Sometimes... I can't say always. Though it gets a bit frustrating at sometimes because you want control of your body... And your mind... But you can have both at the same time." You took your jeans off and pulled me to straddle your lap, your eyes examining my body.

"I don't know how you handled this..." Your lazily kissed my lips before laying down fully, pulling me with you. "Niks?"

" Yeah?"

"How am I going to get an album done with a broken hand?"

"Fuckin shit..." I mumbled before rubbing my face.

"You've gotta play piano on the album." You looked in my eyes and I sighed softly. I couldn't say no to those blue hues and the pouting expression. " And a bit of drums..."

"Alright... Alright... We'll talk about it tomorrow." I kissed your forehead before you grinned and placed your head against my breasts, huffing happily.


" Yeah Dan?"

"These are the best pillows I've ever had..." I laughed softly and rubbed my hand along your back, your broken hand resting on my stomach.

"Just hush and go to sleep." As if today couldn't be any crazier...

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