Durban Skies

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Nicole POV

I awoke to the persistent buzzing of my alarm. Now began the countdown to you showing up at my door and for us to go off to South Africa. In a way I was extremely excited, then again I had to contain myself around you. Especially in public. Soon enough you and I would be forced apart for the greater good of your career. Yet right now we enjoyed our Glory together. Quickly I showered and dried my hair before shoving a hat over my locks. London was cold, yet Africa would be warm as hell itself. Layers was what I went with, wearing shorts with sweats over top. A black shirt with a jumper over to keep warm. Sluggishly I dragged my suitcase to the elevator and locked up before heading down to the lobby. There you were just about to head up stairs, but chuckled and tugged my bag along for me.

"Well how did you sleep?"

"It's 3am ask me after I have a bite to eat and coffee."

"Agreed." I could help but smile as you forced my bag into the back of your car then we both climbed into the vehicle. You of course drove and I controlled the radio. "Have you ever traveled out of England?"

"Yes tons of times. To Germany, France, mostly European countries. I've been to America once, but only for a day, which was exhausting."

"I've never been anywhere really. Other than Ireland. Never to Durban."

" Well it will be our first time then together." I laughed softly before giving your hand a squeeze. You found a spot in the long term parking lot, I paid the ticket and placed it in your car window while you got the luggage out. Inside the busy airport we managed to find your parents, looking as exhausted as us.

"Mum... Dad lead the way." You grinned, while tossing the luggage on the drop off counter. Quickly showing our passes for the flight so the luggage would find its way to Durban. Then came security, what fun as always getting man handled in all the uncomfortable ways. Thankfully we were late enough to were we didn't have to sit and wait and could go straight to the plane. Then again not many people were going to South Africa. You and I sat behind your mother and father, tea and croissants being served right after take off. Which of course we inhaled.

" What do you want to do when we get there?"

" My dad has family so he's going to drive us to the hotel and I was thinking we go to this park... There are lions which would be really wicked." A laugh escaped me as I nodded slowly.

"I'm glad you have a plan because I don't."

" We'll watch the fireworks on the beach. My mother tells me it's magical on new years. She went last year." I nodded slowly and squeezed your hand before sighing softly and placing my head on your shoulder. This felt right and wrong. I was dying to love you. Yet my heart knew I had to protect you and your career coming. No mud belonged on your name.

" It sounds perfect Daniel." Your lips brushed against my forehead and soon enough I was fast asleep.

"Nicole! Wake up we've landed..." I blinked a few times and glanced out the window, the sun was rising as the plane rolled along the runway. I stretched slightly and released a sigh before looking at you. Obviously you too had taken a nap. Your glasses were hanging from the back of your mother's seat. Carefully you slipped them back on and waited for the plane to stop. Unbuckleing your seat belt and taking my hand as I stood. We followed your parents once again, grabbing our bags and then into the warmth. There waited a large Chevy truck and a friend of your father's. You and I climbed in the back then the car took off through the city.

" This is where your father and I first had dinner... Down at that beach is where we got married... It rained, but it was still so beautiful. Your father wore a grey suit on our wedding everyone else has brown."

It's alive, It's alive
When I see it through your eyes
It's alive, It's alive
Now I understand your lives
When you take me there
You show me the city
I see it through your eyes
When you take me there
We drive through the city
Beneath the Durban Skies

Oh oh oh.
All that I've got to be thankful for

On the day you made your vows
The heaven's opened, rain poured down
It poured down
Down, down

Grey and brown, the seventies
It suits you wore, and the ones you loved
Were so young, were so young,
Lord, you were so young

"That's beautiful Linda. Maybe you can show me the photos one day." I smiled towards your mother and she grinned.

"I would love to Nicole"

"Here's the hotel kids. Go get settled, your mother and I will see you tonight on the beach."

"Thanks guys."

" Yes thank you really. Thanks for bringing me along." Your mother laughed softly.

"I wouldn't have brought anyone else darling." We grabbed our bags and check into our room, sinking onto the bed after the long journey.

"We need to get to the zoo before the New Years party."

"Was already calling a cab." You laughed, phone in hand. Quickly I shed the layers from London, wearing my shorts and t-shirt comfortably along with my converses. You changed your jeans to black shorts and flashed me a grin. "Shall we?"

"But of course!"

" We'll walk instead of the cab, it's really only about two blocks away." I shrugged as you took my hand and we wandered through the streets, you were humming what would become Durban Skies in a few weeks. The park was nearly empty, yet the lions still out. They even let you hold a cub. I couldn't help but take a photo, those blue eyes looking into my soul. How would an addict like me pull myself from your grip?

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