She's Forgotten

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The ambulance quickened its pace once it's lights came on. Kyle and I both wondering what had caused the sudden rush. It wasn't till we got to the hospital till we found out. We sat together in the waiting room, my heart racing in my chest. I texted Will, Woody, and my parents; The others could wait.

"Mr. Simmons?"

" Yes?" Kyle stood quickly and crossed his arms, his nervous habit.

"She's stable... A few broken ribs, cuts, her knee is dislocated so she'll need a brace... Now Mr. Smith." The doctor closed the first file and then opened the other.

"Physically Miss. Clark is very lucky. Minor cuts. However she sustained multiple blows to the head. With that comes swelling in the brain. Now she can heal, however she needs to stay calm. Through this period of her brain recovering she's gonna have memory lapses. Forget childhood memories or forget you... In mere hours it will come back... But it will keep happening till she's fully recovered. When she gets a headache make note. Also she needs to lay down and calm down. The most important thing and I can't stress it enough. If you two would like to see them follow me." We were right behind him when we entered the room. You looked at me and smiled as I walked over and took your hand. "Miss Clark?"


"Do you know who he is?"

"Daniel Campbell Smith."

" And her?"

"Janna... That's all I know." You lowered your eyes for a moment.

"Do you remember why you're here?"

"Um... There... There was an accident... A car... Accident?" You looked up to him and he nodded before leaving the room. "I hate how... Many questions they... Keep asking me." You had think every couple of words. Yet in a way I met a new you. A you before the drugs changed your life.

"It will get easier."

" Yeah..."

"I was worried about you." You shrugged slightly before squeezing my hand.

"I can't stay out of trouble you know that love... Dan... Where is my dad?" You looked at me with innocent blue hues. My stomach churned at the question.

"You'll remember soon... Yeah?" You nodded and made space on the bed for me. I curled up to your side and your head fell against my chest. "I could have lost you today."

"It's a running trend with me... Dan?"

" Mmm?"

"How did Steve die?" I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Your memories were fried. Like a young child you forgot details of simple memories. It was horrific watching it all. I was afraid of what you forgot about me. About us.

"Drugs... Like I said you really shouldn't ask any questions." I mumbled.

"Then can you ask me questions?" You lifted your head to look in my eyes. "Ask me what I know..."

"Alright." I lifted your hand and examining your fingers as I thought. "Do you remember how we met?"

"Yes... I signed you... You were shy." I chuckled softly.

"Correct... Do you remember what we did for my birthday?" You looked straight ahead for a few moments before shaking your head. "It's okay... It will come back... How about my parents?"

"Yes they invited me over....for Christmas right? I guessed that question about my father... " You laughed bitterly before laying your head back down over my heart. "Why is this happening to me..."

"Because you're strong and the world knows you can take it my love."

"When can I.... go home?"

"I'm not sure maybe a day or two. They have to keep an eye on your brain." I kissed the top of your head before gently rubbing your back. You were silent for awhile. A slight twitch rippled through your body before you lifted your head and looked at me with one of the most quizzical expressions. "Nicole?"

"Hi... Who are you?"

"Its me Dan... That's Kyle and Janna over there..." I motioned to our friends and you glanced over. Your heart rate picking up. I quickly climbed out of the bed and pushed the nurse button. You held your head between your hands and squeezed your eyes shut. The doctor's words trickled into my mind and I rushed over to your bedside, getting onto the bed and pulling you against me. "When you fall asleep with your head upon my shoulder.
When you're in my arms but you've gone somewhere deeper.Are you going to age with grace?Are you going to age without mistakes?
Are you going to age with grace,Or only to wake and hide your face?When oblivion is calling out your name,You always take it further than I ever can..." The trembling stopped yet I had tears rolling down my cheeks. Kyle had been singing with me, watching your every move. Thankfully you were fast asleep by the time the nurses came into the room to answer my call. I logged the time and date into my phone, but it seemed the song you loved had brought you back to that calm state we were aiming to keep you in.

"That was scary..." Kyle mumbled before looking to Janna.

"She gets so confused so quickly."

"I know..." I mumbled before looking back down at you in my arms. My worst fear was that quizzical look of you not recognizing me. You and I shared a bond no one understood but us. Now it seemed only I understood considering your mind was gone. I couldn't help but wonder what made Janna crash. What caused all of this to happen. All I knew is that I had to help you get better. To help my fiancée keep it together in front of the cameras and anyone that would try to hurt you... All the while keeping myself together while you forgot me like I was nobody. It was like the anchor I hung onto had been dropped into the water and I couldn't swim. Now I had to hold you up.

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