The Way He Looks At Her

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Guys this is part 100 I'm so sorry for taking up your lives. 😂

Stormer POV

Bastille was here in America and I was going to see them. There was no question about it. I had bought the tickets, circled the date, and taken off of work. Not to mention I had scored tickets to their interview. I was already speeding down the road with my friend to meet our idols, dare I say crushes. We signed in and got our passes, we were two rows from the front. There he was. Dan Smith, laughing away with his big bottle glasses on to whatever Nicole had just said. Kyle and Will were snickering between whispers of pointing at the crowd. Woody was talking to fans up front.

" You see the way he looks at her?" My friend mumbled and I looked back to Dan. Their bodies were close and they seemed to feed off each other's energy. Lost in their own little bubble to avoid the world. Dan was shy it was obvious, but when talking to her he towered over her, seeming confident. He lacked his usual coy stance and constant fiddling. Then again anyone but his friends were strangers I would be nervous too.

" Yeah, but they're friends what would you expect?"

"Ugh you're totally missing the chemistry between them. Hence why I write Nan smut." I shrugged before laughing slightly.

"I guess... I just think they seem like two totally different types. As long as they're happy..." The woman in front of us huffed slightly.

"You've gotta be kidding. They're not together." She turns around and sighs. "If they were then that would explain why Dan has scars on his wrists."

"He has scars?" I mumbled.

" Yeah apparently he slit his wrists awhile back. I'm gonna try and get a photo.... I'm sure Nicole probably led him to try and kill himself. She's crazy." I sighed softly and looked away to end the conversation. It made my stomach churn hearing someone just want others to fail. To destroy a person by posting their most darkest secrets on the internet. I watched Nicole give Dan a nod, they only hugged and then she disappeared as the band took their seats for the Q and A.

"Hello, we're Bastille. I'm Dan, this is Kyle, Woody, and Will. Wanna get started?" The crowd roared in response before Kyle began scrolling through his phone.

" Dan, what's the idea of a perfect date?" He turned red and took a few moments to think.

"This is gonna sound super stupid but it would be great to just be at home and watching reruns of twin peaks or sitting on the balcony with tea just chatting." He took his phone out and scrolled through.

"Are you going to make another album?... Yes we have already started writing." Woody stood and wandered towards some fans in front. Offering the mic.

"What's it like being on tour?"

"It's tons of fun. You get to do something you love constantly." Will spoke into his mic.

" Yeah it's wicked though you miss your family sometimes or at least I do. It's always amazing when they can make a show and all." Dan commented before looking back at his phone. "What's your muse?"

"Mine is completely and utterly.... Going to be... Cats." Kyle smirked trying not to laugh.

"My hair." Woody nodded while walking through the crowd to pick his next target. He picked her. My stomach grew tight with anxiety. Would she ask?

"This question is for Dan." No... No she's going to ask. " Dan when did you hurt your wrists? As someone whose been down that path I was wondering if you would be willing to share it." He froze like a dear in headlights. As if we were all hunters and he was prey. I notice his hand tremble slightly fiddling with his shoe lace as he raised the mic.

"Um.. I was young and I got bullied... A lot... The other time I was having some issues...  And someone really important to me found me both times... I think we all go through... Dark times and... I didn't handle it properly." He nodded to himself as if to assure him of his own words. I looked to side of the stage and saw Nicole. She looked sick to her stomach with her arm crossed over her chest the other over her mouth. I couldn't focus the rest of the time and before long it was time to leave. My friend and I wandered down the block I couldn't believe who was at the end of it standing beside a big yellow bus. It was far enough from the venue to be noticed, but there they were. Two imperfect people in each other's embrace. He looked defeated and sought comfort in her arms, her touch, her lips. I stopped and pushed my hand against my friends chest as we peaked around the corner. She was leaning against the bus now, holding his face in her petite hands.

" Hey... It's okay... We knew this would happen one day Daniel."

"I know... It just... It made... Made me lock up..." She pressed her lips to his and he placed his hands on her hips, it was as if time stopped. He smiled and placed his forehead against hers. "I love you."

"I love you too... You're alright love. They know the general idea of what happened. Not that I found you... They don't know us. That's all we can protect now." She ran her fingers through his hair before stroking his cheek.

"I know..." He scooped her up, wrapping her legs around his torso. "My beautiful fiancée."

"Of nearly a year." She smirked slightly before he kissed her.

"I'll marry you one day... I promise.... But right now... Since everyone else went out to get food I think we should have some quality time." He moved his face to the side of her neck and she giggled. Just like that they disappeared into the bus. I covered my mouth and hid back around the corner my friend doing the same.

" Did we just witness pre Nan smut? They're together!"

"Shhh! We can't tell anyone you heard what they said!"

"Ugh... I hate that you're right." She sighed and peaked around the corner. "She is so lucky. That was too cute... Did you hear the part that they're engaged?"

"Yes... And you and I are the only people that know..." This was a huge weight on my shoulders. It would be till the world found out nearly a half a year later. That was probably the worst day of my life.

Whaaat?! They got caught! So how do you think the world is going to learn about them? 😏

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