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Nicole POV

"Nicole! Nicole! Have you seen the posts lately ?!"

"Nicole how long have you and Mr. Smith been together!?"

"Where do you plan to go from here?!"

"Does he know about you and Jesse Rutherford?!" My head was spinning, I felt nauseous walking through the crowd. My mind couldn't even register all the camera flashed. Your arm was tightly wrapped around my torso, guiding me through the crowd with security in front in back.

"Can you all stop harassing my fiancée?" You grumbled slightly while helping me into the limo. Then silence. How blissfully quiet it was once the door was closed. I found myself curling up to your side, closing my eyes. I never wanted attention for us. Maybe that was what led us to our future decisions. " Niks you okay?"

"I'm fine.... Exhausted is all."

"I never thought the media could get so crazy." Janna whispered slightly, the limo dead silent. The lot of us contemplating what we would even do next.

"I should stop singing." I lifted my head looking at your expression.

"Why are you saying that nonsense?"

"Because if they hate you so much then I won't sing all my songs about you or our life together." You shrugged before looking down.

"You can't make all the fans pay for those who hate me." I huffed nudging you. "Plus signing is who you are Daniel. I'm okay."

"Love... You've got people telling you to kill yourself..." Your eyes met mine and I saw those dark blue hues. "People who don't even bloody know you. I'll be sure to voice how I feel about all of this to the fans... Nothing will stop me from at least doing that because those people aren't real fans." The limo stopped and you and I got out, walking past Rory with tired smiled and our awards. "We should just hide away from the world." You mumbled in the elevator, glancing to me.

"Dan you're just getting your career started..." You let us into our apartment. I kicked off my heels before turning my back to you, your fingers carefully helping me out of my dress.

"But I'm also just getting started with you..." Your lips tracing a long my shoulder. "I can't protect you from them any other way..."

"They're upset teenagers... Yes I'm sad about it, but we knew this would happen." You sighed and kissed along my neck.

" Then we fake it... We make them think that they broke us up... Ruined our lives..." I chuckled at the idea, turning around to look in your eyes, a playful smirk.

"Why play such a game?"

" Because I want to show them what life without you looks like..." Your lips captured mine in a gentle kiss. "I want them to see that you are my sanity... My muse... My everything."

"You're making me blush." I mumbled with a smile crossing my lips. I turned away and walked to the bedroom, letting my dress drop along the way. In a swift movement I slipped your back t-shirt over my head and laid down on the bed with a sigh. You wandered in, shirt unbutton and glasses on as you read something on your phone.

"Ah already the tabloids are saying you're pregnant... Fans are trending our names on Twitter..." You clicked off your phone as you sat down, kicking off your shoes.

" Why don't we order Chinese... Put on a shitty movie and eat ice cream." I smirked and you grinned, stripping to your boxers before you grabbed the take out menu.

" How could I resist." You pulled my body close to yours as we scanned over our choices. My stomach growling as you ordered. "You know... You haven't said really how you feel... About all of this... Hate." You adjusted your glasses glancing at me. It took me a few moments to really think of a proper answer.

"I think I'm numb to it because I saw it coming from the moment I fell in love with you. You're a perfect guy and they probably expected you to end up with a perfect girl... Instead you're with a train wreck." I managed to laugh slightly. "I think if I sat here beating myself up over it then yeah... I would probably be upset.... But I can't let it get to me..."

"But you can... You have to feel... Because tomorrow it's still going to be there and you can't avoid what they'll say at the shows... At the interviews... I'm sure you'll get asked questions about it all... I don't want you to go into shock." I nodded before kissing over your heart.

"Stop worrying about me. I'll be okay." It was going to get worst. Much worse before it even got close to getting better. There was something neither of us expected. Then again that is life. Throwing curve balls at you every chance it can. This curve ball just nailed another nail into the coffin. We'd have to chose what would be best for us. For things we cared about. Then again this world had the media who would make up a story to just get ratings and we'd question ourselves at times. In the end glory was always suppose to win. After all its an immortal concept.

That night we ate and laughed like always. Staying happy in our bubble while the world burned around us. We wanted to be blind from what was happening, yet the only way to fix something like this was with you. You would have to stand up for once. Then again you were a singer. You had a stage to announce whatever your heart desired. This was a time to fake it. Dan and Nicole would have to be a fling and we'd have to teach the world to accept something so perfect. Making people believe in our glory Dan wasn't easy. These were are difficult years. The wild world years. WWCOM was our idea and soon it'd be our own fake news to play games with those who didn't believe in us. I needed you to hold me in this wild world.

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