You're Alive

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I would love comments regarding this chapter. I wanted to do a really unique story line until I get to my wild world release chapters. If it is too odd or you all feel that this storyline is too out there let me know. I am open to making revisions.

Nicole POV

Christmas was perfect, maybe that was why things turned south that December evening. It all started with a knock at the door. I sat down my cards and pasted through Will and Kyle.

"Coming!" I unlocked it and there stood Burrows with a gun to the back of his head looking like he had just went five rounds with a mma fighter. I took a step back as a few men filtered into the house wearing all black, I raised my hands.

"Nicole? What's happening?" Janna whimpered as they gathered us all in the foyer. You were holding Clara who was thankfully not crying.

"What's your name?" A man pointed a gun to my forehead and I swallowed the lump in my throat.

"Nicole Smith..." The gun safety clicked off as Burrows started panicking.

" No! She's Nicole Clark... I'm promising you!" The man glanced to me then Burrows before digging out his phone.

"I was Nicole Clark... I got married..." He glanced up before dialing a number and letting it ring.


"How do I tell?"

"Check her arms for track marks." The German accent sounded so familiar yet the man motioned to my sleeves. I pulled one up and there gracing the crook of my arm were old scars of the needle marks.

" She has them..."

"Step to your left." The man on the phone said and the man holding the gun did as told still holding a gun to my head. Before he could even react a bullet flew through his skull splattering my face with his blood. Every one else screamed yet as he fell I saw who had shot the bullet. He put his phone in his pocket before handing the gun off to another man. "Last time I saw you... You were nearly dead in an alley with a needle in your neck..."

"Times change... So do people...." I mumbled glancing up to the man I knew as Alfred.

"Who thought the name Clark would save you for once..." Burrows mumbled and I shrugged slightly. Alfred closed some of the space between us, examining my eyes.

" Where is your father's ring?"

"I don't know... It was already claimed by the time I sobered up." He scoffed and wandered towards you and Clara. "Another Clark I see..."

"She's not a Clark!"

"You're her mother... She's got Clark blood.... You Clark seems to always die on me though...." He glanced to me before looking back to you and Clark.

"I'm not a Clark anymore....lucky enough to marry out of that cursed name." He chuckled slightly and motioned to one of the men.

"Grab a chair from the kitchen... Nicole take a seat..." He paced now his eyes glancing to the body on the ground. "I need that ring.... If I don't get it... I will kill your daughter." My jaw tensed as I felt that familiar anger bubble up inside of me.

"Touch anyone in this room including my daughter and I will make sure you're joining those bodies you had killed..." He smirked and motioned for me to sit.

"There is that Clark behavior I remember... Tell me lads... How many bodies do you think Nicole here chopped up for me?" He glanced to his men before digging in the brief case on the table.

"Better answer otherwise you'll end up like him..." I motioned to the dead man before sitting back.

"20?" He laughed and shook his head.

" No... That was a month worth..."


"Close... 192 bodies in one year.... How old were you again?"

"16..." I mumbled avoid anyone's eye contact. "Strung out on drugs remember? I needed money and I was good at it...."

"That's because you learned it from your father... That's why he was so rich!" He chuckled slightly. I stared straight ahead until he grabbed my chin. " Listen to me Clark... You will find the ring within a week... Otherwise she dies.... And your husband.... Ooo look at those heartless eyes... You Clark's always looked like death covered in blood." I yanked my face away before he huffed, tending to his tools. "I'm putting a tracker in your shoulder... And of course... I need to keep you in line..." He smirked before glancing to his men. "She's a real monster... All the Clark's are... Such heartless people... Do you know why they die so young?" He moved my shirt to rest on my shoulder before cutting into my skin, a growl passing my lips.

" No... Why?"

"Because they're bad people.... Bad people die earlier."

" And what makes you better than me?" He shoved the chip under my skin before starting to sow. The pain was there yet my mind was too focused.

"Nothing... Other than me not being a Clark... Your great great grandfather... He was so wise... He knew how to hide a body... Taught me Every thing I knew.... Your grandfather rest his soul... He perfected the art of destroying evidence.... Your father perfect the art of hiding our money.... Then there is you... The perfect cutter... You're the only one who knows where the bodies are...."

"Even I don't know...." I mumbled watching him load a syringe with a bit of something. "I was too messed up."

" Well I'm giving you a bit of a fix.... You Clark's aren't as good without drugs..." He shoved it in my neck roughly, a yelp escaping my lips. It wasn't a lot yet it took some of the feeling away. "Makes you a bit more heartless.... Look at her..." He motioned to his men. "This a Clark... Worth more than gold!" I looked down, avoiding any eye contact with you. I'd never told anyone about my life before this... About the monster I had been taught to be.... "They are the perfect killers... Now... You find me that ring...."

"I bet Wendy has it..."

" Your bloody mother? Kill her... She owes me a lot of money... I will have my men watching your every move... Don't think I'm above killing all of your friends...." He closed his case and tossed a handkerchief at me. "Clean that blood off...." His men had already cleaned the body up and washed the floor. "I will see you soon..." I wipped my face before listening to the door close. I had a lot of explaining to do now... I would have to be the old me.

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