Home Healing

137 13 5

Nicole POV

Dan was healing a lot slower than me after 7 weeks they let you out. Only after 5 I was free. Clara came home with me and her and I visited you every day. Your spirits seemed better and your fans constantly sending you cards and gifts. The moment you got home you wanted to sleep. I couldn't blame you because after being in a hospital for so long our bed felt like heaven.

"Dad is finally home x @BastilleDan"

I think I broke the fans a bit that day

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I think I broke the fans a bit that day. Most of the comments where about you being shirtless, which was a bit funny. Including the freckle comments. Others where about you and I. For once nothing was negative. Things felt good. We both held a scar of what we'd been through. Thankfully it wasn't as large as others who had the same disease as I.

"Nik?" I jumped slightly as you opened your eyes, watching me sit in the rocking chair by the window and crib.


"Come here, put Clara in her crib." I nodded and lifted her bundled up frame into her crib before climbing into the bed. Your arms snaked around me and already my heart was racing in my chest. I hadn't stared at your face like this in awhile. No wrinkles but there were bags under your blue hues. "I missed you..." Your voice was low and husky on purpose as your lips brushed against mine.

"I've missed you too... But are you really up for horseplay?" You smirked and pulled me closer, my chest against yours.

"I believe so..." Your lips trailing to my jaw, my vision was dizzy from excitement. In a way it didn't feel any different between us. I still remembered each curve of your body. The way your body felt against mine under the silk sheets and the way your hair felt through my fingers. Your breath was like fire against ever inch of my skin it brushed. When we were one it was like neither of us were in pain. Those months disappeared with each moan and whisper that filled the room. Like always we wanted it to last yet we collapsed together, breathless and laughing slightly. Yet in moments you got serious, pulling me close. "I want you to marry me... Be a Smith." I shrugged slightly and ran my hand along your upper chest.

"I want to... But why don't we not do a wedding... Let's sneak away and get married..." I lowered my eyes and you raised my head with your fingers under my chin.

"You always wanted a wedding."

"I know but... I just kind of... Changed my mind. I'm a mom now... You've got touring and all that... I just want to enjoy time with you..."

"What's wrong?" Your jaw tensed slightly and I sighed. " Its the cancer... Its back isn't it?"

" No! No no no." I laughed weakly. " Your liver is working just fine with mine. I just... I see life different now." I turned onto my back, your arm around my torso still. "I haven't even drank in... Almost a year. It's December and I got pregnant with her in February. I haven't done anything... I feel like I fucked a lot of shit up. When I met you I was still fiddling with shit. Then you and I went through a lot of shit because of me and my addictions."

" It doesn't matter now... You're safe." You brushed your lips along the side of my breast, sending a giggle through me.

"You're tickling me" I huffed and pinned you down in a swift motion, yet your eyes scanned me like prey. You freed your hand and ran it along my scar that mirrored yours. "What's on your mind?"

"There is a part of me inside of you... Keeping you alive." I watched your jaw tense for a second and your eyes go glossy. "I don't know what I would have done had I lost you or Clara... Fuck if I lost both of you at that..." I leaned down and held your face between my hands, kissing your lips.

"Either way you would have been okay... I would have made sure of it... Enough of this, shall we shower and take a stroll? I think you could use some fresh air." You nodded and I got up, checking on Clara before wandering to our bathroom. You were a bit slower, your hand over your scar that still seemed to bring you pain. Then again your organ was still regenerating. I started the bath instead and added bubbles, watching you trace the mark while looking in the mirror. "What's wrong?"

"I just... I'm a scarred mess." A deep breath flowed through your body. I sighed and wandered towards you, looking up at your features.

"You're my love... There isn't anything that matters but you... And your health. A body will age... Change... But your mind won't." You looked down into my eyes before pressing a kiss to my forehead. In your weakness you snaked your arms around me. I think it was because you feared you would never hold me again. "Come on my love... Let's get you in the bath."

"Mmm I'm exhausted." You sighed as you and I got in the tub, your arms pulling me closer. "I'm just happy not to be in the hospital anymore. I can go back to the studio... Work on the next album. VS is done and out. I spent all my time on that while you were gone."

"I know.... I loved it." I chuckled slightly and placed my head on your shoulder. Things were so simple now. You and I had these brief moments of happiness. Maybe if I had just married you sooner Dan that we wouldn't be here. Well I wouldn't be here. I remember seeing Janna's face above the water. She felt like a million miles away. Who ever knew that someone who could swim could drown in such shallow water.


I love my cryptic endings 😏

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