I Want Blood

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I ran my lips down your neck, getting the remainder of the whipped cream off as you giggled. A smirk surfaced on my face before you pinned me down.

"So violent love." You smirked before dragging your nails down my chest. I didn't know how many more rounds we could go, then again we had plenty of more time to kill. Your phone buzzed and you sighed softly, stretching to the nightstand and grabbing it. You clicked answer, yet your eyes were following the fingernail you were dragging along my stomach.

"Hello?.... Yes this is her....." You froze. Your eyes locked onto mine before you got off the bed and frantically started getting dressed. "Can you tell me how long the vehicle has been abandoned?! Ma'am I'm frantic because my sister and daughter were the only ones with access to that vehicle!" I too started getting dressed, grabbing our things and dialing Kyle.


"Kyle get to my house.... Let me know if Jen and Clara are there as soon as you get there.... wait for us there."

"Okay... what's wrong.... what's going on?"

"Apparently my BMW was found abandoned somewhere... I gotta go. Niks and I will be on our way soon." I hung up and looked to you. You had finished gathering everything and now you were looking at me.

"The car was in that district I told you about last week... the one where that woman got snatched and was sold into the human trafficking.... Dan.... what happens if Jen and Clara were taken...."

"Don't talk like that love..." I sighed and opened the door, we took the elevator down to the lobby and turned in our keys. You called a cab which could take us back home, surely the trains wouldn't be running on time at this hour especially in this part of London. You were already dialing someone else on the phone and bouncing your leg.

"Hey it's me.... I need a favor... Keep an eye on all transportation in and out of England... I can't find Jennifer or Clara....Alex I wouldn't be asking you if it wasn't important.... Thanks..." You hung up and squeezed your eyes shut. The silence in the cab was overwhelming as I took a deep breath, waiting and waiting for Kyle to call. Only when we were right down the street did my phone begin to ring.



"She isn't here... the alarm was set 8 hours ago...." I closed my eyes, my tiny bit of hope was gone. You looked at me once I opened my eyes. We didn't speak till we got inside the house behind the closed doors. You paced and dialed Jennifer's phone again and again. Yet finally someone picked up, the sound playing through the speaker phone.

"Hello? Hello....?"

"Nicole...." Jennifer's voice was strained, she was scared and that was obvious. "Nicole.... I'm so sorry.... I'm-." Her screams filled the air, I watched your body tense as you squeezed the phone.

"If you want the mother and her daughter back.... you will come bid just like any other buyer..." The accent was from a place I had surely never been before. Yet it didn't phase you. I watched you calm down and turn into a completely different person before my eyes. This must have been the you that could stand harming other people. Those warm blue hues seemed like now.

"You wanna fuck with my family...? You don't know who you've decided to mess with.... When I find you.... I am going to make you WISH you didn't lay a hand on either of them!" Tears slid down your cheeks out of anger. The man chuckled slightly. "You're right it is funny.... You'll be laughing when you're the one in pieces...."

"Farewell.... We will be in touch." He hung up and your mask fell off. You sunk into my arms and I fell to my knees. Janna had her hand over her mouth as Kyle was holding her.

"If they harm either of them...."

"Shhh we'll find them..." We have to find them, is what I thought to myself. You didn't give either of us a lot of time to stay in our moment of grief. Your mind was already thinking of the fifty different scenarios and the 500 different out comes.

"We need to call the police." Janna looked to me and you glanced to her shaking your head.

"No... the police give a fuck about the different laws and rules and all that bullshit.... We call the police once we find them... I want them dead for even touching my sister and my child....I've already got Alex looking and since that idiot had Jen's phone it really won't take long to find them.... they're really expecting us to be a normal... hand over the money family....." You scoffed grabbing your laptop and opening some program I've never seen before. You typed in a phone number and codes flew across the screen as it searched for the device. "We're instead a bunch of badasses... who don't take any shit..."

"We aren't all Clarks..."

"I was talking about us Smiths." You glanced to Kyle then me. A hint of a smile cracked my lip before you looked back to the screen.

"Janna let's take your car it isn't as flashy as mine... Dan and Kyle I need you to ride with Alex once he gets here." I nodded slowly before clearing my throat.

"You've been keeping in touch with Alex haven't you... you didn't give that lifestyle up.... music isn't enough....?"

"You know music is enough... Bastille is enough..." You glanced to me before looking back at the screen. "But... keeping this part of me alive means in really bad situations we'll be okay... Clara will be okay...And when we go on tour... she'll be safe.... People everywhere making sure you and her are safe because you two are the only reason I'm still me." Your jaw tightened as you refused to look at me. You'd rarely open up to these things. These dark feelings that had you zoning out at dinner or the sight of something gory on tv. There were parts of you I had yet to explore. Yet here we were praying our daughter would still be breathing along with Jennifer when we find them.

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