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After the Leeds festival time flew by like it was nothing. Before I knew it the time read two am and I knew I was too late to stop by and see you. Janna had said she was going, yet she didn't say anything about her visit in a text. I went home instead and went to sleep in preparation for the next festival. You're right, once I got on stage the nerves disappeared. It was thrilling, yet I wished you were there yesterday and today. Readings' festival was magical, yet it ended much earlier than Leeds yesterday. Finally it felt like we got our name out there as a band. People knew our songs and even sang along. Merch flew off the shelves.

" Come on boys let's go see Nikki!" Janna hollered into our dressing room. I had showered quickly at the arena as not to smell awful when coming to visit as did the others. "She was cross with me yesterday."

"Why?" Kyle mumbled as he tied his shoes.

"I didn't have time to film anything yesterday... She was so disappointed." She sighed softly. I knew how disappointed you probably were considering Janna being the only one to show up. I grabbed my things and wandered to the white van, all of us piling into the vehicle. It was a pretty long drive to the hospital. We all couldn't stop talking about the gig after all thousands of people were there.

" Dan I'm surprised you weren't nervous as all hell!"

" It was exciting, plus I have got to get use to being on stage. It's gonna be our lives isn't it?"

"Of course! I can't wait for you guys to tour the world. It will be a ball of fun." Janna chuckled and looked back out the window as we approached the hospital. Quickly we all funneled out and walked to the nurs'es desk once inside.

"We're here to see Nicole Clark..." I stated and the woman appeared to be confused as she glanced at her board.

"She's gone, she was checked out at noon today."


"Umm a nurse took her home." I nodded slowly.

"Thank you." I turned around and looked to the group. Now the panic set in of why you rushed to be home. I walked past them and to the van, they knew to follow. My mind was running wild with crazy scenarios. You wanted to go drink, pop pills, runaway.... I could feel my heart thumping in my chest as I sat beside the driver and motioned which ways for him to go.

" Why would she leave?"

"Wouldn't you want to leave a hospital?" Kyle and Janna bickered while Will laughed.

" The moment I could leave I would be out of that joint." Will chuckled and nudged the laughing Woody. Hopefully you would forgive me for allowing so many people into our home and our life. The van stopped as we rushed inside. Rory flashing a smile as I walked by with everyone and into the elevator. Just like me everyone was in aw being in your place for the first time. Yet I was quick to hunt you down. There you laid fast asleep wrapped into blankets.

"Nikki love?" I sat down and shook you carefully your eyes opening.

"Mmm where's the fire babe?" I chuckled and pressed a kiss to your forehead.

"Why didn't you wait for me to come get you?"

"You were too busy... It's no worries." Your hand brushed against my cheek before I leaned in and pressed my lips to yours.

" Get some more rest... I'll be back in a minute." You nodded slowly and peacefully settled back into the blankets as I went into the living room. "She's resting, it is probably best if you all leave, she'll flip if she knows you all have been here." I chuckled as Kyle nodded.

" Yeah, good night mate. I'm gonna go snog this hottie." He smirked and kissed Janna as they lead the way to the elevator.

"Night mate, I'll pop you a text later on. Woody you wanna go to the bar?"

"Hell yeah, night Dan."

"Night guys." I chuckled and locked the door once they were all out. Slowly I grabbed your bag that was still sitting by the door and my eyes caught the bag of medication they had given you. It was at least 6 different bottles all with different labels. I sighed and sat them on the counter, I would read them later. Quietly I sat your clothes in the dirty hamper and straightened up before climbing into bed. It was early, around nine, but I didn't complain about possibly getting to sleep early for once.

"Mmm how was the show? Tell me all about it." I nearly jumped hearing your voice as you turned over and moved closer, placing your head on my chest. You were careful of your leg and obviously the bandaged area of your forehead.

" It was amazing... I wasn't scared, you are right." You laughed quietly and rubbed my stomach slightly, a chuckle leaving me.

"I told you... Describe every detail to me." I sighed softly and closed my eyes. The crowd was loud, they sung along actually. It felt right... Like I could live on that stage and feed off the energy of the crowd. Yeah I can't dance, but I didn't care. I was confident that I would do a good show."

"Mmm it sounds perfect. I'm sorry I couldn't be there."

"It's alright, you were there. I wore your hoodie you got me for Christmas. People complemented it all day long."

"Really? I'll have to get you a few if you plan on wearing it on stage, I bet it will need to be washed constantly." I chuckled and kissed the top of your head.

"I'll take care of it... How are you feeling?"

"Alright, my leg is sore, it feels a lot different... I mean yeah I can walk, but I can't feel every thing." I sighed softly and carefully lifted your leg, drapping it over my hips. I ran my finger tips along your thigh and over the bandage.

" Can you feel this?" You nodded slowly and sighed softly.

"I love you."

"I love you too Nikki." Soon enough your breathing evened as I ran my fingertips along your wounded leg. My mind wouldn't calm down. Bastille was getting started. So what would happen to us?

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