Secret Keeper

124 11 10

Nicole POV

After you and everyone else left I settled in, listening to the playlist of music to choose from. Yet my mind was somewhere completely different. I glanced to the clock before looking to the door, any moment now he'd show up. I needed to know everything about the man who shot me. I nearly jumped when the door slowly started to open. I pulled out my headphones as he closed the door and the blinds.

"Alex....? What did you find...?" He chuckled slightly and sat down, pulling out a folder. 

"Alfred was the father of Sarah Cruz... Thats why the came after you all of a sudden... With Burrows asking questions about Sarah... Alfred knew you needed to go." I chuckled slightly, taking the folder, flicking through the papers.

"I'm paying her a visit when I get out of here..."


"Don't Nicole me..." I huffed. "It isn't like I'm going to kill her... I sure as hell will threaten her." I smirked slightly while still glancing through the paperwork. "I'll need your help... disable all the cameras in her home. I can't have her getting me on film. Disable her phone to... she's a sneaky bitch, but I'm sneakier." I closed the folder before looking to him. 

"You wanted out of this business yeah?"

"That is why I gave it to you... but I'm still a Clark there is no giving up that name in a way. Even with my paperwork saying I'm a Smith." I shrugged, sitting back and crossing my arms. "That man shot me in the chest Alex... He nearly took my life from me... You know my daughter was born November 1st.... 2014? I missed 8 months... and another roughly 2 months... Alex she's technically 16 months old... I've missed over half her life. Granted the 8 months was my fault, but I didn't want to lose anymore time with her... So excuse me for wanting that family to pay for those two months... I need some fresh fucking air." Slowly I managed to scoot to the edge of the bed and stand. Alex helped me walk towards the elevator after he disabled the monitors. We made it to the roof were we sat and he lit a cigarette before offering it to me. I sighed and shook my head.

"Going cold turkey?"

"Well considering the coma and all I'm not taking any chances for a cancer battle round two." He chuckled slightly and took a drag before offering me a flash. I smirked slightly and took it, taking a swig. I coughed slightly and handed it back. "Bloody hell... I haven't had a drink in awhile"

"Well a sip of this shit will surely assist in you sleeping tonight..."

"Tomorrow I'll get to sleep in my own bed... Thank god." He chuckled before taking  swig.

"So when are you paying Miss Cruz a visit?"

"When I can run and I have my full mobility back... I can't look weak." 

"That is understandable..." He stood and stepped on his cigarette before offering his arm to me. "Come on I've gotta return you to your cell." He smirked as I punched him in the arm before allowing him to guide me back my hospital room. The walk had taken a lot of my energy, which at least stopped my brain from overthinking. "Listen... stay low and call me the day you plan to do something stupid yeah?"

"Of course... Stay safe?" He nodded before walking out. I grabbed the iPod and laid down, shuffling through the different song titles. Glory. My thumb hovered over the title for a moment before I pressed down. The beginning made me think of the beach in durban, dancing in the sand with the fireworks and music. Your voice sent goosebumps up my arms as I closed my eyes and tapped my fingers against my thigh. Yet another voice mingled with yours in the background ever so slightly now and then. I knew for sure it wasn't any of the guys. Not that it was bad, but surely my curiosity was heightened. The sweet sounds of Glory lulling me to sleep.

The next day I was awake and ready before the sun even began to rise. My heart racing with anticipation to get the fuck out of this hospital. I glanced at the clock then my phone before looking back to the door. My things already packed in the duffel bag on the chair. Any minute now and my discharge papers will be here. I nearly jumped at the sound of the door opening, you greeted me with a smile before wrapping me in your arms and pressing a kiss to my forehead.

"Hello beautiful."

"Mmmm is that Dan for.... It's time to go home?" You chuckled softly and pulled away nodding.

"Your papers are already signed. I just came to grab you and your things for our great escape." I sighed contently before kissing you, running my hand down your shirt. 

"Mmm surely we'll have to celebrate my release from this prison." You smirked slightly before grabbing my bag and my hand off your chest.

"Yes, but first lets get home... The band wanted to have a party for you so we'll have to behave till they're gone." 

"Mmmm I can try my best then..." I laughed softly before we nearly ran out of the hospital. My mind was in two places.... no three at this point. First I was going to enjoy time with my friends and family.... secondly I was surely going to be lost in the sheets with you this evening... and lastly I was going to pay a visit to little Miss Cruz. Little did I know the secrets she was going to be offering me. There was more to the Clark family than I knew. More than anyone was willing to tell me. Maybe there was a possible to that cursed last name. Sometimes other can better understand your situation because they're looking from the outside. Then again there was someone with one foot in and one foot out of this mess. I'd find her and so many more pieces to my puzzle.


Boom cryptic ending. 

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