Pistols at Dawn

126 11 4

Nicole POV

I stayed at the inn down the street, in all honesty the bottle was still full and I hadn't slept. My phone was stuffed with messages from you and with each one I felt more like shit. Then again I had no reason to feel this way. The others had messages me too, yet all I did was watch the ball drop on tv. What a way to ring in 2015. I grabbed my keys and walked to my car, covering my puffy eyes. The drive was short and to my pleasant surprise no one was home. It was tradition for us all to go out for brunch. I kicked off my shoes before wandering towards the kitchen. My eyes catching sight of our marriage certificate. My back was turned and I felt calm until I heard that familiar click.

"Christmas has already come and gone and yet here we are alone..." I raised my hands and slowly turned around. Londy holding the pistol Dan kept in the night stand.

"You think you'll get away with killing me?"

" It was self defense Nicole... Everyone knows you wanted me dead... I was just stronger."

" Well then at least tell me the truth if I'm going to die.... Is it really his?" She laughed almost hysterically before shaking her head. She didn't know there were cameras all around our house. Dan and I well... We were paranoid about anyone being in our house and well... Fanfiction led us to filming sex throughout the house, but that's a story for another day. You would watch the cameras obviously even if I happened to die today. You would know the truth. That was all that mattered to me in the moment.

"Of course not... Dan was always careful not to have unprotected sex back then..." She sighed almost out of happiness. " I'll let you in on the biggest secret of all... My baby died during birth... I stole Camden from the hospital...Its a shame I'm gonna have to kill Clara... Anything involving you needs to go...." I snapped. I ran towards her and managed to punch her, yet the gun went off. All I felt was pain tearing through my shoulder as I released a scream. The ringing sound only amplified the sensation pulsing through my body.

"Don't you fucking touch my daughter! Don't you fucking dare!"

"Aw..." She rubbed off the blood from her cheek where my ring had sliced her skin open. "Dan will forget all about you.... Another dead Clark..." She clicked the gun back as she slowly started to walk towards me. My shoulder was pouring blood even with my hand over the wound. I wasn't going to die today. I refused to leave my daughter unprotected. Once she was in range I swiped my leg, tripping her up. The gun went off again as she fell, it flying across the room. I yanked her towards me, using any strength I had left in attempts to choke her. Londy's knee jammed into my stomach, pushing me back as she tried to run for the gun. I grabbed her ankle and tugged her back, making her fall on her stomach. Even in my attempts she was closer to the gun then I was and all I could do was run. I got up and sprinted for the back door, only getting to the forest line before I heard it go off, thankfully missing me. Still I tripped and felt her heel dig into the back of my leg.


"Don't fucking move... You just won't fucking die will you? I have to drug you... Shoot you... Christ... Let me see your face before I put this bullet in your brain." I flipped over, her face was covers in her own blood. She pointed the gun at my head and smirked. "Don't worry Clara will be coming soon... An unfortunate fall for Dan down the stairs and Clara won't survive it..." Click. Boom. I flinched and closed my eyes. Yet I was still here and heard a thump. Only now did I really feel the pain of the wound in my shoulder and the cold snow stinging my skin.

" Niks!" I opened my eyes, you dropped a gun the one from my glove box, Kyle and Janna rushing behind you. I let my head fall back into the snow, my heart racing as I closed my eyes. She was dead. I was free. "Kyle call an ambulance! Nicole's been shot!"

"I'm okay... I'm okay..." I mumbled as you picked me up into your arms, rushing me inside. It was obvious I was far from okay. Then again mentally I had never been better.

"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry I should have listened...." You were ruined. Your eyes were burning holes into my skull.

"Camden isn't yours...she... She stole him from the hospital... Where is Clara?!" My eyes shot open in panic as I looked in your eyes.

"She's okay she's with Will."

"Londy hasn't been near her?"


" She was going to kill her..."

"I heard..." You mumbled as I settled my head against your chest. It was scary how calm I was in this situation. Then again the worst thing in my life was gone. You carried me through the house, moments later the ambulance showed up, cameras flashing from the gate of our property. "I'll be right behind you love..." You mumbled before kissing my forehead. You looked defeated. As if you had hoped for a different outcome. The ambulance doors closed and I settled down, medication now being pumped through my system as the medics attempted to stop the bleeding.

"Haven't you been in my ambulance before?"

"Probably." I smirked slightly before closing my eyes. "I'm hoping this is my last trip in an ambulance."

"Cheers to that..." He chuckled and soon the sound around me faded. Medication dragging me into one of those blissful sleeps. This was the beginning of our wild world era. There were many more trials to face for something so glorious. Yet... By now I was a Smith.

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