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I awoke to your soft melodic snores, making a chuckle escape my brims. The clock read 11am, Kyle and Janna had left yesterday to visit Janna's family up in the north and would be back tonight. Kate had left once she decided the worst of your withdrawals were over. I carefully got up and showered, getting into black jeans, converses, and one of my many band t-shirts. You forced yourself to rinse off and get dressed before watching me with your piercing blue eyes.

" Can we go home today?"

"I don't see why not."

" Can we stop by work?" You had this sheepish look on your face. Work would be the death of you. Your mind was constantly working instead of relaxing.

"For what?" I huffed and tugged on my jacket before zipping up my duffel bag once your items were inside.

"I just want to check the numbers on Pompeii." I chuckled and wandered over to you, zipping up your jacket all the way.

"What if I told you... That whether you check the numbers now... Or later... They will still be the same." You glared at me playfully before admitting defeat as I smirked.

"We're going home. You need rest, your hands are still trembling like crazy. I'm sure your ribs still hurt." You nodded slowly, obviously assessing what I said as you poked your stomach and sides.

"I didn't even notice lately." A look of defeat crossed your face as you left the room and I grabbed the bag, closing the door behind me. I think it scared you how quickly that medication changed you. How it consumed you like a disease. You were already in the car before I walked outside and locked the door. Quickly I tossed our bag in the back and got into the driver side, starting the car and beginning to drive.

"Its okay you know... To be weak."

"Around you yes, but anyone else I'm a target." You looked to me then back out the window. " Be honest what did you think when you met me? First impression."

"Intimidating. Beautiful yet intimidating. Like a queen whose deciding if you live or die." I chuckled as did you.

"Wow you must have been scared shitless when you first met me then..."

"I was still getting over the whole Carly thing at that point."

"Speaking of her, have you heard from her?"

" No, last time I saw her when I was at the hospital after Tower 42 fell. She had her baby and it was... Special needs. She refused to take it. She knew it wasn't mine. Fuck even I did. We hadn't had sex in... I don't even know how long before the baby was conceived. I don't want to talk about it... Or her in general." You nodded slowly and ran your hand along my arm.

"I'm sorry.... Have you talked to Burrows?"

"Not lately. He thinks he found Ian, but if he did then he's dead already."

" How?"

"Apparent Sucicide. The body couldn't be identified. He was burned to death in a house fire."

"Mmm" you mumbled slightly and sighed. There was something on your mind. I would only know when it's too late. " Kate... I remember her saying my doctor did this to me on purpose."

"Yeah he's out on bail till board can give him a hearing and his trial is soon. They want to possible convict him of your father and brother's deaths... Well his assistance." I stopped the car and you stared at me. I think I watched years of pain ripple through your body. Your lips parted as you looked down. "Nicole?"

"He's... He... Could be the reason I was alone. The reason I don't get to hear my father's voice." You squeezed your eyes shut and held your head in your hands as you began to cry. " The reason I never got to know my brother!" I ran my hand along your back, nothing would help this pain. "Its not fair!" You looked up and at me. "I missed the anniversary this year and last year for my brother's death. Thinking he was a coward for what happened. Now it's not feeling like that... It's feeling like he was a fighter against a demon he trusted. We all trusted." I nodded before kissing your forehead.

"You're safe now. You know I would never let anything hurt you."

"I want him dead Dan! I want to shove pills down his throat until he can't fucking breath." Your lip wobbled before I held your face.

"Stop! Stop this crazy talk! You and I both know it will not solve the pain you feel." You stopped all movement and grabbed my wrist. Tugged my bracelet back to reveal a thin line of red. "Niks..."

"I can't believe I didn't see this early. When the fuck did you do this?" You whispered it. I pulled my wrist away and shook my head.

" It was... A moment of weakness. My sister came over and when she left I just... I just... Wanted to see if it would help and it didn't." I looked down and could see you close your eyes, taking a shakey breath. "I stopped and I went over to Janna and Kyle's right after."

"I know you're telling the truth." You sighed and opened your eyes, taking my hand. "I shouldn't have acted the way I did... It would have prevented this and so much more. Let's clean it up, it's a bit swollen." You climbed out of the car as did I and grabbed the bag. Rory grinned seeing us walking in hand in hand.

" Hello my two lovebirds welcome home."

" Hello Rory. How's your day?"

"Brilliant now that my two favourite people are finally back." You laughed and flashed a smile before we got into the elevator. Once inside I followed you to the bathroom. You cleaned the minor wound with alcohol and stuck a bandaid over it before hurrying off and changing into your pjs. I in turn followed you and found you awaiting under a blanket in the living room.

"Care to binge watch twin peaks... Again?"

"I would rather do nothing else love." I climbed onto the sofa, with you, your head on my chest and your thumb tracing over the bandaid. You were now worried about me. Maybe it would keep your mind off of darker things. Maybe worrying about me would keep you safe. " Nikki?"

" Mmm?"

"I love you."

"Love you too Dan. Now shhh I can't hear the telly." I chuckled then kissed the top of your head. Everything seemed. Normal.

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