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Janna POV

Janna: Nikki can you tell your lost puppy he needs to put his shoes on for this interview? He's off in his big head somewhere.

Janna: Nikki can you tell your lost puppy he needs to put his shoes on for this interview? He's off in his big head somewhere

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Nicole: snap your fingers in front of his face and put the shoes on his lap.

Janna: How did you know that would work?

Nicole: I know sleepy Dan. Let me know how it goes today x be careful in the snow. Tell Dan I love the photo he sent me of him and his sister.

I chuckled and sat my phone in my purse while watching Dan shove on his converses. You were fiddling with your phone in a intense match of angry birds. Woody was sleeping and Will was seeing how many crisps he could pile on Woody's forehead.

"Wake him up."

"But this is too much fun." Will snickered before tickling Woody's side. The man launched off the sofa and onto the floor sending crisps everywhere.

"Bloody hell!"

" It was Janna she told me to do it!"

"Pfff yeah I'll believe that when pigs fly mate." I stood and fixed my ear piece before glancing to the door.

" Come on boys run along. Nicole would have my head if she knew how unprepared we all are for this." Dan shrugged slightly and was the first to leave the room with Will. He was different without her around. Like as if the music didn't have meaning. It scares me watching him. Then again he's always been a pessimist.

"Relax love." You pressed your lips to mine, your mustache tickling my upper lip. "I've got it all covered. Kyle to save the day!"

"Mmm great now I'm really worried." I smirked before shoving him along behind woody. Their first interview. My heart was pounding. The blonde sat down next to the boys and flashed a smile before the man clicked on the camera

" Hey we are here with up and coming named Bastille. Why don't you all introduce yourselves?"

"I'm Dan"

"I'm Woody"

"I'm Kyle"

"I'm Will."

" Brilliant now what can you tell me about this song Pompeii that is going to be released next month?"

" Well our producer and others working on the label feel it's going to be our big hit. I've got my fingers crossed." Dan chuckled slightly.

"Me too because I don't wanna go back to working in a clothing store." You huffed slightly with a laugh as the woman laughed.

" So you're working with Nicole Clark right?" The boys nodded.

"What part does she play in your recording."

" Well she's brilliant, she gives us full reign on what we want to write." Dan ran his fingers through his hair. His nervous habbits rising. "We actually just went out to LA and gave her the finished album, which should be out around early March."

"We're all looking forward to it! Tell me how did you get discovered by virgin records."

"I actually met Nicole at a bar and convinced her to come see us." You grinned while Woody laughed. Of course I didn't mind you mentioning you conquering Nicole. It happened before us.

" Yeah and she signed us before even hearing us play." Will laughed softly.

"I was scared shitless because this woman walks up and tells us, hey I'm gonna sign you just don't fuck up tonight. Well I'm a ball of nerves 24/7" Dan was turning red slightly.

"Wow that's lucky! I can't wait to hear your new song. For now check out Flaws! Their most recent single!" She smiled to the camera till the guy waved his hand. "Wow thanks guys for meeting with us."

"Its no problem." Dan nodded with a smile. Now came the awkward entertainment for me. The woman was obviously attracted to Dan, she kept talking to him as you walked over to me laughing.

"Should we save him?"

"Not yet, I like watching him squirm." You smirked glancing to Dan.

" Nicole would have her head." I grinned before whistling. "Danny boy! Come on! We've gotta go stop flirting!" He glared at me before saying good bye to the woman and running over to us.

" She was trying to get my bloody address. How awkward." He whined before rubbing his face as we walked.

"You're the lead singer get use to it." You laughed before nudging Dan. I dialed Nicole's number and pressed the phone to my ear.

"What's wrong?"

" Why must you think something is wrong?" I chuckled softly.

" Well I assume when you call me something is obviously wrong."

" No I just wanted to let you know the boys did great. People are excited for Pompeii and well Dan's already got a fan girl"

"What's her name?"

"You're not gonna kill her." I chuckled as she huffed.

"Says you. Tell Dan I'm gonna shower then I'll give him a call. I've got a appointment tomorrow... December 12th at 7am with David and some other artists so I'll probably not answer."

" Alright just be careful. Be honest how have you been?" I stayed back and paced, watching the guys wandered to the dressing room to grab their things.

"I can't complain. I'm staying out of trouble." She laughed softly, it sounded uneasy, but I couldn't do anything but sigh.

" Janna can I tell you something? If you promise not to tell Dan?"

"O shit, yeah what's wrong?"

"I... I was out the night before drinking. I wasn't drinking heavily or anything, but when I got home... There was blood... But I'm on my pills Janna... The white ones not the blue ones."

"You were pregnant?" I whispered into the phone, stopping in my tracks.

"I dunno... If I was I'm not now. I took a test and it was negative. Then last night I went to the doctors they said I was fine.... I dunno maybe it was from the alcohol. I didn't drink since then. I was scared as hell."

"Just relax Niks... Take the day off and rest. I won't tell Dan because there isn't anything to tell. You're not pregnant and if you were it's... It's gone now."

"You're right... Thanks Janna."

"You're welcome babes..." I hung up and took a deep breath. Now I was in on a secret. Fuck me.

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