More of You

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I didn't want to wake up just yet in fear yesterday was a dream. However I found your form still in my embrace and the scent of vanilla lurking from your hair as it brushed against my nose. Yesterday you were an open book, but today would you still be so willing to talk about you? I wanted to kiss you, whisper you awake, but what were we now? Lovers? Friends? Or something else? Surely if we were friends you wouldn't have kissed me back last night nor said you liked me. However where did that line get drawn for lovers? Slowly you rolled over, eyes still closed as you placed your cheek against my chest, you fit perfectly against my side. Why was I falling so quickly?

"Morning..." You mumbled before lifting your head and looking into my eyes with a smile gracing your pink lips.

" Good morning." I cleared my throat slightly, it was always so deep when I woke up. You took me by surprise and kissed me, more than I had kissed you yesterday. My lip tugged by your teeth before I pulled your closer, getting lost in your teasing ways. You were talented with your tongue, then again you said you had never been in a relationship before, which meant your practice was perfect. Moments later you pulled away to look into my eyes, your thumb running along my bottom lips before you reached to my nightstand and grabbed my glasses. Carefully you placed them on my face then pecked my lips.

"You're very handsome with and without these glasses." I surely blushed, I was never good at taking compliments. They made me feel awkward since as a kid all my traits were made fun of by the more popular crowd.

"You're being too nice... You're beautiful... Why fool around with me when you could get any guy in the world?" Once again your lips brushed against mine only for a second.

"Because I've tasted all the wines and this one is my favourite..."

" What does that make us?" We were whispering yet this question stumped you in a way. Your hand brushing along my cheek.

"I don't know yet. Give me some time?"

"I have plenty of that..." You smiled before slowly getting out of bed, your body was taunting me. Yes Kyle had slept with you, but that was before I knew you. Before I started to feel something for you like the foolish boy I tended to be in love.

"You have to take me home today. I have work to do."

"Isn't it too close to Christmas for work?" You rolled your eyes while wiggling into your jeans, a large tattoo graced your thigh. Bright red roses and the darkest of blacks in a intricate design.

" Not for me sadly. I always give Janna off early for Christmas and I work." I sat up and sighed softly before a slight yawn escaped me.

" What do you do on Christmas?" This was the test if you were still an open book. You sat down while slipping your shirt over your head then looked at me.

"Sit at home and watch the news. The Christmas miracles... The heart warming stories... Before my father died he always made Christmas a big deal. He had money and it was him and I. I didn't mention this to your mother last night because it's... A touchy subject but before he died he drank like Steve. I always afraid he wouldn't wake up..." You blinked a few times, tears dared to leave your eyes and you refused to let them fall. "I found him on Christmas morning hanging in his bedroom from the fan... The police kept talking about social services and... I ran. I wasn't going to foster care or anything like that so I left." I placed my hand on the back of your head and pulled you closer, kissing your lips.

"Thank you for letting me into your world though it may be dark you've turned it around. Is that what Burrows meant by the Clark curse?" You nodded slightly.

"Steve died at 31, my father died at 54, and I don't know who or where my mother Wendy is, but she was a train wreck. Burrows was insinuating I would surely kill myself sooner or later.... The Clark curse." You pulled away, releasing a deep breath while slipping your boots onto your feet.

" What do you think about his assumption?"

" My date has expired... Christ I can't believe I'm telling you this..." You huffed as I grabbed my clothes from last night off the dresser and changed my trousers then shirt as you spoke. " When I got my brother's money... I started going to this shrink... He kept prescribing all these pills and one night I just took a shit ton of pills. Janna saved my life... I was in the living room OD-ing and she called the hospital. I lied and told her it was a medicine giving me a seizure not that I was on pills." You were looking to the floor, your elbows resting on your thighs with your hands clasped together. "I don't know why I'm telling you this, but it feels so good to tell someone." I kneeled in front of you and held your face in my hands, waiting till your eyes looked into my own.

" Your secrets are safe with me... I won't tell a soul. Come on let's get you home. Surely my father has shoveled out the cars and the streets plowed enough to manage." You flashed a smile and nodded before we both stood and wandered down stairs with our coats in hand. My mother sitting and watching the telly. "Bye mum!"

" Bye darling! Bye Nicole!"

" Farewell Linda."

" Will we be seeing you for the Durban trip?" She turned around and flashed you a smile before you nodded slowly.

" Yes of course. Thank you for the invitation." Your hand found mine as we wandered out into the cold, thankfully I was right with my assumption that my father had cleaned the cars before he left for work and the roads were cleared. You got in the passenger side and directed me along back into busy London. Of course you lived in one of the most beautiful parts of the city. What other surprises do you hold?

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