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(Hands out Kleenex at the door)


I watched the tv, feeling nauseous as he held you close. No one knew you like I did. I clicked the TV off and covered up, laying down in the dark. It felt like forever till I heard your heels click along the marble in the hall of the suite. I acted like I was asleep. I wish I never did that to you. Maybe then this wouldn't have happened. I heard a sigh leave your lips and soon your lips pressed against my temple. Your perfume soothed my mind like a lullaby.

"I love you so much handsome..." You showered and soon cuddled up behind me, your arms wrapping around my body. I wish I savoured your touch because I awoke alone. A note on your pillow in your pristine handwriting.


I hope one day I can listen to you whisper oblivion again. To feel your rhythmic heartbeat under my touch. I'm sorry, but I'm doing this because I love you. Understand that please. Don't call me. It will only hurt us more. Fake it all. That's what I have to do. Remember me the way I was around you. The way we were. I love you - Your Niks

"Nicole!?" I tossed the note in a hurry as I ran out of my room. " Nicole!" I yelled into the suite, the sun barely peaking into the living area. Janna ran out of her and Kyle's room, looking at me in a sleepy daze.

"What's wrong?" My heart was racing as I placed a hand over it. It didn't take long before I sunk to my knees. You were gone. Like a dream in the night I woke up. Janna went into our room and found the note, sinking beside me and holding me. I was crying. Sobbing in her arms.

"She's gone... She's gone... I didn't... What.... Janna I can't breath." She took my face in her hands, staring into my blue hues.

" Dan breath love... Slowly... In and out... Kyle! Come help me! Get me some water!" Kyle wandered out of the room, being pulled from his disoriented sleepy mindset by the scene of me on the ground. He quickly did as told by Janna and handed me a glass of water. I felt shattered. As if my world had just cracked. I felt like that teenager again who got bullied to know apparent end and hid in his closet with no feeling of hope. Here I sat in my misery, playing your words over and over in my head. It didn't make sense. I took a sip of water before holding my head in my hands.

"She's gone.... I should have said something last night. Maybe then she'd still be here." Janna held me in her arms like a broken child needing comfort.

"Dan it sounds like she made a hard choice. It sounds like she loves you still very much."

"Then why would she leave..." I whispered it into the air, looking straight ahead at the note on the floor where Janna had dropped it. My stomach churned as I looked to Will, his phone pressed against his ear. My eyes lowered once he hung up to the sound of your voicemail.

"I'll call Williams... Dan honey let's get you to bed alright? You need to calm down." All I could do was nod, slowly standing and wandering towards our room. Everything of yours was gone except minor items. Your ring was no where in sight. Maybe that was my small sign of hope. I laid down and held my head in my hands, my eyes ached from the tears. I didn't want this. Little did I know you didn't want this either. We would self distruct apart. Glory broken into two. I closed my eyes, tuning into Janna's hollering.

"She was what?! Reassigned?! What the fuck do you think you're doing Jason?!.... I don't give a fuck! She's part of this team! You can't just reassign her!" I watched Janna storm by, Kyle walking into the room.



"It's okay..." He mumbled and sat beside me.

"She left... I just... I just want to find her. I would give all this up Kyle. I just don't get why she needed to leave like that... Leave me behind as if I was nothing." I roughly bit the inside of my cheek, the taste of blood pooling in my mouth. As sick as it sounded I welcomed the pain, it gave me something to focus on.

"I don't know mate.... She's fucked up in the head-"

"Kyle... Stop... Bashing her isn't going to make me feel better..." I laid down and turned my back to him. I couldn't sleep, but I acted like I could anyways, just to be alone. Thankfully Kyle got the hint and left the room. Their whispered voices soaking through the walls of the suite. You wouldn't answer. Not for anyone. I didn't call. You told me not to and you and I always had this understanding of each other. I closed my eyes, feeling tears slide to the side of my face till they hit the pillow. I felt numb. Emptiness without you beside me.



"I talked to Williams." Janna mumbled. "The company reassigned her... She had to go.... I don't think she wanted to have the pain of missing you... So I think that's why she left."

"Mmm." I couldn't form words without sobbing. I refused to feel like this. To be a child to the rest of the group. This was just stage one of my demise. Two imperfect people together was glory. This was hell at its finest. We would fall like Olympus with a tiny chance to rebuild. Then again maybe one of us wouldn't survive to rebuild. We were mortals destined for something far greater if we were together. Yet apart we were just ticking time bombs waiting to distruct. Slowly destroying ourselves to cover up the pain of losing something so perfect. The pain of losing our glory.

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