Nicole Daniella Smith... Clark?

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We had a show tonight yet here we sat, cameras and lights all surrounding a bit of the stage. They wanted to interview you alone first and only now did I realize that you had never been interview like this before. Revealing your actual life to the world and not talking about a band or work. Sixty minutes and people magazine had the mics hooked up to your dress. Lesley, the interviewer was reviewing her notes in between smiling at you.

"I'm so nervous." You whispered looking to me.

"You'll be fine... Act like I'm sitting beside you." Clara giggled, which instantly made you smile. You nodded almost as if to pump yourself up then you kissed me.

"Wish me luck."

"Good luck love." I smiled watching you go sit down, Janna sitting beside me behind the cameras.

"We're here With Nicole Clark... Or Nicole Smith?"

"Smith is fine." You flashed a smile before toying with your ring.

" And... Action."

"Today we are here with Bastille, but first we wanna start with whom founded the band and gave them the chance to grow. We're here With Nicole Smith... How are you today?"

"I'm feeling good for sure, thanks for asking."

"Of course... So I've done my research and there isn't much about you in regard to the band. Can you start from the beginning?"

" Well... Back in 2011 I was working with my partner Janna to find some new acts to sign. So at the time I went bar hopping nearly every night. Well one night I met Kyle Simmons and he told me about a band he was in called Bastille." You laughed slightly. "I thought it would just be another awful band but Kyle and I made a bet if he could get me to sleep with him for a week then I would have to send someone to come see Bastille... Well he won and I came to see Bastille for myself at this little bar. I signed them before they even played and a lot of people ask me why.... It's because they had that spark to be something more than a bar band." Lesley laughed with a smile, nodding in agreement.

"So I'm gonna get to some tough questions. You life in the public eye over the past few years has been hectic nonetheless. We've seen your battle with drugs and I think we're all curious as to what really happened..." It made me shiver at this topic. You'd never spoken about your fashion let alone your actual life.

"Well... For the longest time I... I was able to keep it secret. In this industry secrets are worth more than money itself and once I signed Bastille I tried even harder to keep it that way. Yet once I started dating Dan, which was late 2011... It got difficult to cope. There would be a lot of times that we were on different sides of the world and I think that stress made it more appealing to use. Dan and I had that time apart where I was with Jesse Rutherford and that was probably my addiction almost at its worse. My worse was actually when... When I got in a car accident and had to go to Paris the next day. My doctor at the time medicated me so much I was lucky I didn't die. He found out that I realized he was drugging me to death like he did my brother and father and killed himself... But now I'm... I'm clean. I have a glass a wine like any other mother but it's been a long road to recovery. I really don't know where I would be without Dan and our friends."

"Wow... And what do you think was the scariest moment of your life?" You looked to me and I knew what you were think. I nodded in approval before holding Clara a little more close to my chest. The smile that once graced your lips disappeared.

"I have two moments where... Where I really questioned life itself. The first being finding my father dead on Christmas day. He was hanging from his fan in his room and... That was the day my life changed... The I think... Scariest and worst day of my life was February 10th a few years ago..." My stomach knotted, watching the emotions take over your face without a tear leaving. "Dan deals with manic depression. It's a very extreme case and that month leading up to that day I knew something was off... Really off. Yet I went to work and he didn't show up. I remember the fear of driving home... And all the lights were off..." You paused for a few moments. " And I found the love of my life nearly dead in our closet... And I knew I had to keep it together. I wrapped his wrists and Janna called the emergency responders.... And that day I did everything in my power to protect him from the media and anything that could harm him more... That I think was by far the scariest day of my life."

"That's very scary Mrs. Smith. Can we get Dan on stage?" I stood, not daring to let go of Clara as I took a seat beside you. My lips found yours before you took Clara and blinked away the tears. "I'll give you two a few moments to gather yourselves." She flashed a smile at us before you nodded.

"Thanks... Are you okay that I talked about that?" I nodded slowly, glancing at my wrists. Time had nearly made the scars disappear. I rarely had to wear bracelets anymore.

" Its just a lot to remember. A lot to feel again you know love?"

"O I think I know more than anyone else Daniel." You took my hand in yours and squeezed it slightly. " But I think it's time we don't have anymore secrets... Why hide something?" You were right. Why hide our glory from the world? Though I wondered how the fans would take all this?

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