The Clark Bloodline

96 11 3

Nicole POV

I was fuming in between the pain I felt in my chest. I glanced to you, those blue eyes mirrored our daughters and screamed innocence. My computer pinged and I glanced to the screen. Still in London, that was all I needed to know.

"Let's go..." I dug in my desk, grabbing the pack of cigarettes, and placing one between my lips.

"Is that where they are?"

"According to her phone yeah...." I mumbled and glanced to my watch.

" Hey guys.... Alex just walked in...." Kyle mumbled walking into my office. I nodded slowly before walking past you, yet you grabbed my arm and snagged the cigarette.

"I'm not losing you... Keep it together... Don't fucking turn into the old you..." Rarely did stern Dan come to the surface. Your blue eyes this stormy blue that sent shivers down my spine. I only nodded before you let my arm go and I walked into the living room.

"Alex.... I have the location of Jennifer's phone... I'm not getting the police involved."

"That's fine... We'll call them after we save them... More than likely Jen and Clara aren't the only ones being held captive." I grabbed the keys to Janna's car before looking to you.

"Whatever happens you get Clara and get back to the car... I'll grab Jen..." You nodded quickly before following Alex to his car. Kyle kissed Janna before she got in the vehicle with me. I lead the way, glancing to my phone now and then for directions.

"I know that look...." Janna mumbled. "That's pissed off Nicole... Don't do something you'll regret."

"I won't regret shooting the fuckers who have my sister and daughter Janna..." I tapped my fingers against the steering wheel. "Or I'll just let Alex do it so Dan doesn't think I'm crazy..."

" You are crazy... That's probably what turns him on." I huffed a laugh before shaking my head.

"I'll not having this conversation."

"Okay well... There is a hicky on your neck telling me otherwise..." I sighed softly and glanced to her for a moment.

" What is it with everyone in Dan and I's sex life?"

"We're all making bets on the next Smith baby."

" What...? Who said anything about another baby? I can barely handle everything that's going on let alone another Dan wandering around." I stopped the car and with that the conversation ended. Alex pulled up behind me and glanced around before getting out first and walking up to the car.

"She's in there?"

"According to her phone... Yeah..." I glanced to the approaching head lights, yet they turned off as a few other cars pulled up.

"Relax their my guys... I don't know how many people could be in there.... I told Dan and Kyle to stay in the car it isn't going to be safe enough for him to grab Clara..."

"I'm going in Alex..." He groaned slightly while I handed Janna the keys. "Be ready..." I gave a nod before hopping out as Alex handed me a gun. "Call the police as soon as we're out."

"I thought you said you were done with this life....?"

"I have a feeling it will always catch up to me..." I mumbled before letting him take the lead. It was mere seconds before he busted down the doors with the others. The sound of women screaming, gunfire, and shouts. I ran behind Alex, my eyes scanning the room as they combed through the building like a swat team. "Jen?" I mumbled cracking open each door. I felt my heart leap to my throat as I got to the last door and opening it. Her nose was busted, eyes shut and Clara hidden in her jacket. "Jen!" Her eyes opened as I got to my knees and brought them both closer to me. "I got you... I got you..." She sobbed and squeezed me tightly before I grabbed Clara.

" How did you...?"

"Long story... Now run we gotta go!" I helped her up and held Clara to my chest before making a run for it. I didn't even stop when the piercing pain scathed my arm. I bit down on my lip running outside as I groaned in pain.

"Clear out!" Alex hollered " its rigged! Go!" I jumped into Janna's car Jen right beside me. Just like that the building went up in smoke. We could have been in there. Yet here we were driving away from the scene of the crime. All of us made it out, but how many lives just got taken. Jen was clinging to me as she sobbed into my shirt. Clara was squeezing the air out of me.

"Mummy hurt?" I shook my head before glancing to my arm. A large gash from a bullet scratching the side of my arm. I could handle it, right now was euphoric.

"Mummy is fine sweet..." I kissed the top of her head, feeling my eyes well with tears. "Mummy is so much better right now...." Janna stole glanced now and then. Yet when we got home it was almost like a celebration. I had never seen you cry so many tears of joy holding our daughter. She squealed on tour embrace. Meanwhile I was cleaning Jen up in the kitchen, her eyes set on an object for distraction.

" How are you so calm...?" She whispered softly.

"I've seen all sides of life Jen... This is just one of the many sides..."

"I don't know how you handle this.... Are you okay?" She looked at me with this quizzical look before I shrugged and kept cleaning her wounds.

"I'll let you in on a secret about me sister... There are a few things that keep me from putting a gun to my head and pulling the trigger... The first time I had it to my head music saved me... Then Dan came along... Janna and Kyle.... Will and Awoui... Woody and Chrissy.... You... And Clara... You all are like my sanity. You all keep me from jumping or going too far...." I cracked a smile before sitting down, looking over her. She stood and grabbed the rubbing alcohol and a swap before cleaning up my arm.

"I hate how much sense that makes to me... It's like me with acting... It keeps me sane..."

"Hang onto it for dear life... With world is crazy... Wild like a never ending rollercoaster..." She laughed slightly.

"I know exactly what you mean.... Whiskey?" She smirked and I nodded. We surely had earned a calm day.


Next up a nice Coachella bit and Dan's birthday 😏 we're almost to that glorious 2017

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