Good Grief June

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O my gosh you all survived a few days without an update 😱 anyways thank you all for checking on me. I'm okay just a few more days of mediation and I should be back in action. The issue being that it makes me so drowsy that I can barely stay away all day long enough for work let alone everything else.



" Alright ready to get this show on the road?" Janna mumbled but I could always tell when you had a displeased look on your face. Janna looked like she was ready to cover Kyle's eyes with duck tape and kill the woman with your assistance. She knew the anger she was causing in all the Bastille women, and in a way it was a slight turn on cause surely you'd be feisty this evening. I blinked a few times and glanced around, thankful that I had managed to keep those thoughts in my brain and not say them out loud.

"Remind me whose idea this was for this music video...." Your eyes followed the pale women wandering comfortably in just her underwear before I pulled you into my arms.

"Neither of ours... In fact no one in the band had that idea darling... other than Dick hiring the usual director Stevie."

"Dick keeps hiring Stevie for a reason... I just haven't put my finger on it yet... Unless Dick is gay and has the hots for Stevie... I mean we never saw Bruce Jenner turning into a female, but you never know.... Dick could be... Diana. " You glanced up at me before looking back to the different actors that were still lingering for their scene. I couldn't help but laugh at the thought and shook my head. Thankfully any part that involved the guys and I was already over. This whole acting thing never felt natural to me. 

"Because Dick likes to make the world uncomfortable just like Stevie... and Stevie always comes up with the interesting storylines to the music. Granted it's fitting, though I think we'll have plenty of questions when we do that Q&A in a few months."

"You'll have more than plenty..." You mumbled before sighing softly. "She's gorgeous....I'm so glad I don't know her name."

"She's french and she isn't gorgeous...." A chuckle echoed through the room before I kissed your neck. 

"Did I mention how handsome you look in this outfit?" You turned around and smirked slightly, biting the side of your pink lip roughly. I rolled my eyes before you ran your fingers through my slightly styled hair. 

"Now you're just trying to distract yourself from the fact that there is a naked woman nearby." 

"Mmmm yeah this is true." You turned back around as I snatched your hand. 

"Say after everyone is done filming we'll grab some dinner with the gang back at our place." You sighed softly.

"That also reminds me has Charlie mentioned this Sarah girl anymore?" 

"No.... but from what I understand it is a completely different Sarah than Sarah Cruz..." You shrugged and wandered down the hall slightly more, obviously checking to see if anyone was nearby.

"Well she went missing and I wanted to be the first to tell you I am not involved with her disappearance... she must have pissed off the wrong person in the industry." You lead the way outside, mainly for the fresh air since the studio was stuffy. You dug in your pocket for that familiar pack of smokes yet pulled out a joint, which made me smirk slightly. It'd been our compromise for smoking in times of stress. I sat down on the bench as you lit the paper up before taking a drag. I smirked a bit more and grabbed your face, taking the intoxicating smoke from your lungs and into mine before coughing. "Is it bad that you smoking in any form turns me on?"


"Alright love birds" Woody pushed open the door, looking as if he'd been up all night. Then again with baby Liam he more than likely had been up all night. "It's done and in the editing room. We're waiting for you lot." 


"I'll take that..." He snatched the joint and like a chipmunk inhaled cheeks full of smoke. Then again he probably needed it more than us. You laughed softly as we wandered down the hall to the viewing room. Everyone had Champagne poured, Kyle handed us two glasses and Woody soon after joined.

"Smile!" Charlie grinned snapping a photo of us. You were coiled into the side of my chest, my arm around your frame as we held out glasses of champagne clinked together. "Ah the lovely Mr. & Mrs. Smith... mother and father of the stormer realm." 

"When are we getting another Stormer baby?" Kyle whined as you laughed loudly before taking a sip of your drink.

"When I'm ten years younger so never."

"Mmmm the act is tempting." I whispered in your ear as you smirked slightly before blushing. "Maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea.... another baby."

"Daniel.... I can barely keep track of the six of you.... Charlie and Clara included. Plus we've got tour and well I'm too fond of drinking to give it up for another nine months." I kissed your neck again before taking a swig of champagne. 

"How true my love..." 

"Hush up it's starting!" Will hollered before downing his glass. The room went dark and the usual tune filled the room. You swung your hips slightly, my jaw tightening just watching your body with enjoyment. Though listening to my voice was distracting the enjoyment.

"So get drunk.... call me a fool." You sung and we started dancing around like fools. Charlie was filming us and everyone else live for facebook and surely it would trickle it's way to twitter and Instagram. Yet as we got older it didn't seem to matter what people thought about us or how we were together. We didn't have anything to hide anymore. I couldn't help, but applaud with everyone else once it was over and glanced to the camera flashing a slight smile. Even with my awful acting it seemed to be a success.

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