Two Evils

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I woke up and rolled over, fully expecting to pull your body against mine. All I found were cold sheets and you were looking down at Clara whose mouth was clung to your nipple. I wanted to make a cigarette comment yet your eyes were closed and you looked exhausted.

" How did you sleep?" You mumbled not even opening your eyes.

"I can't complain... Why don't you come back to bed?" I saw the hesitation yet you stood, adjusting my shirt back on your frame before laying Clara in between us once you were in the bed. "Why did you smoke?" You sighed and turned over, your back facing me.

" Dan... I didn't smoke..."

"Then why did you have a cigarette?"

"You won't believe me..." You shrugged slightly before I ran my hand along your back.

"Try me?"

"Londy she flicked the cigarette at me and I picked it up from my lap..." You turned over and showed me your palm. A tiny burn mark near your pinky. "Would I do that to myself?" You made me question it for once. Yet I couldn't fully believe your story. Londy didn't have a reason to do such a thing. I'd at least keep it in mind. "I can already see in your face that you don't believe me."

" Niks it isn't that I don't believe you... I just don't see the reasoning of why she would do such a thing." I looked over Clara as did you.

" She wants you for herself... She's got Camden..."

"Camden's father is suppose to be out of prison soon on good behavior... He had a life sentence."

"No surprise she made a baby with a psychopath." I sighed and rubbed my face.

"Enough about Londy... She'll only be here a couple more days."

"Then obviously I need to go to work."

"Tonight is new years love... Please just calm down." You scoffed and sat up.

"Dan she'll just set me up all day until you choose her so... Sorry." You got out of bed in a haste, going to the closet and yanking jeans and a sweater off the hangers. I wanted to yell. To plead for you to stay. Yet you changed and left without another word.

"I wish you could talk little one..." I mumbled lifting Clara into my arms. She could barely keep her eyes open. Probably because she's just been fed she was so tired. I placed her in her crib before leaving our room. The sound of soft sobs coming from Londy's room. "Londy?" I whispered as I knocked on her door. It was a few moments before she opened the door. Camden fast asleep still and her face stained with tears.

"Did I wake you?"

" No... I was already awake... What's wrong?" She sighed and motioned for me to come into her room. There were papers on the floor and tissues. The whole scene made me want to shiver.

"I um... I have a secret and... I can't keep it anymore..." She picked up one of the papers. "Reece made me take a DNA test awhile ago...years ago when Camden was first born... And... I never opened the results till last night.... Dan..." She handed me the paper. "Camden is yours..." I nearly passed out before even looking over the sheet. Londy and I did have sex, but I couldn't question this test. After all it was real. Camden was mine.

" How..." I was lost for words as I glanced over to the boy. He mirrored my images so much that I could see it being possible. " What...." Nicole. You ran through my mind and all I could feel was panic.

"Don't worry we don't need to tell anyone... I'll still go-"

"No... That's my son I missed enough time with him-"

" But what about Nicole? She hates me Dan."

"I'll figure it out." Little did I know there was no figuring it out. There was so much more than I could comprehend in this moment. "I... I need a few minutes." I mumbled and walked out of her room. I felt like I was going to be sick. Kyle stopped in his tracts seeing the look on my face and paper in hand. Without hesitation he snatched it from me, before his eyes grew wide.

"Please tell me this is a bloody awful joke..." I shook my head before rushing to our room and into the bathroom. My stomach churned as I sunk to the floor and dry heaved. Thankfully there wasn't anything in my stomach to throw up. Slowly the panic of losing you set in and Clara. Yet then again I had always been there for Camden. " Dan!?" I heard Kyle walk in, the sound of the door closing. "Mate... I fucking talked to Janna last night. Londy is playing you to hurt Nicole and your relationship."

"Kyle even if that was true... Camden is still mine." I mumbled, sitting with my back against the wall.

" You know what... I'm calling bullshit on this! You're gonna believe a word that comes out of her mouth?" He scoffed before tossing the paper at me. " Where the fuck is Nicole?"

" She went to work..."

"Because of Londy? Wow... You know what... I'm going too. You literally are choosing some whore over Nicole right now Dan..." He almost sadisitically laughed at the situation. " You know if I had stayed with Nicole... She wouldn't be treated like this mate.". He left as I sat there, my eyes locked onto the paper. On one side was Londy, feeding me new stories every minutes. Then again there was Nicole telling me to send her out into the streets. If Camden truly was mine then I would have no choice but to take care of him. Then again I would have to choose in the end. Who did I actually believe more. It was like choosing between the lesser of two evils. Either way someone was going to get burned. I didn't know what to believe anymore.


So.... How ya all feeling? Is it Dan's?

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