Brit Awards 2013

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Alright... I love Bastille and I love Dan, but can we take a moment to look at the photo above. What is going on with that outfit. The jacket obviously is the wrong size. 2014 though, yes. Whoever dressed him the following year had their game down to a science. Anyways enjoy this light hearted chapter. I feel the need to honour my readers with a drama free chapter so please put aside the Kleenex for now. Try to laugh. However... Don't doubt that I will be returning to my normal evil writing ways very soon. Enjoy!


I felt like a kid on Christmas getting ready for the Brit awards. My lack of dress clothes made the outfit surely awful in your opinion, but then again you were at work and unaware that I was walking out the door looking like this. Ralph couldn't make it, but I wasn't missing out on this for anything. Of course I did as you told me and wore my bracelets and long sleeves. I needed to give the wounds time to fully heal. As I walked out the door and into the elevator your number popped up on my phone.

" Hello?"

"Have you left yet?"

" No love, I'm in the lobby now."

"Don't take your car, there is a car waiting outside for you darling." I chuckled and walked towards the front doors, giving Rory a wave.

" Why do you make me try and feel like a celebrity?"

"Because you are one love. Yesterday we were in Amsterdam today we're in London. Not many people do that..." You laughed through the phone, I could picture the smile on your lips. The way you would twirl the phone cord with your fingers and your long slender legs on your desk. Focus Smith.

"You're only saying that Niks."

" Ah calling me Niks now?"

"I like to change it up." I walked to the awaiting town car and climbed in the back as the driver held the door open. "I'm a bit nervous."


"Because what happens if someone really cool talks to me and I freeze up?" You laughed hysterically through the phone in turn lightening my mood.

"Daniel! Really darling you'll be fine. Tell them about yourself and about the band."

"If only I could tell them about you." I huffed slightly and sighed once the car stopped. "I'm here love, I'll see you later tonight?"

"Of course. If I'm asleep wake me up, tell me all about the show alright? I'll try and stay up and watch it. I've got the red carpet show on in my office."

"Alright, be careful getting home. Love you."

" Love you too. Have a ton of fun." You hung up and I shoved my phone in my pocket. I was dying from the heat of the car however outside it was freezing. I wandered along trying my best not to mentally freak out. Yet someone grabbed my arm.

"Dan Smith! From Bastille yeah? You got a moment?"

"Of course! For what?"

"A brief interview!" I chuckled and could feel my heart fluttering. Of course I couldn't focus on the questions, all I remember is him at the end stating that I was in the running for next year's Brit awards. I could only imagine how nervous that would make me. Quickly I found my seat and looked around in shock as if I had just found the best stash of candy. Black keys. Lana del Rey. The killers. Coldplay. Adele. Muse.

I was surround by musicians. People who understood my craft. People who loved to write and sing their hearts out. Bleeding their feelings onto the pages. I subconsciously rubbed my wrist with my thumb. Had you not found me I wouldn't be here. I wouldn't be living in this dream world. Maybe I had died and gone to heaven or the pills were making this all up in my mind. I pinched myself and winced. It hurt which meant I was awake. So how was I so lucky?

"I believe that's my seat right beside ya." I looked up and there was Adele. Quickly I stood and nodded before forcing a smile, my heart racing.

"Of course, excuse me."

"Nice to meet you, I'm Adele." She held out her hand, which I shook before sitting down.

"I'm Dan from um... Bastille."

"ah right right that song... With the chanty bit? That's a good one, maybe you'll win next year!"

"I doubt that, but we'll see for sure."

" Are you here alone?"

" Yeah, my boss gave me her ticket because she was too busy."

"Ah well lucky you!" She grinned and soon the show started. Of course she won an award. Actually single of the year. Before I knew it the night was over. It had been great. I wandered back to the car and pulled out my phone.

Nicole: what is that outfit?
Nicole: who did you sit next to?
Nicole: sike, it's adele ahhh!
Nicole: you're probably going mental lol
Nicole: I'm home 😴

I chuckled and clicked off my phone before looking out the window taking in the scenery. In a mere 8 days I would be traveling around London. Then festivals. Then the state's and then back to tour the UK again. It all sounded overwhelming. Yet exciting and nerve wracking all at the same time. The car pulled up to the building and I tugged off my jacket while walking through the lobby. Once upstairs and in our apartment I kicked off my shoes and tugged off my shirt. Your form was wrapped under the blankets. I undid my belt and climbed into bed in my boxers, pulling you against my chest. I took my glasses off and put them on the night stand.

"Mmm how was it?"

" It was... Wickedly awesome." I chuckled as you turned to face me, tangling your legs with mine as your lips found mine.

"That's great my love. I'm glad you had a ton of fun." I nodded in the dark and ran my hand down your side gently.

"I wish you could have gone."

"Me too. Maybe next year yeah? And we'll pick you out a better outfit." You laughed as did I.

"O hush. Go to sleep."

"Fine, good night love."

" Good night Nikki" I closed my eyes and kept you secure in my embrace. Soon enough I slipped into the arms of sleep.


Aw, what a happy chapter. Buckle up. It's about to get crazy soon 😈

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