The Boys

164 10 4

Nicole POV

I left you to sleep when I awoke, getting changed into my work out clothes and grabbing my keys. Janna had signed us up for some spinning class and I nearly canceled today considering how sore most of my body was from last night. I started the car and drove myself down the block to the parking garage then wandered into the gym. Janna looked worst than I by far, which did make me smirk.

"Rough night?"

" Yeah, Kyle came home and... We had sex, but it was totally new."

"Me too... Wait... Did he cook you dinner?"

"No, he gave me a massage. It was sexy, but I have no idea where he got the idea from..." I climbed into the bike and chewed on the inside of my cheek.

"The same thing with Dan. He made me dinner and then ate me out on the counter." Janna smirked slightly before her eyes lit up.

" You know, I did notice something." We both began biking, she pulled out her phone and flipped through something before handing the device to me.


"Yeah Kyle downloaded it. We're linked on the cloud so anything he downloads I get too. It's like a fan website for books. I didn't look at it much." I clicked through the app and then typed Bastille into the top bar. Hundreds of made up stories about the guys with different girls and scenarios in the descriptions. I typed in Bastille Dan and the first story. Dyle.

"Janna what's Dyle?"

"I have no idea..." I opened the book with a click of the button.

"Do you know what smut means?"

"Not a clue." I huffed and copied the word into Google.

"Ooo... Female literary porn... Fans write out sex scenes of the guys."

"I know what I'm reading when Kyle goes away." Janna smirked at me as I laughed.

"Ew... Okay Dyle...." It was only after a few pages or chapters that I finally got the concept. "O..."


"Dyle is Dan and Kyle... Blended together... Fans see them as a couple."

"Nooooo way?! Is there sex?"

"I stopped reading once Kyle started stroking Dan's cock..." I shivered and typed into the search bar, Nicole and Dan. Five hits. One with 20,000 reads. "That sneaky little shit..."

" What?"

"Last night... Was from this book."

"What give me that!" Janna snatched the phone and did the same, obviously searching her and Kyle. "O were onto them Clark..." She smirked at me as I smirked back. "I think we should give them a little pay back don't you?"

"Nanna against Dyle?"

"Ooo yeah. It's on." She put her headphones in before peddling faster as did I. You and Kyle were fan fiction readers. Caught red handed. Janna and I finished our workouts before walking towards the car port. "So double date tonight? Until then we can't tell them we know."

"O this should be fun... I'm game."

"Bye Nanna"

" Bye other half." She laughed evily as we went our separate ways. I drove home and you were still fast asleep. Perfect time for information gathering. I grabbed your phone off the nightstand and hid in the guest room, of course your password was the day we had met. Quickly I found the gold. Wattpad, hidden deep within a folder on your last page. Books were saved into your library, you and Kyle had been messaging through the app. O this was entertaining. I held my breath not to laugh before returning your phone to its spot on the nightstand and heading into the bathroom to shower. It wasn't long before I felt your presence sneak into the shower, lazy kisses trail along my collar bone.

"Morning sleepy head."

"Morning love... I missed showering with you."

" Such a odd thing to miss. Say tonight were gonna go out on a double date at the Italian place we like down the street."

"With Janna and Kyle?"

"Of course." I smiled and turned around, running my soapy hands down your chest as you kissed my forehead.

"Whatever you'd like to do babe. Until then can we please... Lay on the sofa and just... Do nothing." I grinned and nodded.

"I would love to do exactly that Mr. Smith. Maybe read a good book." I couldn't help but smile slightly before I kissed you then began to get out of the shower.

" And coffee?"

"Of course... Maybe some whipped cream too." I wrapped the towel around myself as I wandered to the closet, drying and getting into my robe. "I had a great time last night. What made you switch it up?"

"Eh, I just wanted to surprise you... Excite you." You wandered out of the bathroom, hair slicked back and a towel around your waist. " Did it work?"

"That isn't even a question. I just thought you and Kyle had some brainstorming cause Janna said she had a pretty wild night too."

"O really?"

"You two must of brought your brains together... Dan and Kyle unit to make it the best welcome home... Dyle powers." I took a deep breath trying so hard not to smirk so I looked out the window while braiding my hair.

"No... No... Just um... I wanted to be romantic yet... Confident."

"I see... Well I had fun." I wandered into the Livingroom and picked up my phone, texting Janna.

Nik: I've got him squirming
Janna: 😈 Kyle too. Did you get in a Dyle reference?
Nik: how did you know 😈
Janna: Nanna powers lil mama. Remember don't let him know you're onto him.
Nik: O I won't. See you tonight 😇

I sat down my phone as you walked in the Livingroom with coffee, snuggling beside me under a blanket as we clicked on Naked and Afraid. Your current obsession still. It took all my self control not to continue with Dyle references instead Janna and I would let you and Kyle squirm all through dinner. How entertaining. However I had to agree the smut writing was erotic and nothing would upset me if you and I kept using it for ideas.


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