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I felt like shit for leaving you confused for days, but she haunted me constantly. Her hair was red and skin soft with the smell of chocolate lotion. Eyes blue like yours. She broke my heart and my trust in people and I took it out on you. I awoke first, you seemed so calm and at peace. Beauty wrapped into human form. Today marked you finding your father hanging from the fan and how could anyone make this day better for you after that event? I kissed the top of your head, causing you to move around slightly before lifting your head and batting your eyes.

" Good morning Dan..." A smile crept on your lips before you kissed me softly.

" Good morning Nikki. Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas." I sighed softly and pulled you on top of me, your body giving off such warmth and legs as smooth as silk.

"We gotta get ready to go see my parents. I need to stop by my place for the gifts." You nodded slowly and sighed before laying your head back on my chest.

"Mmhmm five more minutes." A chuckle escaped me before I tickled your side, a high picked giggle escaping you. "Daniel! Stop! Stop it right this moment!" A smirk crossed my lips before I stopped and pressed a kiss to your lips.

"Then go get ready." A pout escaped you before you wandered to the bathroom and I heard the water run.

"You can shower I'm gonna take a bath. I'll let you know when I've gotten in alright?"

"Yeah!" I hollared back before looking around the room. No photos. Nothing but prints bought from stores. Not a hint of personalization. Then again what did you have to show for a family?

"Alright!" Slowly I got out of bed, quickly fixed your blankets and pillows before grabbing my clothes and wandering to the bathroom. Your body covered by bubbles and a steaming hot rag over your eyes.

" Well someone looks relaxed."

"It's Christmas I'm treating myself." A smirk crossed your lips, yet you didn't remove the rag. I started the shower, the glass tinted like fog so I wouldn't be seen. I kicked off my boxers and stood under the scalding hot water and cleared my throat. It always felt so good in the morning to shower and clear my lungs. "Do your parents like wine?"

" They love wine."

"Brilliant because that is what I got them." A chuckle passed my lips before I washed my hair, now cursing that I didn't have any product to properly style it here. For the ride to my house I would look like a wet dog. I was quick to wash and turn off the water, wrapping a towel around my torso then slicking my hair back. My eyes caught your relaxed form still in the tub. As silently as I could I walked over and kissed your lips, making a smile appear. "Don't tease me."

"You seem to enjoy it though." A laugh escaped you before I wandered to the bedroom and put on my clothes from yesterday. Making note I would need to change when I picked up the gifts. You wandered out moments later a towel wrapped around you while you picked your clothes from your closet.

"Dress or jeans?"

"Jeans, it's cold as hell out for a dress."

"Agreed." You closed yourself in your walk in closet and came out wearing jeans, boots, and a red blouse. All which looked amazing on your figure. "Is it okay?"

"You look brilliant Nicole."

"They won't mind me coming?" I chuckled and shook my head.

"No, they already called to ask me if you were coming multiple times with week." You laughed while grabbing three gifts. One was obviously a bottle of wine. The others I had no clue. "What's in those?"

" Well I got your sister a few passes for virgin records gigs if she wants to take photos and I got you something." You smirked as we made our way to the elevator. I too had gotten you something. Hopefully it wouldn't be too stupid of a gift. We took my car of course and I drove us towards what I liked to call the poor district of London. Of course it was all I could afford. You glanced around once I parked and got out of the car, following me inside and the up the stairs to my flat. It was small, but serves it's purpose as shelter.

"I'll just be a second."

" No rush... I'll investigate." You smirked and glanced around, thumbing through my records. I went to my bedroom and changed, tossing the dirty clothes in the growing pile in the corner. By the time I came back out, gifts in hand, you were reading my lyrics on the piano. "Daniel these are amazing. Bad Blood? Pompeii?"

"They're just nonsense..." You laughed and shook your head, approaching me.

" No they're brilliant. Record them. Let's see how they turn out at least and if you don't like them we won't put them in the album."

"I guess we can give them a try. Let's go love." I chuckled slightly and followed you out the front door, my gifts for my sister, parents, and you all bundled in the bag. Quickly I locked the door and got into the car, driving us towards my parent's home.

"You sure they won't find it weird you're bringing me to Christmas even though we're not dating?"

"No, like I told you they have asked about you nonstop. You're a parent's dream." You laughed softly with me before taking my hand and giving it a squeeze. "When I asked you what are we though... Have you decided?"

"In all honesty I want.... I want to be with you Daniel. You've brought a new twist to my life... a good one! Yet, I can't hold you back from the road your career is about to take..." You kept your eyes on me while I drove. "What I'm trying to say is... I'll be your secret... That is all I can be for now. That's only because I don't want your name or your band's name in the mud." I nodded as I parked the car and then looked at you. It was true in this moment I wanted nothing more than to change your mind. Yet I agreed to this. We agreed to this. A game that would last for years. It would be your name to get dragged through the mud. We walked inside, your hand and mine and gifts in the other. My mother took them and sat them beside each person's spot while my sister hugged you and introduced herself. Then we all sat down for gifts. My mother and father got your wine, a sunset collage, and vinyls. My sister got your passes, a camera, and tickets. Then you, sitting beside me with this stupid smile.. My parents and sister got you a beautiful scarf then my gift. A diamond bracelet which received an aw from my mother.

"Do you like it?"

"Daniel this is... it is beautiful... Thank you." You kissed me in front of my family. Now it was our secret as a group. Carefully I clasped it around your wrist then began opening my gifts. My parents got me new recording headphones, my sister got me a piece of her photography, and you got me a hoodie. Little did we know how iconic this hoodie would be come.

"This is wicked! Ah there is a wolf on the back! Thank you love."

"You're welcome Dan."

The Glory of Them [Bastille Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now