It's Gonna Be Okay

137 9 3

Nicole POV

Leaving Italy was awful. It was like leaving paradise. Even you seemed a bit bummed, but we still had more time to spend together. Or so we thought.

I was cleaning our plates when I got the call from Janna. Her voice was horse and she was upset. A small argument with Kyle caused all of this to happen. She wanted to go for a drive with me and talk so I changed into some jeans, white t-shirt and my leather jacket before slipping into my heels.

" Dan, can you call Kyle. You handle that side of the argument I'll handle the other side."

"I just don't get what they would have argued about." You mumbled, leaning against the door frame as I gathered my purse and phone, the sound of thunder booming outside gave me chills.

" Well I'll let you know when we're on our way back alright? Text me." I pulled your body against mine and kissed you gently. Had I known what would happen I would have kissed you longer. Forced myself to remember the way your lips tasted against mine. "I love you."

"I love you too. Be careful." I nodded and took the lift to the lobby, seeing Janna wrapped in her rain jacket.

" What took so long?"

"I had to get out of my pajamas grumpy. Where we headed?"

"I dunno I'm just gonna drive." She led the way to the car, we took mine, the black Cadillac. She wanted to drive. I shouldn't have let her. Not with her being upset. I sighed and dug through my glove box, pulling out a carton id cigarettes and putting on between my lips. "Since when do you smoke?"

"I only smoke when I'm upset. Hence the whole carton is almost here... Dan doesn't know obviously." I shrugged and found a lighter in my purse, putting the window down as I took a drag. "So are we gonna drive in silence or are you going to tell me what happened?"

"Kyle doesn't want kids yet..."

"Ah and you do?"

"I mean... It could take years before we conceive. Don't you and Dan talk about kids?" I shrugged slightly.

"We just have sex Janna. Yeah I got pills, but I don't think we've once used a condom. We're not worried when we have kids. We kind of take life as it goes. We don't plan." I huffed a laugh before flicking the half a cigarette out the window. It was pouring down rain, making the view of the road blurry.

"You two are on a total different playing field than Kyle and I... He's so careful..."

"We're careful in a way."

" Bullshit. Hell you and Dan do crazy stuff. Sneak around. Have sex in crazy places. I want that excitement."

"Then why not talk to Kyle about it? Tell him how you feel. Call him." She sighed and pulled her phone out, speed dialing Kyle onto the Bluetooth. It took a few rings. It was obvious he was crying too by the sniffles.


"Kyle...? I'm sorry..."

"I'm sorry too... You're right... I haven't been fun me lately. I'm under a ton of stress and just... I need to come back down to earth." She laughed weakly through the tears. I was busy watching the road. "Come home please? I'm at Dan's just chatting."

"I'll meet you there alright? About an hour. I gotta drop Nicole off."

"Alright I'll see you soon... I love you."

"I love you too baby." They hung up and she released a breath. "That went well..."

" Yeah... Hey Janna why don't you pull over and let me drive?"

" No... No I'm fine."

"Janna you're still crying... Let me drive it will be safer." She sighed and shook her head.

" Nicole really... I'm fine..." I rolled my eyes and looked out the window, we were in back roads in the country side, the only light was from the car. What registered first was her screams. I caught a glimpse of the deer, standing dead in the road as she swerved. I should have been driving. I would have stopped all of this. The car sped off the side of the road, tumbling down the hill. I screamed covering my head as we rolled then bliss as I busted my head on the dash. The ringing sound filled my ears when I came back. I felt the rain soaking my clothes, the front window was gone from what I could see.

" Nicole! Nicole!" I blinked a few times, trying to tug my buckle free. We were on our sides, the car wobbling back and forth with the wind. "It's gonna be okay." I felt her hand grasp mine. I don't remember seeing what she looked like but her face too was cut up from the broken glass. The car tipped and I busted my head. There we hung upside down in the car from our seatbelts. Janna screaming for help as I tried so hard to stay conscious.

"Call Dan... Call for help..." I closed my eyes, feeling the blood rush to my head. Janna should have just let me drive that night. Maybe then my car wouldn't have been totalled. Maybe then I wouldn't have ended up in this position. Fighting against the unconscious abyss. The last few conscious thoughts that ran through my mind of course were about you. About sitting at home and watching reruns or sitting on our balcony drinking tea. All I knew is that I said I loved you before I left that night. That you would hang onto that no matter what Dan. However don't doubt I didn't place every bit of blame on Janna for this. My life now depending on the emotionally unstable blonde who was worried about exciting sex and kids. Meanwhile I was just worried I wouldn't get to see your face again. That I wouldn't get to lay beside you and see the morning light shine against your blue hues. Then again I was a Clark.

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