Whiskey and Wine you Haunt Me

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Nicole POV
My past day has been anything but great. I managed to get dressed and check my phone once more. Sadly there was a message from an unknown number, yet I knew who it was by the photos. At some point I had slipped and busted my face on the dresser. Again, I don't even remember that happening.

Unknown: how do you like my photos ;)
Nikki: Ian?
Unknown: miss me darling ?
Nikki: what do you want?
Ian: 500,000 pounds otherwise you'll be all over tv tonight. How kinky... You're so very sexy
Nikki: you're blackmailing me? I won't pay a dime.
Ian: Meet me at the bar tonight.

I sat my phone down and took a deep breath. My head hurt from the alcohol as usual. Yet it was a miracle I made it to the bar. Though early for the meeting, I sat down and had a drink. One drink turned to a couple. The headache went away. Maybe I was just numb. Then like always the worst thing happened. Janna stared me down and kept talking. I didn't even register her words. I felt too sick. My vision was more than blurred and my stomach was knotted. I stormed out, I don't really remember why. I was too drunk to think clearly.

I went home for once. Rory was off by now and thankfully you weren't home. I looked around at all of our things sprawled and intertwined like always. The place smelled of your cologne and there were blankets on the sofa with a pillow. The bed was made, which you never did. You hadn't even slept in our bed when you stopped home. Then again I didn't even know how long you stopped by for to notice my absence. My mind wasn't working and I admit that now. This whiskey clouded my thoughts like fog in the night. My vision was blurred and my ears rang. I clung to your piano and forced myself to sit, grabbing your pen and struggling to write.


I'm sorry it had to be like this. You are the best man a woman could ask for and I'm sorry you have dated shitty women in your life. I'm one of them. I'm no better than Carly I think. Yeah it wasn't my fault, but I should have listened to you. You told me not to drink, but I did. Maybe it's because I'm a Clark that this is happening. Just promise me that whatever you feel you hold it close to your heart. You don't need to forgive me for what I did becsuse I can't even forgive myself. I know you deserve better and that's what I pray you find my love. I'm sorry I'm so sorry babe... I do love you more than words can say... Your Nikki x

I'm sorry you had to find me like this. I sat on the sofa and clicked on the tv. Surprise surprise. I was on the news. Plastered like a poster on every gossip channel. Funny enough the bra I was wearing was purple your most disliked one of my collection. It didn't matter anymore.

"Producer and musician Nicole Clark sister of Steve Clark was photographed naked in bed with this man. Sources say they've been dating for months"

"I think this is fake."

"I disagree, she has always been a party girl and while she's usually very private sometimes things are brought to light."

"I understand that, but she looks drugged."

"Who cares she's got a great body! Who ever she sleeps with is lucky!"

I felt tears slide down my cheeks, I felt violated in so many ways. I looked to the liquor cabinet and stumbled my way, grabbing two of the whiskey bottles and sitting in front of the tv. One swig. Two swigs. Three swigs. The ringing got louder. The tv was pigmented in blurry blocks.

"She's had a rough life."

"That's no excuse! She's following in the footsteps of her brother."

" He got around a lot."

" Yeah and he's dead from alcohol and drugs! She's not learning from his mistakes."

My throat was on fire. Four swigs. Five swigs. Six swigs. Bottle one gone. My limbs tingled thank God I was sitting on the floor. I could barely stay sitting up.

"Nicole?" I looked around and I swore I saw Steve sitting in the chair beside where I was sitting. His red scarf hung around his neck and long hair untamed.


"Stop." I hiccuped and looked back at the tv. It was a miracle I was able to untwist the cap and bring the second bottle to my lips. One gulp. Two gulps.

"She's a train wreck waiting to happen!"

"She's just another industry icon ready to disappear."

Three gulps. Four gulps. I coughed violently, I felt on fire. Was this how Steve felt?

"Nicole? Baby sister why?"

"I'm... I'm just.... Li...ke... You..."

"You are far from me my sweet girl... Please stop... Stop doing this to yourself. I'm sorry I'm not there."

Last sip. I dropped the bottle beside the other one. The tv was just colours. The ringing covered the sound of the voices. Steve stood and disappeared. Was this it? Our glory in ruins? I coughed once more, yet the white rug was now decorated with a splatter of blood droplet. I reached for my lips only to look at my red hand. I feel onto my side, coughing as I closed my eyes. The world stopped spinning in my head. The ringing turned to silence with brief moments of sound. Click. Footsteps. Screams.

" Hello?! Jesus Christ! Nikki!"

" Love! Janna there is so much blood!"

" Hello? I'm at Nicole Clark's penthouse, she's overdosed! Please I need an ambulance!"

" Dan get me a wet towel!"

"Lorelei what do we do?"

" We hope and pray she's not been out long... A pulse... She's got a pulse..."

"O my god... I should have followed her!"

"Janna don't blame yourself! It's that guy's fault. Turn the bloody tv off! I'm tired of them parading her around!"

"Nikki, come on wake up."

"Stand back please... Patient is unresponsive. Blood Alcohol level measured at... .61 rushing to medical center."

"Nikki please... Please wake up... It's okay... I love you."

I love you too Daniel.... More than words can say.

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