What Now?

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Thank you all for continuing to read. I'm averaging about 40 reads per chapter, which is crazy! Hopefully you continue to enjoy this story 😊


I woke up alone, sitting up in a panic till I saw the light coming from the bathroom. Soft sobs coming from the room. I slowly got up and nearly tip toed my way there as to not alert you. I wasn't ready for this. You weren't either. I slowly pushed open the door and you were on the floor with you back to the wall. Your eyes locked onto mine as I walked over and sat down, pulling you into my arms.

"What's wrong love? Why are you crying in here by yourself?" You bit your lips together, reaching to your other side. As soon as I saw it I knew. I didn't even need to read the test. "You're... Pregnant?"

"I know this isn't.... A good time at all."

"Shh..." I pulled you fully onto my lap, your head on my shoulder. " It's always a good time... We'll be okay. This is our baby." I mumbled, kissing the top of your head, a smile creeping on my lips. My hand found your stomach and I gently stroked it with my thumb. "I don't care what the world says... I love you."

"But your career... I'm so awful. They're going to think I did this on purpose to pin you down." You sighed and I felt your fingers begin to draw patterns on my upper chest.

"You're my fiancée of over two years. I couldn't care any less about what they have to say... I see this as great news." You looked up to me, a smile cracking your features once you saw the smile on my lips.

"Why is it great news hmm?"

"I'm having a baby with the woman I love." I pressed my lips to yours before you placed your head back on my chest, calming down slowly. Meanwhile the excitement and nerves were sweeping over me like a tidal wave. " We'll be okay." I scooped you up, carrying you back to the bed. You were somewhere else that day. Worried about everything plaguing our lives. Tonight everyone would be coming over and we'd have to break the news.

"You know I won't be able to go on all the tours anymore..." You mumbled, laying on top of me. "I can go to the next one but the October shows I'll be 8 months pregnant. There is no way I'll be allowed to fly."

"There is FaceTime and Skype. We've done it before love." I chuckled slightly, running my hand up and down your back.

"I guess... You know they're gonna question if it is yours... The media... Your fans." A groan escaped me out of frustration. You lifted your head and looked in my eyes. I adjusted myself so that I could press my lips to yours.

"Stop... Who else would they think?"

"Jesse of course...." You sighed softly before I kissed you again.

" Well when it comes out I have a feeling they won't question it Niks... She's gonna have my God awful hair and our eyes. Hopefully she doesn't get my eye sight either." You chuckled slightly and shrugged.

"What makes you say it's a girl already?"

"Beccause I think I'll be a better father to a girl. I wasn't a popular boy... I got picked on... But a girl I can protect..." I nodded to myself. You were sitting you and looking over my expression.

"I think no matter what you're gonna be a good dad."

"I'll never be there though. I'll be on tour... The studio."

"Whatever you miss I'll film. Yeah?" We were silent for a bit. Both of us now running scenario after scenario in our minds.



"We should get married before you have the baby. I want you to be a Smith."

"Daniel... I can't plan a wedding over night." You laughed and got out of bed, in search of something casual to wear. "Our baby will be a Smith. I have no intention of giving this cursed name to anyone... But I want to walk down the aisle looking good... We both know I won't be looking good for much longer." I chuckled and sat up, running my fingers through my hair.

"You'll always look good to me. You're beautiful."

"You're just saying that!" You yelled from the closet. "Call Kyle and the others. Check what time they're coming over." I sighed and grabbed my phone. Like normal it was flooded with notifications. Emails. Anywhere people could reach me they were trying. I couldn't help but look at those who supported us and those who hates us. Fans cursing your name. Your existence. People saying you ruined my life. It made my heart swell. I hoped you would never believe them. Then again I can't blame you.

"You okay?" I looked up at you, only now noticing my eyes were welling with tears.

"Yeah just... A sad story on Facebook." I sighed and looked back down at my phone, clicking the phone button. You wandered over to me, leaning down and kissing my forehead.

"My sensitive man... It's okay. Don't always believe what you see on the internet." I nodded and held the phone to my ear.


"Hey can you and Chrissy come over?"

"Yeah, what time?"

"Say 7?"

"Cool see ya later mate." I hung up with woody, calling Kyle and then Will. I could see the nerves coursing through your body as you looked straight ahead.

" What now?"

"We handle it... Tell our friends and use the support of our friends and family to get through this." I pulled you close to me, kissing your cheek. " We'll be okay. Relax my love... No one is going to hurt us... No one is going to ruin our relationship."

"I know love." We were so certain nothing could stop us. Nothing would break us apart. We were wrong. Things could change in a blink of an eye.

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