Bar Fight

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Of all places we had to make an appearance it had to be a setting with alcohol. All of Bastille had made it, you and Janna were chatting away. Will and Kyle were joining my upset attitude, Woody meanwhile was trying to figure out what was wrong. It was only when he walked in with his /possy/ that I felt my blood boil. As if my only intention in this entire night was to make his blood pool around him. I took a swig of whiskey, watching the way he embraced you. His body molded against your touch. Like his lanky body fit against yours the way mine did. It sickened me the way he embraced Janna too. I could feel Kyle's arm tense beside mine.

"I'm gonna fucking kill him."

"No... Just teach him a lesson Dan..." My hand shook slightly as I stood and before you and him had even finished saying your hellos I lost it. My fist connected with his face making him stumble back, Kyle began hitting the one whose name was Zach.

"Daniel! Stop!" I should have listened. Though I busted his nose, but he was stronger than I. His fist connected with my nose, a cracking sensation sending my glasses flying. I fell and all I could feel was his fists.

"You're fucking crazy!" He yelled then his fist hit my jaw. Unconscious bliss. The familiar feeling of our sheets surrounding me. Then the pain of my nose making me open my eyes. You were standing in the door way talking to Janna until she looked towards me. She left the room and you turned around to look at me. Anger it was written across your face. You approached me and raised your hand to smack my face yet stopped yourself.

"I'll give you one fucking chance to tell me where Dan went... Because the Dan I know wouldn't hurt even his worse enemy." I lowered my eyes for a moment.

"I don't know what came over me..."

" Your lucky he's my friend... Because he could have pressed charges... He actually called to check on you... You busted his nose. It's broken. Just like yours."

" Is that why it's throbbing..." I mumbled and you sighed, sitting down.

" Dan... I think maybe you need to see someone... A therapist." My eyes met yours, you were serious. I could never sit and tell anyone what I had done wrong all my life. How fucked up my brain was and what I had done to myself. " Dan I'm not giving you a choice."

" How is that?"

" Because of you don't get help I can't stand by your side anymore... You tried killed yourself because I was dead... No logical person grieves that way! Let along attacks another person!" I watched tears well in your eyes. The pain of watching me destroy myself. "If you want to be with me the rest of your life you need help... Just like I do... Lorelei has been talking to me about sobriety... About finally getting my shit together because that is what you deserve from me...." I nodded slowly and reached for your hand, yet you pulled away. "I can't... I can't do this right now Dan... I've got to go clean up the PR nightmare... I'm sorry." You stood and walked out of the bedroom. The instant of calmness disappeared from me. As if you took it with you and I was left with chaos. I stood, my world spinning as I went for my bottles of medication, taking them with the water on the dresser as I looked in the mirror. This was me. Dan. My nose swollen beyond its usual abnormal size. My eyes purple ever so slightly and lip busted. I lift my shirt, examining the trails of purple the decorated my pale skin.

" Dan mate?" Kyle was holding a ice pack to his forehead, eyes widening at the marks on my body.

"Please tell me he looks as bad as me."

" You froze up... You don't remember?"

"All I remember was hitting him and then falling back. He punched me back right?" Kyle nodded slowly.

" But you fell back by yourself." It was then that I decided I was losing my mind or I was just hallucinating things.

"Kyle I think there is something wrong with me..." I mumbled, looking into the mirror with my shirt dropped. My body tingled, almost feeling numb to this world. " It felt so good hitting him..."

" You caused the bruise on her wrist didn't you? Nicole said it was her bracelet being too tight... Just goes to show that no matter what she's going to cover for you Dan... Don't make her cover for you like that again... Otherwise Jesse might just come find you and end you for her health." He walked out. My heart was racing as I wandered to my phone, sitting down on the floor.

" Hello? Danny what's wrong?"

"Amy... I'm in trouble..." She sighed softly and for a moment there was silence.

"What's wrong Dan? Is it Nicole again? Because I will come fight her myself." I laughed slightly.

"No... Ever since I got out of the hospital I have been having these urges... These dark urges to hurt people and to hurt Nicole."

"Listen, come by tonight alright? We'll chat... I won't tell mother or father, but please be careful. Try not to put yourself in a situation that's going to upset you."

" Well that's kind of difficult when Nicole's ex lover is prancing around..."

" What?!"

"He's here working with the record company."


"Yeah and well I can't seem to feel any positive feelings toward him. Yeah he saved her a couple of times... But I can't not picture them together." My fist was balled in my lap as I took a deep breath.

"Daniel listen... Calm down alright? Breath... Tell Nicole you're coming to see me tonight and that's all. Don't even mention him. That's only going to fuel the fire." There was no fueling a fire that was already too strong.

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