Christmas Eve 2012

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The music filled the house as I made myself dinner. It always sucked setting the table for one. You absence was making this Christmas eve particularly difficult. It felt like the Christmas after my father died where I spent it in an alley with a needle in my arm oblivious to the world around me. I shoved the thoughts away by downing a glass of wine.

For some odd reason you hadn't spoken to me all day. You were probably busy along with everyone else. I felt like I was on the outside looking in sometimes. My worries however faded when the phone rang with your name in bold letter across the screen.

" Love what are you doing up? It's 5am your time. By the way merry Christmas for you." You chuckled softly into the phone.

"I couldn't sleep too well. What time is it there again?"

"8pm Christmas Eve."

"Ah right right... Umm... Can you go to your front door? I think there is a package there for you." I chuckled softly and sat my pasta dish down before wandering to the door.

"Did you really wake up just to check and see if a package got delivered?" I tugged open the door and dropped my phone to the floor. You had this goofy look on your face as you shoved your phone into your pocket and I jumped into your embrace.

"Merry Christmas darling..."

"How?! What?!" I felt tears sliding down my cheeks as I laughed softly and looked to the others. Your mother, Janna, Chrissy, and the guys all with god awful Christmas sweaters and goofy smiles. Will was holding a tree and Woody holding a container of boxes. "O gosh come in you guys, get settled!" I let you go and hugged everyone else before shuffling everyone along. My heart was pounding in my chest as I reconnected with you. My hand tight in your grip as Will put up a tree, Chrissy began decorating it.

" It was my mother's idea. We picked the tree up on the way here."

"And the ornaments." Kyle chuckled with Janna resting against him.

"You didn't need to do all that guys... I'm just in shock you're all here!" I laughed slightly before curling beside you watching the others partake in decorating the tree. You scent invaded my nose overtaking me with calmness. The wild thoughts in my mind fading away. Yet there was a persistent thought that made me stand and tug you along. "I want to show you something." Bullshit Nikki you had nothing to show. You had something to tell. I guided you outside by the balcony and sighed softly. Worry now was showing on your face triggered by my expression.

"What do you have to show me..?"

"Nothing I just needed to talk to you alone... Because looking at your face makes me wonder now even more..." You nodded slowly and sat down as did I. "I um... I went out a week or two ago. Just to relax so I had a couple drinks and I got a cab home... There was blood... You know." I blinked back tears and motioned to my shorts. "Everywhere and so... I took a test and I wasn't then... I went to the doctors and... They said I more than likely had a miscarriage..." I bit my lip looking to you. "They just said that the health of my body couldn't sustain life at the moment... Cause of what I've put it through... I... I don't want kids yet... But if it had lived I would have kept it... Because you will be a great dad one day... I hope... You can forgive me, because if I had known I wouldn't have drank." You pulled me into your arms and kissed my temple.

"Wow... I'm sorry I wasn't there..."

"You're not mad?"

" Nikki it's life. My mom had four miscarriages it's normal. I just wish I had been there to support you instead of across the world. I know neither of us are ready for parents, hell I don't want kids till after 30!" You made me laugh through my tears and I turned and kissed you. Like always we were on the same page. The perfectly imperfect couple.

"I thought you would be mad." I mumbled as you stood and made me stand with you, your arms snaking around my torso as you hugged me. The best hugger award surely would go to you. They were comforting and loving all in one big bear squeezing movement.

"I'm never really mad just worried. Come on, I need you smiling. It's nearly Christmas here. We're all together." I nodded before smiling as I looked into your eyes. You always seemed to pull me from my dark thoughts and distract me with something beautiful.

" Well love birds care to open the first gift... Nicole?" Kyle was smirking. Not a menacing smirk, but a I know what's in this box and you don't smirk. I looked you and you looked pale. Why what the fuck was in this box.

" Alright." I laughed it off and grabbed the box from Kyle, you were behind me, and I was obvlivous. The box had a latch with I popped open with my thump. A ring. My heart thumped as I closed my eyes. I was not going to cry. I refused. I felt hands on my shoulders turn me around and there you were on one knee looking nervous as hell.

"I know we can't tell anyone that isn't in this room. But I want you to see how much I'm committed. Yeah we won't get married for years... But I... I wanna ask now if you'll marry me." All I could do was nod before you stood and kissed me, spinning me around.

" Thank God she said yes! Dan was a nervous bloody wreck since he bought the damn thing!" Will smirked at you as you slipped the ring on my finger. So this Glory... It seems perfect. An engagement on Christmas eve. Just like all glorious things though there are trials. Hardships. With moments of beauty. This was the beauty.

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