You're Tired

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It felt unreal holding you. The lingering smell of vanilla sent me into tears. Your body still felt the same in my arms as I held you, yet in a way you were different. Your figure was slightly thinner and blue eyes bloodshot. Those months took a toll on you. The drugs owned you and you were it's slave. Yet somehow now you looked put together, wearing business attire. It was only your eyes that told me the truth. You let me go once Janna and the others filtered in, each hugging me. I felt so ashamed considering I had almost ruined it all and left this world without you. It was only when my mother came in that things got heated. She saw you and glared before without hesitation smacking you across the face.

"I knew you were involved...." Almost instantly your nose started to trickle blood. A scoff left you as you brushed under your nose then looked at your fingers.

"I actually wasn't, but thanks. I finally got this to stop yesterday."

"Mom.... Nicole... Please." I mumbled. Talking made the wound on my neck ache even though it was minor. My mother sighed and sat down while you went into the bathroom and grabbed tissues, sitting on the sofa while you worked to stop the bleeding. Janna was watching you with confusion.

"What happened sweetie?" I looked to my sister in the doorway then down.

"I heard Nicole was dead.... And I didn't want to do this without her..." My mother glanced at you.

" So I was right... Your fault."

"Sure... Whatever helps you sleep at night Mrs. Smith." You glanced down at the tissues in your hand before brushing one against your nose.

"It isn't her fault Linda... The media set it all up."

" But did they set up those photos? Or the videos that keep coming across the tv screen? The ones that send my son to call home constantly?" You sighed slightly.

"I don't think you want to go there right now." You stood and pulled out a pack of cigarettes. "I'll be back." You wandered to my beside and kissed my forehead, my hand finding yours and giving it a squeeze.

"Be careful." I mumbled and you nodded walking out with one between your lips. A new habit I suppose. " Mom was that necessary?"

"Honey she's no good. She's damaged goods."

" Then what am I?" I snapped at her slightly and she stared at me for a moment.

"She made you damaged like her... You can be fixed."

" You keep ignoring the fact that I was like this before I met her..." She sighed in defeat and took my hand.

"I'm only worried about your recovery right now, not hers. She's not my child... Daniel you need to think about your future... A future without her. You see what she is... She's an addict. I was talking to your father about her family... They were all addicts... They all died."

"Enough! Stop it!" Janna hollered, tears were filling her eyes as Kyle pulled her to his body quickly. "That's my best friend... She's sick yeah but she's better than she was... She was nearly dead when I went out to see her with needle marks all over her body... But now they're healed... She's actually breathing and walking the fuck around.... You know the only thing that kept her from fucking dying was the thought of him... She had that stupid looking hoodie and it smelled like him... It was all she had of him and she clung to it... She overdosed right before my eyes and when we woke up it was the first thing she looked for Linda. I told her I washed it and I watched the color drain from her face. So yeah if you want your son to suffer and possibly die then send her off!" Janna scoffed before brushing the tears away. It was a mere moment later that you walked back in and my mother stood.

"I'll be back tomorrow Daniel... Get some rest." She kissed my forehead before walking past you with my sister. You sighed and sat down, glancing at me before looking to Janna.

"I guess I should be glad I missed the screaming match." It made Kyle and Will chuckle at least before you glanced back at me. " How are you feeling?"


"The doctor says it's expected... He says you might be able to go home tomorrow as well, but they wanna put you on some medication for your depression and anxiety Dan..." I lowered my eyes before nodding slowly. "Are you coming home with me?" You were silent for a bit before looking at your hands that no longer trembled.

"I'll come stay with you for a bit. Stay on the sofa and I'm sure the others wouldn't mind spending some time with you too." I cracked a slight smile at the point that you would at least stay. The air was awkward between us. We were relearning each other. Even looking at you seemed different now. I could see him looking at you. They way he held you. The way you two acted together. It scared me that someone could take my place by your side.

" Well Dan were gonna go...niks you need a ride?" Will stood along with Woody. You shook your head and the came over, hugging me. "Feel better."

" Yeah agreed feel better."

" Thanks guys." I chuckled slightly and watched as they walked out. Janna broke the silence once the door closed.

"What's in your pocket Nicole?" You sighed softly and dug a bottle from your pocket, tossing it to her. "Vicodin?"

"Pain reliever." You mumbled and took it from here. "It keeps me sane in a way... I quit the needles... Now I'm trying to quit coke but that's a whole other demon so pills ease it." You confessed your sin in front of me. I knew your monsters and what you'd done. Your body was giving up on you and you had lost control. Now it was just a game of management to survive.

"You look better though... A little."

"I try... I'm not... If you want the truth." You looked to her then me. "I never wanted you to see me like this... I was planning on going back out to LA... Williams won't want me here... Then I saw the ambulance outside of our old place and Will... And I knew.... I knew I couldn't leave." I smile slightly and took your hand, warming it between mine.

"Maybe I can change his mind... Who knows. It's worth a shot." It was gonna cause something completely unexpected. For once I would be the bad guy.

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