The Silence is Loud

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I felt so numb waiting out in this hospital waiting room for news. My mind was running wild as I fiddled with lyrics. Lately I had just been constantly writing about you in different ways. Yet now I had to come to terms that I might lose you for good. Then I had to come to terms that you hadn't woken up in two days. We all went home. Slept. I went to your place actually and got you clothes before coming back.

Bring me some hope
By wandering into my mind
Something to hold onto
Morning, noon, day, or night

You were the light that is blinding me
You're the anchor that I tie to my brain
'Cause when it feels like I'm lost at sea
You're the song I sing again and again
All the time, all the time
I think of you all the time
All the time, all the time
I think of you all the time

"Daniel?" I lifted my head from typing on my phone, I was sitting beside your bed as Janna peaked her head in with flowers.

"Hey... Nothing yet." She sighed and walked in, sitting the flowers down and sitting on the other side of you. " The doctors say they can only keep pumping fresh air into her lungs. In hopes to make it possible able for her to breath on her own." I took my glasses off and rubbed my face before sighing and glancing at your almost lifeless body.

"You've got those festivals next week..."


"Nicole will kick my ass when she wakes up if I cancel. Readings and Leeds. We'll record it for her and Every thing. You and the guys need to go practice." I nodded and stood, adjusting your bracket on your wrist before kissing your forehead.

" My mother is stopping by later to see her... You mind waiting?" Janna nodded as I slipped on my hoodie.

"Your parents... They know Nicole?"

"Yeah we all went Durban together... For New Years. My sister couldn't go so Nikki... Nicole went. She told me she loved me on New Year's."

"She means it you know..." Janna mumbled, her gaze was on you. "She's never been one for love... For relationships. You though... You're valuable to her. If you weren't she wouldn't protect you both with a secret. She's full of secrets. I use to think I knew her best, come to find out I don't know her even close to how much you know her."

"And yet I know nothing at all... Bye Janna, call me if anything changes." I looked at you once more before wandering down the hall, Kyle looked like the rest of us. Tired. Except he had more bad news awaiting me.

"Dan... It's Carly she's here... She's giving birth." I closed my eyes before rubbing my face. A mental breakdown was coming. I could feel it like a panic attack. As if today couldn't have gone any worse. I opened my eyes and wandered to the desk, requesting where Carly could possibly be, surprisingly they gave me the room. Yet when I got to the door, I heard crying. That of Carly.

"Ma'am I'm sorry."

"Get out! Leave me be!" The doctor walked out just as I walked into the room. She was laying there, make up a mess and in tears.


"Daniel? What... What are you doing here?"

"I was checking on... The baby." She laughed bitterly.

" It wasn't yours... I already knew that... It doesn't matter now anyways... My baby is special... I just agreed to put it up for adoption. I don't need some special baby. Plus Jax left me. I have nothing."

"I'm sorry."

"I miss you." I looked at her before shaking my head and rushing out. Nearly running out of the hospital, Kyle was behind me. Only when he grabbed my shirt slightly did I notice.

"I'm living a nightmare.... A bloody nightmare. My girlfriend is essentially dead, my ex wants me back, and I just can't escape all of this Kyle!"

"Mate relax! What's up with Carly?"

"The baby wasn't mine she was causing a bloody scene. Please let's go to the studio and practice. I need to back to the hospital after." I mumbled tugging away as we walked towards Kyle's car. " Can we stop by Nikki's place I need to change and shower too." He just nodded as we climbed into the car. Of course I had to direct him to your place. He parked beside my car and we climbed out heading to the lobby.

" Hello Mr. Smith, how is Miss Clark?" I sighed softly.

"Nothing yet, still asleep Rory. Rory this is Kyle, don't shoot him." I chuckled slightly as Kyle gave a wave to Rory before following me to the elevator. I clicked the button and then turned my spare key, unlocking the door to your place. Maybe it was ours now considering I didn't even have my flat anymore. I of course hadn't told anyone I completely moved out. Though they would know now. Kyle of course noticed my things around your place. The keyboard, jackets, photos, etc.

"Wow... This place is huge..."

" Yeah, I tend to lose my things around here compared to the flat." I chuckled and grabbed my glasses before setting them on the bed then quickly showering. I got dressed and styled my hair, finding Kyle sitting at your desk.

"Is this her brother?" I nodded slowly.

" Yeah..." I leaned against the desk, even my handwriting was on some papers with lyrics, Kyle chuckled slightly at the photo of you and Janna. "You ready?"

"I have to ask... Why hide this from me... From Will... Woody... Janna?"

"Because Nicole... She's always afraid of the worst. Can you blame her? I think she's afraid I'll be destroyed in the media for being with her... I don't mind being hidden. It's nice coming home and not worrying that you'll be on the news." I shrugged and went back to our room, grabbing my glasses off the bed. Your things kept haunting me without you being here. Your perfume, clothes, everything.... It reminded me of you. I slowly walked to the door with Kyle and locked the door behind us. When would you wake up my love?

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