Red on White October 21st

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Janna POV

I called another Uber and got a ride back to my place. In the car I dialed the only person I knew to call. Lorelei.

" Hello?"

"Lorelei... I assume Dick called you?"

" Yeah..." She sighed softly. "Did you see her?"

"She's a mess and I'm gonna go talk to Dan tonight about it. I need you to come with me. Can you?"

" Yeah darling, just send me the address.... Be honest how bad is she?"

"She's got a bruised eye... She could barely even focus on a conversation. I'm scared... I'm scared we'll find her like you found Steve."

" We'll do all we can, but you know it's her choice in the end if she wants help."

"I know... I'll send you the address, I'm getting changed and then I'll be on my way."

" Alright see you soon love." I hung up and quickly showered, changing into jeans and a white t-shirt with my black coat. While drying my hair I managed to send Kyle and Dan a text saying I would meet them at Dan's place. It was it Nicole's? Or theirs? I sighed and took a deep breath before picking up the phone and pressing it to my ear. It couldn't even wait. I had to tell him now.


"Dan... I need to talk to you, are you alone?"

"Yeah, what's wrong?"

"It's Nikki... I saw her and she's a mess... Dan I need you to let me finish before you say anything okay?"

" Yes, please just... Just tell me what's going on. What did she say?"

"She was drunk at the bar near her brother's grave and... This guy walked in... He said she needs to pay him or else he's gonna publish these photos. Nikki stormed out, but he let me see the photos. Dan... He drugged her... And... He forced her to have sex with him... Just so he could blackmail her."

"She was... She was with someone else?"

"She won't forgive herself... Even though it's not her fault."

"She needs to at least know I forgive her."

"I know. We'll figure something out alright?"

" Yeah, thanks Janna... It means a lot that you're helping."

"I'm just trying to knock some sense into her... She loves you like crazy..."

" Alright... Umm I'll see you soon." I sighed and hung up. He didn't know how to respond. I couldn't blame him. I grabbed my keys and took my car to Dan's place, parking under the building and walking up to the lobby. Lorelei was sitting there, reading a book, which she closed once she was me. Little did we know what was happening up stairs. What we could have prevented.

"Hey... Thanks for coming."

" Yeah you're welcome. Steve wouldn't want her to go down this path."

"Sorry we're late the traffic was mad." Dan and you walked into the lobby and glanced rob the tv behind Rory's desk. The photos. He dropped his keys as his jaw locked up with tension. "I'll fucking kill the man who did this to her."

"Not if I do first." I mumbled picking up his keys. Dan fumbled with his keys while we all climbed into the elevator. Once at the door Dan's expression changed.

"I didn't leave the tv on from what I recall..." He quickly unlocked the door. " Hello?! Jesus Christ! Nikki!" I screamed seeing the blood, Kyle was behind me, then pointing out the obvious.

" Love! Janna there is so much blood!" I dug my phone from my pocket, my hands shaking. Dan was holding her hand, Lorelei had her head tilted to the side.

" Hello? I'm at Nicole Clark's penthouse, she's overdosed! Please I need an ambulance!"

"They're on their way now Miss." I clutched my phone in my hands, it was a movie. Blood dripped from her mouth to the white rug. Her heart was breaking inside to me.

" Dan get me a wet towel!" Lorelei yelled, Dan sprinted to the other room as I kneeled beside her, Kyle was using the lift to go meet the medics.

"Lorelei what do we do?"

" We hope and pray she's not been out long... A pulse... She's got a pulse..." Lorelei looked in my eyes before looking back down as Nicole as she took the cold rag from Dan and placed it on her forehead.

"O my god... I should have followed her!" I felt tears slide down my cheeks.

"Janna don't blame yourself! It's that guy's fault. Turn the bloody tv off! I'm tired of them parading her around!" Dan yelled for once, I grabbed the remote beside her body and clicked off the tv.

"Nikki, come on wake up." He fell beside her, his eyes filled with tears. Kyle was leading the emts into the room.

"Stand back please... Patient is unresponsive. Blood Alcohol level measured at... .61 rushing to medical center." The started putting her on a stretcher, Dan was beside her till they put her in the elevator.

"Nikki please... Please wake up... It's okay... I love you."

Silence. It filled the apartment as we all stood there by the closed door. Lorelei had blood on her white skirt, Dan had blood on his right hand.

"I've gotta make some calls... I'll meet you all the hospital. Don't think the worst." Lorelei was the first to speak, we all climbed into the elevator, I was gripping your hand. I think Dan was numb. He just stared straight ahead, probably trying to wrap his head around what just happened. When we were back in the lobby he stopped to stare at the tv. I tugged his arm, yet he stood strong watching them flip through the photos.

"What's his name?"

" Dan we don't have time..." He looked at me with those blue eyes. They looked like hers in so many ways.

"I said what's his bloody name!" They filled with tears like it had begun to rain in his eyes.

"Ian... His name is Ian..." He walked past me to towards the cars, phone in hand. For once the quiet man in the background was going to stand front and center.

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