Nosey Charlie (Dan's Birthday)

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I'm wrapping this story up woohoo! Dunno where I'll end it specifically. However I know it's getting wayyyy to long. 😂

Charlie POV (2016)

Dan's birthday aka Bastille day. I smirked almost to myself glancing down the hall with phone in hand. I clicked on Instagram and signed into the account to go live before grinning at the camera.

" Hey all! I know you all probably already know this, but it's Dan's birthday! I'm actually staying at his place we had a wild party last night and I think I'm the first one up which means I should probably wake the 30 year old grump up." People were quickly clicking on the feed more than curious as to what I had planned. "Knowing Nicole she's probably already been up for hours upon hours, but Dan can sleep his life away." I stopped at their door and carefully pulled down the handle, the room was dimly lit with the few candles Nicole tended to have burning. Nicole was already missing, more than likely crafting up some elaborate breakfast for the lot of us. However there was the man of the day, curled up under the large white comforter, glasses resting on the nightstand. I pointed the camera at him and slowly crept my way towards the bed before jumping onto the California king mattress. " Its time to wake up!"

"Charlieeee" He groaned loudly and tugged at the blankets.

"You're officially no longer in your twenties mate tell every one how you feel!" He slowly opened his eyes and grabbed his glasses, glaring at me in a playful manner through squinting at me and the phone.

"Like I'm going to get Nicole to strangle you for waiting me up so early on my birthday." I chuckled and covered up with the blankets, showing the camera the room.

"I bet you all are wondering if this is where the magic happens... It is.... See keyboard right over there." Dan laughed and took the phone, looking himself in the front camera.

"Thank you all for encouraging Charlie to violently wake me up this morning." Nicole wandered in and Dan flipped the camera, I could tell why he loved her for more than just her body. She was something so special to him that her mere presence in the room shut him up in aw.

"I don't even wanna know why Charlie is in our bed. What are you filming for love?"

"Charlie brought the stormers into our bedroom. IS THAT CHICKEN?!" She laughed and I took the camera. Chicken and waffles, Dan was surely going to go back to sleep after this semi American breakfast. His love for chicken was probably tied with his love for his daughter.

"On that note.... I'm gonna leave the birthday boy to his breakfast and chicken... And wife. See you all on tour soon!" I waved to the camera with Dan before clicking off the feed.

"I swear you two are crazy..." Nicole chucked and sat down on the bed near Dan's feet. " There is a whole bunch of food downstairs for everyone else... Now what does the birthday boy wanna do today?" Dan was already a waffle deep, the food coma was fastly approaching.

"Take a nap and go for dinner and drinks with you crazy lot."

"I think that can be arranged... Charlie can you help me get the rest of the food out?" I nodded quickly and followed her out of the room then she closed the door. "Thanks for brightening him up. You know Dan obviously."

" Yeah... Him and the coming tour and album... He gets a bit gloomy." I followed her downstairs and set out the plates in the kitchen.

"Well I need you to help keep him grounded. Once September comes it's gonna be non-stop. The album drops and then it's on the road.... I'm trying to get him to eat as much as possible before he gets into that... Mood."

" The I don't have time for anything but singing and writing music mood?" I chuckled slightly before nodding. " Yeah I know... He'll have Clara and you though... The lot of us..."

"Yeah but I'll have the whole tour to run. Yeah I've got Dick, but he's exactly that... A dick. I was debating on firing him but it will cause too much shit. Especially with Dan."

"This is true... But there is obviously something else on your mind." She shrugged and leaned against the counter.

"Stress... My sister and that disappearing girl. They found her body last night... Sarah Cruz... Apparently she was attacked by a rapist. At least I know I'm in the clear, but I know Dan will still worry. Anything that I have any ties to worries him. Other than music..."

" It smells so good in here!" Kyle squealed rushing in the kitchen. She ended the conversation there and continued to clean up. Everyone slowly trickled into the room, including Dan who was carrying Clara and a card she'd created for him. For a man like him he surely didn't act his age. He was like the rest of us. Swimming to the surface of existence in hopes for some clensing air to bring us to our senses and help us understand. Dan sat down and pulled Nicole to sit on top of him, I couldn't help but crack a smile watching them. This idea of a perfect family. I sat down and took a bite of a pancake, everyone more content this morning than expected after a night of partying.

"I think we should toast..." Will smirked slightly holding his champagne class of OJ. "To this idiot to my left... Happy birthday Danny boy... Also to the new album coming out... Wild world..." The room hooted and hollered, Dan turning red as normal when he became the center of attention.

"Cheers!" Every one hollered before singing that familiar birthday tune. What a picture perfect moment for the coming chaos at the end of the year. We all knew something was bound to happen.

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