No Fear

102 10 7

Nicole POV

I glanced at the clock on the dash before looking back to Alex.

"Relax we'll make it in time." I pressed the gas pedal a little more as I focused on the road. In the past five days we'd been through hell... Let me begin....

"Alex do you remember which bank?" I hollered as we got off the plane in London. With another day wasted on travel I was down to nearly three days. Each hour passed as if it was a minute.

" Yeah of course! Why does it matter I thought you were going to stand your ground?"

"I want the ring just in case. Can you blame me?"

"Sadly no I can't." He mumbled as we walked outside and he whistled for a taxi. "When's the last time you've talked to them?"

"The last time I saw them..." I sighed as we tossed our things in the back of the cab before climbing in the car. "I hope they're okay..."

" What makes you think they wouldn't be?"

" Well Dan and I are dealing with this.. Janna and Kyle are getting married in three months... Woody and Chrissy's adoption went through... So in a few weeks they'll have a new baby... Then there is Will and his girlfriend Awoui... They're like the picture perfect couple... The only issue in their life is well... This... She was so scared."

"I bet every one else was too Nicole... Including you..."

"I didn't have time to be afraid..." I mumbled looking out the window. Alex was making call after all in regards to people against Alfred. I could barely focus on his words. I was too busy thinking about you and Clara. I had no idea any of the things to follow would happen.

We pulled up to the bank, my eyes scanning the outside before we walked in, both of us in high alert. I knew more than likely we were being followed. Especially in London, Alfred's people were everywhere it seemed. Though Alexander was certain there were only five from those he spoke to recently.

"Hello, how can I help you today?" I looked to Alex before looking back at the man.

" We need to get into a safety deposit box"

"I've got the key." Alex stated holding up the silver skeleton key. The man nodded before leading the way into the back room. The banker used his key and ours, releasing the door of the small compartment. He handed up the box before leaving the room. I opened it and felt my heart sink almost. Photos of my father and I, the metal band, and a letter. Alex took the ring and began placing one of the diamonds in the prongs. Meanwhile I was nearly trembling holding the folded piece of paper.

My dearest Nicole,

If you're reading this then you know... You're also probably in trouble.... I'm sorry that I couldn't shield you from this life. It's been brought down by generation after generation... I thought I could save you with my death. Don't worry... I wasn't scared. I was more than heavily medicated. I knew that I had to die to protect you from this after all you already knew too much about the work I did. I could see that coldness creeping over you and I knew there was only one way to stop you from becoming like me in the end. I hope you've married and you have a beautiful family. I hope you don't have the last name anymore.... It seems to bring nothing, but trouble. I love you my sweet girl.
Daddy Clark

I folded the note and zipped it up in my pocket that was over my heart before looking to Alex. The came the folding days as we waited for everyone to come to town. I was suppose to take a kings crown...

I slammed on my breaks the other cars following suit before I began walking up the stairs to the house. Alfred and his people were already here. My heart leaped to my throat as I opened the door. Alfred had a gun to the back of your head and you were on your knees.

"Miss Clark... Just in time...."

"Put the gun down Alfred." Alex chimed in while the others walked into the house. Alfred's men didn't dare draw their guns. They were far out numbered. Alex already had his pointed at Alfred "It's over... She knows the truth. I'll be taking your position if you step down willingly. Everyone here knows Richard Clark was the better leader."

"Bullshit!" Alfred pointed the gun at me. "These Clarks think they can take what is mine!" He chuckled slightly. "All of you should be pointing your guns at her! She's the problem! The Clark name needs to be extinct!" I heard it go off. I felt as if an elephant landed on my chest. Yet I watched Alfred get a bullet to the forehead. Then it hurt like a thousand pins. I looked down and saw blood dripping from my chest before I coughed, feeling it trickle out of my mouth. I looked to you and fell to my knees placing my hand over the wound.

"Dan?" I whispered, as tears stung my eyes. I fell onto my back, my ears ringing with a symphony of noises.

"Baby! Baby!"


"Get some towels." I felt your arms lift my head slight, pain as pressure was against my chest. All I could focus on were your eyes. These crystal blue eyes and dark hair against your pale complexion.

"Don't let her forget me..." I mumbled watching your eyes fill with tears.

"You're gonna be okay! Stay with me beautiful." You brushed my cheeks, I could barely tell I was crying. I heard Janna on the phone frantically. Everyone else was just in the background. Clara's quiet sobs reaching past the ringing noises.

"I don't wanna die... I wasn't ready... Dan..." I whispered and I felt you pull me closer. "Can you sing?" The last thing I recalled was your shaky voice singing oblivion.

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