Let Your Hair Down

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Everyday it was like waiting up in paradise. We always left the door opening to the porch to feel the breeze off the ocean. Your skin was tanned in contrast to the white silky sheets that covered your naked back. I couldn't help but smile as I ran my finger tips along your spine and kiss your shoulder blade. I would give anything and everything up to always be with you. To always own your heart. Slowly you rolled over and placed your head against my bare chest and ran your hand along my stomach.

"Morning love..." I mumbled, kissing the top of your head.

"Morning." You huffed a breath and lifted your head, blinking a few times to adjust to the dull morning light. The sun wasn't even rising yet. "Why are you up?"

"Because no one else is... It's the best time to be up. Wanna take a walk?" You nodded then kissed me before climbing out of bed and putting on my shirt from last night and shorts. I tugged on some joggers and dared to go shirtless, which did seem to make you smirk.

" Is someone feeling confident?"

" No else will be out at 5am." You giggled and took my hand, walking out the back balcony and towards the beach. The air was warm, but not muggy hot. " What do you think about... Just telling everyone... Getting it over with like a band aid?" You looked to me and shrugged, digging your toes in the sand with each step.

"I've been thinking about it.... A lot lately. What about for your birthday next year we'll tell everyone. Post a photo or whatever. Just... Let me get my ducks in a row."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean... I talked to Janna. She said I should make myself not seem so awful." A snort of a laugh left me as I stopped and pulled your body against mine.

"What makes you think you're awful?" You rolled your eyes.

"I dunno, maybe if you Google my name you'll see how the world sees me... Bad girl corrupts Dan Smith. I see it now." You laughed before shaking your head. I sighed and ran my fingers through your hair.

"Stop I don't care..." You took my hand and kissed my wrist, looking in my eyes. You let to go and I pulled you tightly to my chest. "They should know you're the only reason I'm alive right now..."

"O hush. I'm just me Dan. Nothing more."

" But nothing less." I mumbled and kissed the top of your head.

"Well you'll have to survive two months without me when you go on tour with Muse. Janna and I have to stay behind." You bit your bottom lip, stroking my cheek.

"Promise me you won't drink... At all."

"Dan... I'll be okay. You trust me yeah?"

"Of course... Of course." I scooped you up in my arms bridal style. "I just want you okay when I get home..." I pressed my lips to your cheek as I started carrying you back towards our room.

"I'll always be okay." You smiled as I laid you back on the bed only after dusting the sand off your petite feet. When I laid down and pulled you into my arms we stayed in silence. There would always be this understanding between us. That no words would need to be said to convey our love. Then it hit me and I couldn't help but grin.

" What if we never told anyone flat out... But instead through like a song?"

"O really? What would you call it?" You turned around and looked into my eyes, a playful smile on your face. It took me a few moments to ponder the best word for what made you and I work. Like a lock and key. Like Sun and moon.

"Glory." This little word had such deep meaning. For us it would be our story. " Think about it... What does that word mean to you?"

"God... Holy... Why...? What does it mean to you my love?"

"I see it as something people believe in yet can't see... Can't understand with science or facts. They just believe because they know." I ran my thumb along your cheek. "Because being with you feels so glorious. So great.... That nothing could ever surpass it. Nothing could destroy it. It's intangible."

" And what makes you think people would believe in such a thing?"

"Humans all believe in love yes? This is just the best kind of love. A love that isn't imaginable till you get it. Till you understand its beauty." You kissed my lips before releasing a little laugh.

"Then glory it is... But I don't think a song can convey to people whom you love... I think we'll have to tell the world... Who knows when or how we'll do it. Stop worrying about it. We'll take it day by day and week by week." I sighed and nodded, pulling you close as I closed my eyes. These two months would be hard on the both of us, but this was the life we chose together. The life of music and touring. The wild life. " And all their words for glory well they always sounded empty..." You sung softly, making a smile play on my lips. Your voice was smooth like a glass of wine going down your throat.

"When we're looking up for heaven..." We sung what I had written earlier this trip. Our voices danced together in the early morning, singing our glory that no one knew nor understood how strong it was. Funny how those words seemed so trivial now. We could only imagine how my fans would take us. Maybe it would be a warm welcome to you. Or maybe you would be the worst thing that could have happened to me in their eyes. The outcome would surely stop my voice from ever leaving my lungs. Glory might never be sung for the world to hear.

The Glory of Them [Bastille Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now