It's My Fault

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Janna POV

"Nikki!" I tugged at her belt, her head was dripping blood to the roof. My heart was pumping adrenaline through my veins as I searched frantically for my phone. I unclicked my belt and crawled from the car, my arms and upper body nicked with little cuts of glass. I managed to find Nicole's purse and dialed the emergency line. No signal. " No... No please..." I looked back to Nicole and knew I needed to at least get her from the car. Her belt was locked up, pressing the button did nothing, it was jammed. I pulled her purse in my lap and dug through it. A knife. It would have to work. Her body was limp, yet she was breathing, blood was clouding my vision with each move I made. "Someone help! Please!" I propped her against the side of the car and took the phone. "Come on... Come on..." No bars in this field. Not a single one. I heard a groan fill my ears, Nicole stirred and grasped her head.

"Fuck... My head... My fucking head..."

" Nicole!" I ran towards her and kneeled beside her. She was squeezing her head between her palms. " Nicole what do I do?"

"Call... Dan..."

"There is no signal... I already tried calling...." She let go of her head and dug in her pocket, pulling out a cigarette and lighting it. " Now isn't the time."

"If I'm gonna die out... here in the rain... I'm gonna smoke a damn... Cig." She glared at me, taking a drag.

" What the hell do I do?"

"Run towards the road..." I nodded and got up, running off. I probably shouldn't have left her behind. Not in that state. My vision got worse the closer I got to the road then there they were. Dan and Kyle along with an ambulance behind Dan's BMW.


"Janna! O my god!" Kyle ran towards me, picking me up bridal style. "Medic! She's hurt!"

"Where's Nicole!"

"She's... Down by the car!" Dan didn't even wait to hear my full response and began running down into the field. The rain soaking him as he left behind the umbrella.

" Nicole! Nikki!" I could hear him faintly yell, a medic following him down the hill. I sat in the back of the ambulance and stared towards the darkness. Soon enough they came up with her. She looked as if her face was painted red in blood. Grasping her head as she was before. They sat her beside me and then a scream.

"What's happening?!" Dan yelled as the medic stuck a needle in her arm. They hooked both of us up to machines, her heart was slow as she began to go limp, eyes half open.

"She's got pressure in her skull. It sounds like a gun firing in her ears I'm sure... We need to make sure she isn't bleeding in the brain. Both of you need scans. Mr. Smith and Simmons you can follow us." He closed the back of the ambulance and we were off. Both of us wrapped in blankets. She didn't look at me nor even speak to me. Maybe it was because she was in pain or maybe she blamed me. The medics began picking the glass from my face and hands, it was numb by now from the medication tingling through my body. I wonder if this was how she felt when she used. Numb. They didn't stick her with any needles, she refused medication. Who could blame her after what she'd been through.

"Miss Clark do you know where you are?" She looked at the man puzzled for a moment before shaking her head.

" Well... Obviously... I'm... In an ambulance."

"Where you in a car accident?" She shook her head.

"I don't know... Where are we?" I looked to her and blinked a few times.

" Nicole this isn't funny." She looked to me, analysing my own state. She didn't actually know. It was now obvious by the mere look on her face.

"Miss Clark I need you to lay down alright?" She looked back to him and nodded before they laid her down fully. " Now you need to stay calm. Alright? Can you do that for me?"

" Yes..." I looked to the medic, he knew the question that was about to come out of my mouth.

"Her brain is swelling inside of her skull... Her blood pressure needs to stay down otherwise she will need to get part of her skull removed till the swelling subsides. /if/ my diagnosis is correct that is..." The man sat down and began tending to my wounds.

"So she doesn't remember?"

"She won't remember it for awhile... Her memories will fade in and out for awhile more than likely. She'll remember people, but nothing specific per say... It all depends on the person and how bad the injury is inside." I nodded slowly and sighed.

"This is my fault. She should have been driving..."

"I blamed myself for my best friend's death... Maybe that is why I'm a medic." He shrugged and glanced back at her, eyes closed and seemingly resting. Her fingers twitched first then her legs trembled. It was like someone shocked her body as her heart monitor began to race. "Ron, turn the sirens on we've gotta get there stat!"

"What's happening?!" I felt my own heart quicken as he held her down as much as possible on the gurney.

"She's going into shock. Ron step on it! Miss Clark! Miss Clark! Stay with me! Focus on my voice Miss Clark!" In this moment I wished it was Dan holding her down. Trying to pull her from the pain. Maybe then she wouldn't be where she is now. In a hospital bed beside me. The white walls bland like rice. The smell of alcohol and cleaning supplies behind the echoing noise of our heart beat monitors. My best friend was struggling for life. Meanwhile I had a few broken ribs and a busted knee. Why couldn't we switch places?

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