Chapter 05 Liam's POV

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After having a romantic dinner with my queen we left the restaurant and just drove basking in eachother company where ever we are know matter what where doing. It's just us.
I pull up near the beach and climb out.
I jog around to her side and open the door for her.
"Where we going Liam?" she asks quizzically looking at me as I help her out.
"Just a walk along the beach in Italy with my beautiful wife" I tell her closing the door behind her and taking her hand.
She smiles up at me and I lead the way down the path and onto the sand. She steps out her heels and I take them holding them for her and she looks around at everything.
"It's really a beautiful place here baby, thank you for bringing me here" she says and I stop her and look down at her smiling face.
"I'll take you wherever you want baby. Just tell me and I'll book it" I tell her not caring where she wants to go we'll go. Accept America because I'm not aloud. Bullshit rules. But if that's what she wants I'll find a way no matter what.
"I'll think about it and let you know" she says and kisses me hugging me with her arms around my waist. I wrap mine round her and hold her against me. Just standing here with her just holding her is always magical to me. She really is mine. Always. I'm yours too queenie.
We start walking again and I see a hut on the beach and hope that they sell alcohol. I want a drink.
We make our way over to it and I scan the menu quickly and look to Stacey.
"Rum please baby" she says and I tell the guy.
"Two rums, please" I tell him and he nods grinning and starts to pour them into cups and handing them over. I give one to Stacey and pull out some money. I pay the man and we both look out at the ocean and drink our drinks slowly.
"Shall we walk back to the car baby, it's a long drive back" I ask her finishing my drink and she nods downing her cup I take it and throw them into the bin and we start heading back.
I hope she like this surprise. It's something I've always wanted to do with my queen. I see it in my fucking dreams and decided to implement it into reality. I'm hoping she loves it. I'm hoping I will.
I look at my phone and see a text.

Alexander: It's done.

I quickly text back.

Liam: Thanks. Omw back.

I put my phone away and look to my queen smiling.
"What's got you smiling suddenly?" She asks me raising a brow smirking.
"Your surprise is ready. I can't wait to show you" I tell her the bare minimum but she stops.
"What you mean ready? What you planning Johnson" she says and I laugh pulling her along. No time to stop sweetheart.
"You'll see when we get back, trust me?" I ask her and she stops again.
"One trillion percent. With my god damn life my king" she says and I smile and kiss her.
"Then come on I'm excited to show you" I say and she looks up at me as we start walking
"So it's something to show me?" she asks picking up her speed and I laugh following suit and nod my head.
"I wanna show you first then use it. If you want to" I tell her and she hums. I bet her minds going wild with what it could be. Keep thinking baby you'll never guess because I've never mentioned it to you.
We finally atrarruve at the car and I help my queen in and close the door practically running to my side and jumping in slamming the door and starting the engine feeling the vibration under me is quite thrilling. It's ridiculously fast and I love it. But I love my car from my queen more. My bugatti, I need to drive it more. But I still might buy one of these.
I zip along bendy roads like a pro keeping my eyes on the road at this top speed and my hands on the wheel. I feel my queen's hand on my thigh and that's distracting enough.
"I'm buying one of these baby, when we get home. I want this one" I say to her and she looks to me smiling.
"Do it baby, you look so sexy driving this. Everyone's gonna be jealous" she says and I laugh.
"Ya damn right queenie, but you know you can drive anything of mine" I tell her locking my lips.
"I prefer my love stick" she says and I smirk remembering that from years ago.
"Your never gonna forget that are you?" I ask her shaking my head as we pull up at the villa finally.
"Never, and then there's giving me your 'love juice' aswell" she teases and I laugh at that one.
"I'll give you both. Now I need you to go into this with an open mind. Just see it and if it's a no straight away it's gone. But just think about it baby, please" I ask her and she nods slowly.
"I'll think about it baby, now can we go. I wana see it" she says and climbs out not waiting and I follow her out and lock up.
Walking up to the door the anticipation builds and I can feel her nervous energy. She has no idea what to expect after what I said. I can read my queen like an open book. Always for me..
I unlock the door and hold it open for her and she walks through taking her heels from me.
"Can I go in the bedroom baby?" she asks not knowing where the surprise is. I smile at her and nod my head following her.
"It's in another room baby, I haven't shown you that part yet" I tell her and she nod slowly. Aww baby your gonna love it you little minx.

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