Chapter 112

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One week later

I can't believe it's been a week and I still can't get ahold of Macey nor Tommy and me and Liam are both starting to worry. OK me more. But Liam's pissed.
"Are you gonna tell us what's going on boss. There's alot a happening outside" Ricco asks me and I nod.
Becky, Ricco, Bonnie and Micheala sit on the sofa and I sit across from them next to Liam while the children play.
"So as you have seen security has be one a big thing here and it's gonna stay that way until we say otherwise" Liam tells them and they look at each other confused.
"What's happened Liam?" Becky asks him and he sighs.
"Talia's dead" he just says ripping of the band aid and Becky gasps and Ricco jumps up.
"Are you serious. Who did it? There dead boss. Don't worry" Ricco tells us getting pumped up.
"That's the point Ricco, there so many people. The fa t that she's dead fella us she knew who it was and trusted them. That narrows it down to a select few" Liam tells him and he cracks his neck.
"I'll find out, put me out there bro" Ricco says and I shake my head at Liam.
"But boss.." he starts and I put my hand up and he stops.
"Absolutely not Ricco, your an extremely important part to us and the girls and not to mention Becky. It's not happening do I make myself clear? Your Becky and the children's security and done" I tell him sternly no fucking around looking at him.
"Yes boss, understood" he says and I nod at him.
"So what's the plan? Please say you have a plan" Ricco says to us and Liam smirks.
"They obviously want me. So I'm baouta to use myself as bait" Liam says and I spin my head so fast I nearly gave myself whiplash.
"Your doing no such god dam thing! Ate you both fucking stupid or something. We need you here Liam. You not baiting yourself out. Are you crazy. Absolutely not!" I demand and tell him pissed that he'd think of such a plan.
"It's the only way baby, Amenadiel will be with me at all times. I won't even piss by myself. OK" he asks and I shake my head. He's gonna get himself killed at this rate.
"Baby no. Your not doing it. End off. I listened to you, now you listen to me. Partnership. Always" I tell him and he sighs knowing I'm right.
"Fine I'll figure something else out. For you" he tells me and I smile at him kissing his hand that's holding mine.
"Thank you baby, it's for your own good just like mine is" I tell him and look to Ricco.
"Just do what you do best and that's protecting who I pay you to protect Ricco. You don't wanna piss me off" Liam tells him as he looks to be thinking hard.
"I'm just processing, was there any one else?" he asks us.
"Four more. Execution style to. Bullet straight between the eyes. They were not fucking around" Lima tells him and Micheala looks pale.
"Wow, this is alot" Bonnie says looking at us all.
"This is just the tip of the iceberg babe, you settle in before you know it. They wouldn't let anything happen to us. Your good babe, don't sweat it" Becky tells them both holding there hands comforting them further. I mouth a thanks to her and she grins and air kisses me. Isn't she the best. Our Becky.
"Any questions?" Liam asks them
"So I can't take the twins out anymore?" Bonnie asks and I sigh.
"Not unless you have security. You'll meet yours today too" Liam tells her and she nods.
"Thanks Liam that makes me feel better" she tells him and smiles.
"Be ky you'll obviously keep Ricco and you don't leave anywhere without him and nursery's canceled for all three girls until this blows over. Education is still important. You both have your cards, order everything you'll need to have education fun just like nursery. Whatever you need or think you need just buy it. The gardens big enough and there's spare rooms. Have at them" Liam tells them all.
"Bonnie the gardens plenty big enough to do you with the boys so feel free to" he adds and she nods looking at them crawling around. There growing up to quick aswell.
"If you have no more questions you can go about your day. I'll call you Bonnie when there here, OK" Liam tells her and she nods smiling.
"Right queenie, I have to go sort out some business at the play centre. Then I need you to think about some renovations. It's kind of old and needs a modern touch. Bring in the youth baby" he says and I nod excited to get started.
"Just let me know when I. An see it so I can get an idea of the layout" I tell him as everyone leaves.
"You can either comes with, or I can show you some pictures" he says and I tap my chin.
"Do you even have to ask. You obviously" I tell him wanting to stay with him. For both of our sakes to be honest.
"Do I need to change?" I ask him standing up showing him my outfit.

"You know leathers starting to be my new favorite queenie

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"You know leathers starting to be my new favorite queenie. You look overly sexy right now. Your ass.. Fuck!" he says lost for words and I smile leaning down to kiss him and he pulls me onto his lap.
"Seriously tho, we need to buy you more leather, clothes and lingerie" he says and I laugh. I bet you do. Fiend.
"Let's go baby. Where's Amenadiel?" I ask him and Liam nods towards the door.
"He's talking with Aniki" he says and I scrunch my brows.
"Who's.." I start
"Your new personal bodyguard. You go absolutely nowhere without him unless your with me. OK" he says and they both come walking in as I nod my head.
"Aniki, this is my wife, Stacey Johnson. You don't leave her side when she leaves this house unless she's with me. Understand" Liam tells him in his boss voice and stands up with my me.
"Of course Mr Johnson" he says politely.
"Nice to meet you Aniki" I tell him with a smile and shake his offering hand.
"You to Mrs Johnson" he says offering me a smile.
"Queenie this is Amenadiel my personal guard" Liam tells me and u smile up at him then to Amenadiel. He offers me his hand to so I shake it strongly.
"Nice to meet you Mrs Johnson" he says.
"You too" I tell him and look to Liam.
"Right we're leaving, play centre" he tells Amenadiel and he nods. I'll be behind you Mr Johnson" he says and looks to Aniki.
"You can come with me" Amenadiel tells him.
And I start to walk out with Liam.

I'm Yours | DARKNESS SERIES #6 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now