Chapter 31

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"Ace, Ace, Ace" Ruby and Mya call out repeatedly while giggling. What's taking them so long to open the god damn door it's cold for fucks sake.
"Baby, ring him to see where they are" I ask Liam and he pulls out his phone ready to do it.
The door suddenly swings open and I see a stressed looking Jason. What's happened now? Fuck sake we've just literally got back.
"Brother, I've missed you. We need to talk" he says as we walk in after the girls and I look around for Sasha not seeing her.
"Where's my bestie.. I've missed her" I say to Jason and he sighs.
"Let's just go through here" he says to use as the girls go find Lexi. I watch them run into the living room taking off there coats and hugging Lexi. There all so cute. I love that there close. There all practically sisters.
"What's this about bro? We've just got back" Liam asks him as he follows him into the kitchen. I see Sasha sitting at the table and I smile walking over to her.
"Babes, I've missed your face" I tell her happily ready to hug her and she looks at me like she's scared. Intimadated. Why? This isn't the reaction I was expecting after three weeks of not seeing her. What the fucks happened?
"Sasha, what's wrong? What's happened?" I ask her reaching out for her hand as I sit down next to her and she flinches and pulls away. Ehhh what?
I look to Liam confused and then jaoan who doesn't know where to look.
"What the fucks wrong now?" Liam says annoyed and Jason sighs.
"Sit please brother" he says to Liam and Liam raises a brow at him and sits down I front of Sasha.
"Well, I'm listening.." Liam says as Jason starts to pace a little. Somethings obviously happened. But what?
"Before you punch my face in.. Again. I had to tell her. I was thinking about Lexi finding out and Sasha knew something was wrong with me. She's my wife brother I had to tell her. Don't get mad please" Jason starts and I know what he's on about straight away because I've been thinking the same thing too.
"You told her about Angelica, didn't you?" I say to him sighing and looking to Sasha who's just sitting there silent.
"And what you don't like us anymore Sasha?" I ask her staying cool and calm. My babies are here after all.
"I didn't think you was capable of doing something so terrible and to his wife. Lexi's mum aswell Stacey. I'm sorry but I can't help how I feel" she says and I roll my eyes at her.
"So if someone hired someone to kill your husband and take your daughter away from you after being warned several times. And she got a beating for how she treated my daughter too. You'd just be OK with that yeah? I don't fucking think so. She got what she deserved. She was disgusting to Jason and cared about no one but her God damn self. So I killed her. If you have a problem with that then we have a problem" I tell her looking at her dead in the eye and she looks away nervous of me. Us?
"You know what I do Sasha, now you suddenly have a problem after everything we've gave you. You don't wanna go down this road. It's not gonna end well" Liam tells her seriously and Jason sighs sitting down.
"Brother, were not going there again. It's not fucking happening" Jason says but I can see the sadness in his eyes. This has gotta be hard for him. I killed one wife, I feel know way of joining her to the list of people. My family will always come first. Jason and Lexi are included in that.
"I thought of you as my sister Stacey. This is just alot" she says and begins to stand but I put my hand on her shoulder making her freeze and I look at her like sit the fuck down.
"So now what?" I ask them looking between Sasha and Jason.
"I've tried talking to you baby, your not listening to me" Jason says sadly and I really feel it for him. He doesn't need to loose another one. Surely.
"We should just take a break from seeing each other. All of us" Sasha says and Liam laughs.
"I've just got back from my honeymoon sweetheart, I'll think you find I'm going no where. And you work for us. Did you forget that love" Liam tells her raising a brow and she swallow and looks to Jason.
"And what about the girls. Them and Lexi are practically sisters. There just gonna spend more time apart because you can't handle shit from years ago fuck off. I don't know why your complaining. You wouldn't be where you are now with alla you have if my queen didn't do what she did" Liam says getting pissed and I look at him ready to calm him down.
"We came back wanting to see yall and this what we fucking come back to like it's some joke shit man. Why the fuck did you tell her Jason" lain begins to raise his voice and stand pissed.
"Baby, calm down. It's his wife he clearly didn't want secrets. We'll sort it baby" I tell him and he stares at Sasha pissed.
"Look, we ain't going nowhere. Jason knows what it is. If you have a problem then we have a problem" he tells her repeating what I told her earlier. I look to see the girls playing and watching TV and smile at them. I hope nothing changes with them as they get older.
"You killed someone Stacey! I can't just be OK. I don't have an issue with Liam, I knew what he was like kind of anyways. But you Stace. Your my best friend and I duno how to move past it" Sasha says
"You can't be OK with Liam and not Stacey baby. There the same basically. Literally. Love it or hate it, they are what they are that's why there perfect together" Jason says and I instantly smile at my king.
"Ya damn right bro" Liam says and I laugh. Always taking my words hubby.

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