Chapter 117

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"Queenie" I hear being called loudly from the kitchen and I look at Jason scrunched brows and get up running to Liam.
"I fucking got him" he says as soon as I walk in with the biggest smile on his face as I put my hand on my chest. Fuck sake..
"I know who it is and exactly where he is and I need to tell you some rumours that I've heard" he says and I sit down in front of him. What now? Is it Macey?
"A woman got kidnapped.. She fits Macy's description but I still don't know if its her" he says sighing.
"Whatttt? They're all dead! Why the fuck would someone kidnap my fucking sister?" I ask jumping up full of adrenaline. They're all fucking dead.
"It doesn't make sence, If they wanted me they would of took you. Or someone closer than Macey.. Somethings not right.. You might be right about the inside person my queen" he says and I think hard. Who would do this to us? To Macey? Where's Tommy... Wait.. No. He left.. Why would he need to do this to us. It was his choice to go.
"Baby" I say and sigh as he looks at me.
"I think it's Tommy.. That's the only think that makes sence. What if someone has Macey and they're making him do this. Fuck! It's the only thing that makes sence" I tell him and he stares at me blankly, eyes swirling.
"Well if it is Tommy, he's dead. And to be honest, it doesn't really matter who it is, because I don't play when it comes to family" he growls and the beast is out. I guess where skipping the talking and going straight for violence.
"You can't kill Tommy, he was doing this for Macey. Trying to save her. He went about it the wrong way but he's doing this for my sister Liam" I tell him sternly and he looks at me smirking.
"I love you Stacey but no. He can't go around killing my people and get away with it. He's dead when I get my hands on him" he tells me and I cross my arms sitting forward. Excuse you!
"I don't need the attitude baby. Its gotta be done. I thought you'd enjoy the ritual?" he says trying to divert my thoughts. It has been awhile and Sasha was a flop. Maybe this could.. Stacey no.. Don't listen! I tell myself as I shake my thoughts away.
"Don't sidetrack me with you. It's not fair" I whine and he smirks at me knowing full well what he's doing and how he affects me.
"Macey's gonna be pissed if you kill Tommy baby" I try and he shrugs.
"She left pissing me off, I don't actually care. She doesn't and won't be living here" he says and shrugs again. Rude.
"I know but she's still my sister" I tell him standing up and walking around to him.
"I know, that's why I've found her" he says and my eyes nearly pop as he smiles proud of himself.
"I'm taking my security baby.. So that means you and Jason will stay here where I know your safe and surrounded if anything was to happen Aniki's here too" he tells me standing up looking at his phone.
"I need you to stay in the house until I come home. Promise me baby" he says and I'm hit with a massive wave of emotions. What if he spent come back? Tommy's already killed five of his people. He's coming for Liam clearly. His own fu king bodyguard wants to kill him.
"I can see your thoughts going south baby. I'm gonna be fine and come home to you bec2nothing will stop me. I love you so much" he says and I take a deep breath and wrap my arms around him tightly listening to his heart beat against my ear. He's here and alive.
"I love you too baby, so much. I don't want you to go" I tell him truthfully and he kisses me holding me against him.
"I'll bring Macey back to you baby. That's all that matters" he says and I shake my head.
"You matter, I need you to come back to me Liam" I tell him sternly and he laughs.
"I'll be back baby, don't worry" he says and I hold him again closing my eyes taking him in. He's gonna be OK. He has to be.
We stand there holding, taking eachother in trying to handle this overwhelming feeling somethings gonna happen.
"Right, let me go see the children and I'm out" he says looking down at me as I release him from my grasp.
"OK baby, let's go" I tell him and take his hand leading him out.

"Daddies gotta go out and I'll be back real soon princesses. I love you both so much. Always remember that" he tells them and cuddles both to his chest. He gives them both kisses and looks at them smiling. A proud dad.
He picks up both the boys and gives them kisses making them giggle and Liam just smiles at them cuddling them. I stand there watching him with them all and he gives Lexi a kiss and cuddle too and my heart just hurts. It's like he's saying goodbye. I don't like it. But I can't do anything. He wants to do this to make it safe for all of us. I don't know what to fucking do! He puts the boys back down and Jason stands up.
"I really think I should come brother" he says to Liam and sighs.
"Absolutely not. I'm going with Amenadiel and there will be more following to. We've got this brother. I'll see you real soon" Liam tells him and they hug hard for a long time.
"I love you brother, I need you to do what I asked you to" Liam tells him holding his face seriously.
"I'll always do that. I love you too brother. Be safe, I'm here if you need me" Jason tells him and they hug again.
"Right you lot, I'll be back. Be safe and look after eachother" Liam tells them and Lola jumps up and hugs Liam tightly.
"Please come back" she says to him and I smile. He literally lives in. A house full of loved ones. My blessed king.
"Bro, I'm here if you need me. Just one phonecall" Ricco tells him as he fist bumps him and they hug.
"We'll be good" he tells Ricco.
"Just look after everyone too" Liam tells him and comes back over to me.
"It's time baby, I love you and I need you to be strong, I'll see you soon" he says and hugs me hard.
"I love you baby, please come back to me" I tell him and he nods slowly.
"We're reasy boss" I hear Amenadiel say and Liam legs go off me and smiles.
"Show me that beautiful smile my queen" he says and a tear falls and I smile for him. This is what he needs. Me to be OK. But that's never gonna happen if he doesn't make it home. Please come home. I think to myself as he turns and walks away. He has to come home.

I'm Yours | DARKNESS SERIES #6 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now