Chapter 101

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"What happened to doing something wild?" I ask Liam as we walk lookih for something. A bar? A club? A fucking drink would be great.
"I wanna go on the rollercoaster. Who's coming?" I ask everyone pulling Liam regardless. He's coming with me and he smirks at me.
"OK, but your not aloud to throw up during or upto thirty minutes after. Winning gets thousand pound. Right now" Liam says and I look at him.
"Do I get it to tho?" I ask him and he nods.
"Let's do it then, come on" Lola says walking over to the ride entrance and we follow her up the stairs.
"You sure you wanna do this queenie?" Liam asks me and I nod excitedly.
"Absolutely baby, do you nor want to?" I ask him not wanting to really force him if he's not feeling it.
"I'm good baby let's do it, but thank you. He says as we wait to be seated.
"Just not the front" I tell him and he smiles.
"I know, I remember" he says kissing my forehead and smiling down at me.
The ride comes back around and everyone gets off and our barriers go up and Liam pulls me to the middle seats and sits in first while Lola and Jason get in behind us. I wrap my purse around my wrist and hope my earrings make the ride without flying away. Fuck it!
We're all fastened in and Liam pulls on my bar making sure it's secure and nods at me.
"Thanks baby" I tell him and kiss his hand.
"YOU READY?" The assistant alls out and everyone screams.
"YESSS!" we join in to screaming and the ride jolts forward suddenly, beginning to go forward slowly. And where off..

"Ahhhhhhhh" I scream as the ride goes on and on and my stomachs starting to turn with the alcohol and lack of food. Maybe this wasn't a good idea. Fuck the thousand. Being sick isn't fun. Fuck sake breathe Stacey, breathe. I tell myself over and over as the ride comes to a stop finally. The barrier lifts up and Liam jumps out holding out his hand and I climb out in shakely legs regrettably wearing heels and stand still for a moment gathering my bearings. I think I'm to old for this shit. But I loved it at the same time. Rides equal no alcohol. Got it.
Taking Liam's hand we walk down the stairs.
"That was amazing, it's been years since I've been on rides, feeling old right now guys" Lola says making us all laugh.
"I'm not old. Rude bitch" I tell her pushing her into Jason.
"I'm thirty in like three weeks. I feel old babe" she says and I laugh.
"Your only as old as you feel, you need some good, good" I wink at her then laugh as she nods laughing.
"Later, definitely" she says and I laugh.
"Me and you both sister" I say looking up to Liam biting my lip and I know he's pretending not to listen. I know my king.
"Or we can go now?" I say and he looks at me turning his head rapid and smiles.
"Like I sed.. Listening" I laugh drunkenly and he hugs me into him.
"I'll do whatever you want baby" he says and I think if food then home.. Well kinda
"I'm hungry and I want you. Not like earlier.." I tell him rolling my eyes and he smiles
"So it wasn't just me then" he says as we just walk around.
"It felt different. Wrong if anything" I tell him and he hums nodding.
"I'm sorry Ive been crazy baby, I can't believe I'm about to start on holiday. It better be normal and last three days. I can't do seven" I whine and he kisses my head repeatedly.
"We'll get through it like we always do. My crazy, sexy wife" he says and I smile happily. He really does love me through everything.
"Let's get you some food queenie and we'll get a taxi back" he says then looks around for food places.
"Food you two?" I ask Jason and Lola and they both nod coming over to us.
"I want pizza, what about you?" I ask Liam and he smirks. Like duhhh..
"OK pizza for us, you two?" I ask them
"Yeah I could eat pizza too. Pepperoni" Jason says locking his lips Nd Lola grins.
"My favorite too, pizza it is" she says and  Liam points to a takeaway shop. Its 1am so its probably full and I need to take my heels off. Or get off my feet. Like now.
"Babyyy" I whine and. He smiles at me and bends down a little and I lift my dress a tad bit and jump on his back and wrap my arms and legs around him. I'd rather be on his front tho. Yeah.
"No down, switch" I say and he let's me down and turns smiling and picks me up and I wrap myself around him again smiling.
"Better baby?" he ask and I nod resting my head on his shoulder.
"My safe, happy place" I tell him and I see his cheek lift up as he smiles and I can't help but kiss his face.
"What pizza you want baby?" Liam asks as he walks in standing in the queue.
"BBQ chicken, please" I tell him and he looks over the menu furrowed brows.
"Baby. You always get the same, why stress over nothing. Cheese and tomato. No fuss for my king" I tell him and kiss his lips.
"Can I get two 12" pepperoni, 12" cheese and tomato and a 12" BBQ chicken" he tells the man and I look at him like he's crazy.
"Just incase baby" he says and I smile.
"Always thinking of others" I tell him as he pays the man and puts his wallet back.
"You wanna sit there or on me still?" he asks walking to the bench and I snuggle into him and he chuckles sitting now with me on his lap.
I look at Lola and Jason and there laughing and smiling and cuddle up to and it seems to be going well accept from what happened earlier.
"You and Lola good now baby?" Liam asks and I nod my head against him.
"Yeah, we had a conversation and we know where eachother stand. I told her I didn't like how she was with you and explained how I am and she said she didn't like how I danced with Jason either because apparently she's the same as me. So we know what's what basically and we're good. Still friends" I tell him and he smiles at me.
"I'm proud of you baby, handling this better than I would if it was the other way around" he says and I hum knowing he's right. I couldn't have a guy friend all over me and Kim just have a chat. He'd be dead. He didn't even like me dancing with Jason. His god damn brother. And I'm the crazy one..

I'm Yours | DARKNESS SERIES #6 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now