Chapter 92

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"We didn't even have breakfast" I randomly say to Liam as he drives tapping the wheel listening to the music. It's been about two hours and I'm thinking about food.
"We was busy remember queenie, everyone else did. You want to stop for something. I could eat" he says and I shrug.
"Upto you baby, I can feed you if you want so it don't take longer" I tell him and he nods.
"There should be a McDonald's coming up if I pull in everyone's definitely gonna follow but text them anyways" he says and I pull out my phone.

Stacey: We're pulling into McDonald's, you girls coming? Xx

I send it to Becky and Lola and wait for a response.
"Done, the girls should get back to me soon" I tell him looking around. I'm actually starving, sex works up an appetite.
My phone buzzes and I look at it.

Lola/Stacey: Yeah we're coming! We'll eat on the way still yeah? Xx

Stacey/Lola: Yeah babe that's what I was thinking anyways Xx

Becky/Stacey: Ricco wants to aswell. See you soon Xx

Stacey/Becky: Pulling in now Xx

I pull the divider down and turn in my seat tapping Mya and Ruby they pull there headphones off and look at me.
"Do yo all want McDonald's?" I ask them and they nod eagerly.
"It's still breakfast time tho, so mcmuffins like before" I tell them smiling.
"Love, love mummy" Mya says and I smile wider. She hasn't said that in a while. My baby.
"Yes please mummy" Ruby says too.
"You want some breakfast to Bonnie. Everyone's here" I ask her and she looks up form her book.
"Yeah why not" she says pulling her purse from her bag.
"I'll pay babe, don't worry" I tell her with a smile and she looks at me hesitant and I nod my head smiling at her. It's just breakfast.
"If your sure Stacey" she says and I nod again.
"Just a sausage and egg mcmuffins and a bottle of orange juice then please" she says and I look to Liam who nods listening.
"What about you baby?" he asks pulling up in the que.
"Two bacon rolls with ketchup and a latté please" I tell him and he smile and looks at the menu.
He drives up slowly and tells the screen what he wants and goes through all our orders and drives to the pay and collection point.
Grabbing the food he hands it to me and I hand Bonnie hers stretching over and she just grabs it and I hand the girls there food and orange juice aswell lifting down there trays.
I take out a mcmuffin unwrapping it for Liam and put it towards his mouth letting him take a bite.
I wrap mine with one hand and rip the ketchup open with my teeth and put it on mine and take the biggest bite as I go back to feed my king.

Driving around the car park in Butlin trying to find a soace as its full everywhere I point to my left seeing a few empty ones and Liam pulls in.
"Happy holiday, let the fun begin" he says and drums on the steering wheel and the girls get excited taking of there belts and clapping.
"Let's go check in queenie" he says to me and it's always the same holiday, family mood that he has when it's just us. I love it.
"Right girls you stay with us or Becky and Ricco, understand?" I tell them as I take my belt off looking between them both as Liam jumps out.
"Yesss mummy" they both say and I smile at them, nod and climb out the car as Liam holds my door open.
"My queen" he says bowing and I smile and kiss him.
"Thank you, my king" I play along and curtsey giggling.
"I love that you love my weirdness" he says smiling and I tip toe up kissing him.
"I've had you weirdness for years now.. You wouldnt be you without it. I love that about you baby" I tell him and he smiles and hugs me to him.
"I love you baby, so much" he tells me kissing my head.
"I love you too baby, now shall we go before everyone complains.. Including the girls now apparently" I say smirking and he smiles shutting my door and opening the back ones.

We check everyone in and give them there room cards and head towards the elevator with our luggage cart.
Becky and Ricco, Jason, Lola and Lexi and Bonnie has her own double room. While all our children are with us.
Walking out and down the hall Liam opens the door and I walk in first with the pushchair and the girls run in after me.
"It's actually not that bad baby" I tell him parking the pushchair and having a walk through checking everything out.

I'm Yours | DARKNESS SERIES #6 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now