Chapter 62

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"Baby, let's go" I tell him pointing out the living room as I stand in the archway looking at him. He looks to me knowing exactly why I'm here.
"Right now?" he asks me and I raise my brow.
"Absolutely, let's go" I tell him and he jumps up and walks over. To me.
"Lola's in the kitchen Jason" I tell him and he jumps up to and walks past us to get to her. Rolling my eyes chuckling as he speeds off I take Liam's hand and lead him towards his office. I wait and look up at him and he unlocks the door escorting me in and locking it behind us.
"You know bought that time up. It's the same day baby" he says and I sigh
"I know and I don't know why I did. I'm sorry baby" I tell him and wrap my arms around his waist holding him to me.
"It was always gonna get deep baby, now where there" he says wrapping his arms around me.
"Do you really think I'd still be here if I didn't think you was good enough. There is no better feeling than being loved by you Liam Johnson" I tell him kissing his lips making him smile.
"Just thought I'd check" he says and I raise my brow at him.
"I had your babies and nearly died giving birth baby but i made my way back to you. I always find my way back to you my king.. I'm beyond obsessed and I've been here riding with you for nearly two decades. I fucking love you and feel loved every single god damn day. Nothing compares to that feeling baby. I need you to understand that. There is no one else for me. Ever. I'm yours forever!" I tell him making him grin more and more.
"I.. I feel so wrapped up by your love right now baby, no one could ever match the feeling you give me, we are entwined forever, you my queen is what our family is built around, your love swarms us constantly and your presence is god like baby, you are everything and more so please don't ever forget it, you are amazing in all you are and do" he tells me and I feel like I'm about to cry. Fucking hell Liam.
"I love you so much baby, don't ever doubt it. Your an amazing husband I could ask for a better one" I tell him and kiss his offering lips.
"Your my one and only love Stacey Johnson" he tells me making me smile.
"I love that I am aswell baby, nothing will change that either" I tell him smiling and unlock the office door pulling it open and him out the door before we end up naked like normal.

"I'll text you when I get in" Lola tells Jason as she hugs him goodbye and he kisses her aggressively biting her lip as he pulls away. He's taking a page from Liam's book I see.
I check my watch and see its 11pm. Time went quick today, the day just passed us by.
"Let me give you my number babe. We'll grab lunch or something. Maybe a drink" she says to me holding her hand out for my phone. I unlock it and hand it her.
"Yeah that'd be good babe, see you soon then" I tell her and she hugs me.
"Sooner rather than later, Jason won't be running anytime soon" she whispers in my ear then pulls back smirking and I laugh. I actually really like Lola.
"I bet, go get it girl" I tease and she blows me a kiss, kisses Jason again and waves to Liam as she walks out with Ricco.
"What you doing now?" Liam asks Jason and he shrugs.
"Well I can chill for a little then I'm off to bed. I have meetings all day tomorrow, you coming Liam?" Jason asks him as we walk into the living room.
"I have plans with my queen bro, you don't need me there. Sean's gonna be with you aswell" Liam tells him and I look upto Liam.
"If you need to go baby, that's OK. We can do it another day maybe" I tell him and he shakes his head.
"Absolutely not, you got this Jason. We got plans" Liam says looking between us both and I smile at him.
"You know if it's just you having sex am gonna be pissed brother" Jason says rolling his eyes and I laugh.
"What I do with my queen has nothing to do with you bro, you'll get there.. Again" Liam says laughing and drops on the sofa pulling me down with him as Jason sits next to us.
"Dick, why would you say that.. I should keep all my women away from you too. Never know what your gonna do to her" he says to us and I snigger laughing and he looks at me.
"Sorry, I shouldn't laugh but you. Hoose the worst wifes, but you know you can't marry anyone again using your name anyways. Your still married to Sasha.. Wait no your not" I say sitting forward just clicking on. He looks at me lost.
"I wasn't trying to remarry anyways. I think I'm done. But why Stacey? Fill me in.." he says looking at me and I smirk to Liam. Has he even figured it out?
"Sasha said before that Sasha isn't her real name.. She was the one who got the vicar too.. Your not even married Jason. I one hundred percent can tell you that. It was all a fix. I'm sorry" I tell him rubbing his arm feeling sympathy for him. Hes had it hard bless him.
"Are you serious. Fuck your probably right tho. I'll talk to Richie tomorrow. Thank you Stacey" he says suddenly grinning and I can't help but laugh. He's definitely not finished with marriage.. Third time a charm aye?

I'm Yours | DARKNESS SERIES #6 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now