Chapter 55

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"So what do we think, you loving it or what?" I ask Jason as he drives the new range.
"It's incredible Stacey. I fucking love it. Can I have it pleaseee?" he says longing out his word making me laugh. I nod my head at him and he agtadra to do a little dance.
"You seriously are one of a kind. Liam's a lucky man" he tells me and I smile at him and flip my hair.
"Of course he is Jason but so am I too" I tell him and think of my king smiling.
"You really do love him Stacey. Thank you for sticking by him all this time, you made him the man he is today that I'm proud off. I couldn't ask for a better sister in law" he says and glances at me grinning.
"It's not hard to love Liam, I find it pretty easy. He will forever own my heart" I tell him happily. Liam will and only ever be the one that does. No one will ever replace him in anyway.
"That's good to know and I know what you mean. He's just has a strong character that most people can't handle. You've got to get to know him" he says smiling still as he swerves corners and just gets lost in himself driving clearly thinking of some memories.
"I can't believe I've know you for half my life already Jason. Do you feel old yet" I ask him laughing and he glances at me.
"Yeah I remember the first time I ever saw you. You was wearing this ugly yellow ass jumper and it was horrendous" he says laughing and I burst out laughing remembering it. I hated it..
"Wait.. I was.. Fourteen then, but I didn't meet you until years later why?" I ask him and he shrugs.
"No idea, it was a difficult time adjusting to living with Liam. I loved our mum but I was still a kid. My 'sensitivity' was rife. You think I'm bad now" he says and rolls his eyes.
"Yeah it must be hard, but your great Jason don't let these mishaps put you down. None of these things are your fault. People change all the time and some aren't so great. But you are so lucky to have Lexi. She's gonna need to be told that Sasha's gone too" I tell him and I'm the reason she has no mums and it breaks my heart but it has to be done. And I hope she understands one day. All of the children.
"I know and I was thinking of doing it today after nursery maybe. Can you and Liam come up with the girls for her or shall we come to you?" he asks and I smile.
"If you need our support we'll be there and you come to us and have dinner too. Its mutton day. I can't wait for dinner" I tell him rubbing my hands together and he lights up.
"Are you serious? Angela use to make that long ass dinner but it's soo good. I'll be there. Micheala picks Lexi up for three so we'll come straight to you if she doesn't need a clothes change" he tells me and I nod.
"What's Micheala like? Is she good with Lexi? If not we can try again with another one. No fucking her" I tell Jason and he laughs.
"She's good with her, attentive and caring. Lexi gets on well with her so far, she was a little shy at first but now she's OK" he tells me and I smile.
"Well that's good then bless her. She's gonna need her with Sasha not around. I know she has you and your always working. Thankyou for coming out today, I know your busy" I tell him and he looks to me.
"Sean's got it covered for the day. We can always do this again. Your not the worst company in the world Stacey" he tells me and I smile looking around at where we are. Where are we?
"You look lost, don't worry I know where we are love. Gonna start heading back now, if it's what you and Liam wanna do for me I'll have this car please Stacey. Thank you" he says and hugs me hard. Bless him. I bet his minds going wild with alsorts. Number 1 question. What does he do now?

Arriving back at land rover Jason pulls up and jumps out and I follow suit.
"So, what did you think. Good huh" the same assistant says walking over to us. He tosses Jason his other car keys and holds out the paperwork.
"Just sign the dotted line and will you being paying in cash, card or cheque" he asks and I pull out my card from my purse and wave it at him.
"Card it is. I'll let you read the paperwork first Mr King" he says and Jason already is reading. The business man in him. You don't sign shit without reading it first.
He looks to me after a little longer and nods grinning and taking the pen from the guy to sign. He gestures for me to follow him and I do so and tap my card again for Jason. We buy him alot for fuck sake.
"Thanks again Stacey. I love it" he tells me and I put my card back and hook my arm through Jason's.
"Which car you driving home?" I tease knowing he's obviously taking his new one.
"The sport of course, I was thinking if your not busy that you could bring me back and collect my car maybe tomorrow? If your free obvs, I have a meeting or two" he says babberling on and I take the old keys from his hand and smile up at him.
"I'm free, you do your meetings and I'll pick it up. Your good" I tell him sliding his keys into my purse.
"Thanks Stacey, well it's nearly time to pick Lexi up so I'll grab Micheala and go collect her. We'll see you soon OK" he says and hugs me again hard. He's alone bless him and has only Liam, me and Lexi. I'm sorry Jason. I really am, you deserve better.

I'm Yours | DARKNESS SERIES #6 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now