Chapter 30 Jason's POV

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It was two days that Sasha disappeared on us. I didn't know where she was and we had no communication as she wouldn't answer my calls or texts. Two long fucking days, plus Lexi missed her. She kept asking where mummy was? What could I even say to her. Sorry princess mummy's gone because she found out uncle Liam and auntie Stacey killed your real mum. Obviously not.
She's back now. Turned up lastnight drunk and banging on the door.
I'm currently sat in the kitchen with my coffee after taking lexi to the fair for a little bit to give Sasha time to talk to me.
"Can we talk baby. You can't be mad at me. I've done nothing wrong" I tell her as she walks into the kitchen.
"The fact that you did nothing doesn't help Jason. But I'm not mad at you am just reeling. My best friends a murderer. How do I process that. What's Chelsea gonna think?" she asks sher and I go wided eyed at her.
"Absolutely not. You cnt tell noone. Are you crazy?" I ask her standing up and she just looks at me.
"Don't be stupid Sasha, your skater than this. If I knew you'd react like this 9 wouldn't of told you. You knew what Liam was like" I tell her and she sighs.
"Liam's not my issue. Stacey is. She's not the woman I thought and that hurts. I love her Jason. I let her around my daughter" she says and I raise a brow at her.
"Stacey would never hurt or put Lexi in danger don't be ridiculous" I tell her annoyed that she'd think that way.
"You really think I can trust her now. What if she turns on me Jason" she says and I sigh dropping my head back. Why would she?
"She's not just gonna turn on you Sasha don't be fucking stupid. She had to die. She tried to kill fucking Liam fo fucks sake. Is that your plan? No so your good" I tell her getting pissed. Why won't she listen.
"So I have to walk on egg shells around Liam so Stacey doesn't kill me are you the crazy one? I won't live like that Jason" she says and I sigh again. This is not working.
"So what you want to do then?" I ask her and she shrugs.
"I don't want to be around them for now anyways. I won't tell anyone but I just need time. OK" she says and I nod at her while I carry on drinking my coffee. If Stacey finds out what the fuck she gonna do?
"There probably on there way back now. There gonna wanna see us and Lexi. The girls too. You want me to just say no. Absolutely not" I tell her. She's my wife and I love her but she won't come between the family. Bin there done that. Not again. "You can always go to them. Lexi won't be around her anymore" she tells me and I laugh.
"Stacey's family. No one or nothing will cause a divide in us. Nothing would ever happen to Lexi. Period" I tell her raising my voice now. She's gonna end up getting her fucking self killed. Why did I tell her.
"They killed her mum Jason. Why is that not registering? Your god damn wife" she says shouting at me and I just look at her. This isn't gonna go down well. With anyone.
"It happened years ago baby. Don't drag it all back up now" I say sitting down putting my head in my hands.
"I'm not trying to bring it back up baby. I'm just finding it hard. The dots aren't connecting. How are you OK" she asks sitting down looking at me generally looking sad.
"You seen me when it happened. I left the next day because I couldn't handle what they did. I wasn't OK baby but I am now. I moved on. We all did. It's called moving forward, you need to do the same" I tell her and she sighs dropping back in her chair. Please move on. We can't do this all again. I won't.
"Liam's not my issue strangely. Stacey's my best friend and finding this is is hard. I know there back today and I was excited to see them. Now I'm dreading it. I don't know what to do. I love her but this is alot. How did you get over it?" she asks me and I just look at her. How did I?
"I had you Sasha baby and I fucked you constantly. It was therapeutic you could say" I say and she laughs.
"Is that what I need to do? I don't think that's gonna work" she says and I laugh. Nothing wrong with trying. Right?
"I think you just need to sit down and have a conversation with them, you'll feel better and understand baby. Please" I ask her and she sighs then nods slowly.
"OK, but I'm doing this for you. I can't trust her right now" she says and I sigh again.
"Stacey isn't some scary crazy woman Sasha. You know that now. She just doesn't let anyone take Liam for ANYTHING literally" I tell her and she rolls her eyes.
"She can't control everyone Jason" She says and I feel like where going round in fucking circles.
"Look Sasha. If you stay away from them it's gonna get weird. Me and Liam are brothers, she's his wife. Believe me when I tell you nothing and I mean NOTHING in this world will separate them after everything already. I've gotta tell him I've told you before you talk to them too. That's gonna be fun" I say sighing and she just stares at me. It's not gonna ago down well, I can feel it. I look at my watch and think there probably back now too. I want to see them fuck sake.
Suddenly the door knocks and I hear voices. Oh my god that's Liam. Brother your finally home, but it's abit of a bad time. Your honeymoon bliss is about to pop like ours have. Fun times.

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