Chapter 58

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It's now or never Jason. Let's go.
We finished dinner and now I know it's time to tell the girls. Lexi mostly and I look to Jason.
"Let's do it, you can't put this off any longer. She's already asking where she is" I tell Jason and he sighs nodding.
"I know it gonna be hard but we're here for you both. OK" I tell him and Ricco walks in.
"Can I borrow you Lola" he asks her and she nods smiling at him and gets up.
"You lot talk, come find me when your done handsome" she sys yo Jason and he smiles up at her watching her add as she walks away.
He looks at me clocking that I noticed and he laughas.
"Can a guy not look?" he says laughing and I roll my eyes playfully at him.
"Your not trying to just look tho are you bro. I see you and how you are" Liam says and Jason swallow visibly and I laugh now.
"All in good time bro" Liam tells him Nd he mods grinning.
"She's fucking sexy man. How do you even know her Liam? Why didn't I?" he asks and I'd like to know that too.
"She used to always come around when I'd see Ricco. She's a nice girl, loud but nice" Liam tells us and I hum at him.
"Nothings ever happened between us so will you both stop looking at me like that" he tells us rolling his eyes.
"We gotta make sure, look at how she reacted to seeing you? I didn't appreciate it Liam" I tell him and he looks to me with a nod.
"Ricco must if told her I'm married now because usually she jumps on me. Not that, that's better. Just saying" he says and I sigh. And she doesn't like him? What's not to like about my king?
"Great, lovely" I say feeling annoyed suddenly.
"Baby, don't be like that. This isnt my fault" he says and I nod.
"I know this. Doesn't stop me from being in my feelings" I tell him honestly and he sighs shaking his head.
"You my queen, have. Nothing to worry about. I'm Yours. Always" he tells me and I offer him a small smile.
"He's right Stacey, no one's you for him. It's always been just you. Believe me when I say that" Jason tells me and I smile T him.
"It just annoys me that's all. And I take it shes gonna be around more now" I ask looking between them both and Jason looks to Liam.
"Why you looking at me. Do your own leg work lap lad" he tells Jason making me laugh.
"Dick, I will. I don't need you for that" he tells Liam and he nods T him.
"Good, right are we doing this I'm bere?" he asks Jason and he shrugs.
"Don't mind brother. Let's just weet it I've with" he says to us taking a deep breath.
"Ruby, Mya, Lexi. Come to the dining room princesses" Lima calls out loudly and I hear them laughing and they must be in the foyer now. His voice travels ridiculously far and loud.
They come running in and taking a seat in there usual spots and Lexi looks up at her daddy.
"Sit with daddy" she asks him and he smiles down at her and picks her up sitting her on his knee.
"So princess, I have something to tell you" Jason starts and looks to me and Liam. I nod at him to continue and he takes a deep breath.
"Mummy's gone babygirl" he says to her and she looks at him confused.
"Me go to mummy?" Lexi asks him and he sighs.
"No baby, your staying with daddy" he says and she looks like she's about to cry.
"I miss mummy, daddy" she says sadly and it breaks my heart. Did I do this to her?
"We know you do princess, but ypj have daddy, me and auntie Stacey here for you always" Liam tells her as he smiles at her.
"Where she gone mummy?" Mya asks me and I look at her and smile. It's always my child.
"Just away baby, it doesn't matter she's not coming back" I tell him and she looks to Ruby.
"Gone like Gelica" she adds and I look to Liam. Fuck sake.
"Yes princess gone like Angelica. But we don't need them. We have you" Liam tells her and looks to Ruby too.
"Just us" I tell them looking around the room smiling.
"Just us" Ruby says clapping and I smile at her. If only Mya didn't ask questions.
"I want a mummy" Lexi says to Jason and he sighs and hugs her.
"I know you do princess, daddy tried" he tells her sadly and it's so fucking sad.
"Lexi and Ace stay with us mummy, Ace sad" Mya asks me and I smile at her. She's so cute.
I look to Liam who nods and back at Jason.
"You wana stay with us? We don't mind. It's not like you haven't lived with us before" I say and he grins and looks to Liam.
"You don't mind brother. That house is depressing the me" he says sighing.
"You know my home is your home. Always Jason. You don't need to ask, just choose your room brother" Liam tells him and he smiles again.
"Thanks you too. I don't know what I'd do without yall" he says as lexi slides down.
"Luckily you'll never find out" I tease and stick my tongue out making him laugh.
"Mummy we go play with Lexi too?" Ruby asks me as Lexi runs out the room. I nod smiling at her and they both climb out and run after her giggling.
"Can I leave Lexi here while I go pack us some stuff?" Jason asks looking between us.
"Absolutely, go with him baby" I tell Liam and he looks to Jason.
"Please brother" he says to Liam and he nods at Jason.
"Whatever you need. I'm here, let's go" Liam tells him and stands. He kisses me and then my forehead.
"I love you baby, we won't be long" he says and I smile up at him.
"He needs you now baby" I tell him and he smiles at me.
"And I'll be here like I always have been beautiful, don't worry" he tells me walking over to his brother.
That's all I needed to know. They always got eachother so I don't even know why I say it. It's Liam and fucking Jason.

I'm Yours | DARKNESS SERIES #6 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now