Chapter 139

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It's two days until Lola's party and I've been helping her get everything ready. She's overly excited and looking forward to getting her surprise off her parents.
"That's everything babe. Thankyou for helping" she says smiling at me.
"Your welcome babes. Shall we go grab lunch, or you gotta go work?" I ask her and she smiles.
"I can do lunch first, then go" she says and I nod following her out her apartment.
It was my first time here and it's so nice everything is red and I love it. It's spacious for just her aswell but I couldn't go back to living alone. Nope not a chance.

"Bar and grill?" she asks smiling and I nod "Yeah ill meet you there babe" I tell her getting to my car and she nods waving

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"Bar and grill?" she asks smiling and I nod
"Yeah ill meet you there babe" I tell her getting to my car and she nods waving.
Climbing in I pull my belt on and start the engine Ann Marie playing on my system and I sing along to the depressing song and put the car into drive pulling off.

"Table for two please" I tell the hostess and she seats me while I wait for Lola to park up.
"Can I start you on a drink?" she asks me.
"Bottle of your best white and two glasses please" I tell her and she walks nods walking away. Turning to see where Lola's got to and see her walking in.
"Sorry babe my mum called just as I went to get out" she explains and I wave it off.
"It's alright I've ordered a bottle that good?" I ask her and she smiles.
"Of course. Who can say no to a glass of wine" she says laughing as she takes a seat in front of me.
Our waiter I assume comes back with the bottle and pours us both glasses and we both pick up at the same time and drink.
So good here.
"Can I take your orders?" he asks smiling between us both.
"I'll have the salmon and baby potatos with asparagus please" I tell him not needing to look at the menu. We come here alot.
"I'll have the same but the chicken please" Lola tells him and he writes down our orders and walks away.
"Soo, Jason says Liam's taking you away" she says grinning.
"Yeah after your party. I have no idea where tho" I tell her excitement bubbling. My king loves a good surprise.
"You love that shit tho right? Surprises and all that. Wasn't your wedding a surprise too?" she asks and I nod grinning.
"Fit for a queen babe. Horse and carriage , a castle, princess dress the works. I was amazing" I tell her making her smile wider and wider.
"Sounds like my kind of wedding.. I love that whole Disney vibe of a wedding" she says lost in thought.
"Yeah you never know, one day babe you could have it all like me. With Jason" I add and she bites her lip.
"I'd marry him in a heart beat Stacey. He's seriously different and I love it" she says giddy and I laugh.
"I told you he's one of a kind. He's a good man babe, you'll get there" I tell her not wanting them to rush like he has before and fell flat on his face.
"Yeah maybe in a few years when we know eachother alot more and more settled" she says and I nod agreeing. He still lives with us. Does that mean she wants him to move out? Wait.. My bestie..
"You looking to settle down with Jason then like he's the one?" I ask her and she smiles instantly.
"Yeah I think so.. Only time will tell because it's already different, like I haven't experienced any of this with anyone other than Jason" she says still smiling.
"You look so happy babe. I'm happy for you" I tell her grinning.
The waiter comes back with our food and places it down and tops up our glasses  before leaving.
"I'm so happy like really. And I have my cousin and Liam back in my life more often and I got to meet you babe" she says air blowing a kiss at me and I do it back smiling at her.
"I know I'm a gem right" I say flipping my hair over my shoulder and she laughs nodding.
"Absolutely, I can't get over you buying me my dress. That was amazing of you babe thank you so much" she tells me with her hand in her heart. She's cute bless her.
"Your more than welcome babe. You looked hot init, I think I did you good considering how Jason was with you all night" I wink at her and she laughs.
"He seriously can't get enough" she say licking her lips and I smirk. Brother like brother, I see.
"There as bad as eachother. They do competitions and all sorts babe" I tell her and she laughs.
"Are you serious? I wanna play" she says taking a bite and I laugh now. Of course you do babe.
"Liam was so fun back in the day too. Always wanting to do something. I'd always get into trouble with my parents aswell. Ricco mot so much" she says suddenly looking sad.
"I'm sorry babe" I say and she smiles sadly.
"He should of loved with me like my parents said but he didn't wanna leave his mum" she says and I nod.
"That's understandable but he's the child. She should of been looking after him" I say and she mods sighing.
"Ricco didn't see it like that. He just wanted to help her but she couldn't even help herself in the end" she says and does that mean she died..
"She overdosesd and Ricco found her" she says and I gasp. Damn!
"Wow, I didn't even know this babe. He seem so happy tho" I say and she smiles.
"He's a happy guy, always has been. It was a long time ago and it took him a long time to get back to the guy he is now. Liam giving him this job helped alot and then he found Becky who he loves more than anything bless him" she says and I smile. How did I not know any of this.
"Does Liam know all this?" I ask her and she shrugs.
"Probably not, he met Liam after his mum died. He was wild and so was Liam so they gelled naturally and then I heard Liam's mum died a few years later and that broke him even more" she says and I nod feeling a wave of sadness. I was there when she died. My king held onto her hoping she's hold on a little longer but
"Her body just needed out. She held on for him while he was in prison and she got to see him happy and with me. That's all she wanted for him and then she gave up just as we got back together. Then he left and I didn't see him for six years" I tell her sighing. It was a shit six years. Mya was the only good thing to come out of all of it.
"You both look like you haven't spent a day apart let alone six years babe, wow" she says surprised.
"We spent plenty of time apart with all the prison sentences he did. But I always went on the run with him. That was fun. Most of the time" I tell her smiling again. We've had some wild times ourselves.
"You actually went on the run with him?" she asks and I nod grinning.
"It was fun, we'd just hide out in safe houses or mansions. And we actually have one of the mansion now. We'd get drunk and high, swim in the pool, play games and fuck. Alot" I tell her laughing and she laughs.
"I can imagine with you too" she says and I smirk. We've had alot of sex over the years. Jeez.
We finish eating dinner chatting about alsorts and she'd fill me in on all Liam's old antics and fun times and I just smile thinkinb of my king.
"I do have a question babe" she says and I nod as I finish my wine.
"I'm holding back for you but mine and Liam's relationship isn't like this. We have banter, and I bang it on him if that's what he needs. That's how it always was. Keeping it one hundred always with eachother. This what we have now is half hearted. I don't like it" she says and I sigh.
"The thought of Liam actually having friends makes me happy.. But yall touching him and little pet names makes me uncomfortable if I'm honest with you. How's this gonna work?" I ask her because if she has an idea am listening.
"I have two no nos when it comes to my husband. No unnecessary touching and no pet names like Lolo. I'm perfectly OK with Lo and I really want this to work because I like you, I like you energy, your vibe. So please let's just compromise for this to work babe" I tell her and she nods.
"That's fine babe, I want this to work and he is your husband after all. I have my own man tho, remember. Liam and I have always been strickly friends. No funny business ever. I think Ricco would freak too" she says shaking her head.
"Good I just wanted to clarify because they were my issues babe. Liam knows already tho" I tell her and she nods.
"I thought so, he stopped calling me Lolo" she says chuckling picking up her wine and finishing it.
"Right babe, I'm go na have to love you and leave you. I have work to do" she says pulling her purse from the bag.
"It's on me babe" she says smiling and placing down money.
"Thanks babe, I'll see you later" I tell her as I hold my hand up for the waiter.
"Check please" I tell him and he walks away again.
"See you later babe" she says hugging me and walks away.
I pay the waiter and tell him to keep the change as tip, grab my bag and walk out. It's been a good day so far.

I'm Yours | DARKNESS SERIES #6 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now